Chap 4

For Love Or Fame

I was drying my wet hair with a hairdryer when Haru pull my pants. I turn off the hairdryer and kneel down to Haru's height.

"Yes, sweetie?".

"Uncle YG on the phone, mummy".

"Thanks, sweetie. Go and eat your breakfast k".

Haru went to eat breakfast while i was talking with Sajangnim on the phone.

"Sajangnim, anyeong".

"Morning, Ae Sook. Remember that i'm supposed to meet you back at Feb 12th. Well, I'm thinking of making it sooner. Are you free today around lunch. I'll discuss the details too".

"Sure, why not. I'll come".

"Great, bring Haru too".

I change my outfit and went to Haru.

"Sweetie, we are meeting Uncle YG at lunch. Let's get your ready".

I help Haru put on his clothes and shoes before we head out to take taxi . I called Kim and told him to watch over the shop and he can close early today. 

"Where to miss?".

"YG entertainment please".

The taxi drove us to YG Entertainment and stop at the gate. I pay the cab fees and carry Haru at my arms and walk inside the building.

We took the elevator to Sajangnim office and head to his office. The door was open so I enter and stand at his door. Sajangnim was talking on the phone, when he saw me, he motion me to come inside and take a seat.

I put Haru on my lap as soon as i sat on the chair. After he finish talking on the phone, he smile at me.

"Sorry about that".

"Sajangnim, it's okay. You're the President".

"Good. Anyway, your job position. You will be working whenever there are event or performance in setting up the stage. Sometimes even in the company's birthday or celebration like that. I'll have people working under you, so you will not be worried. Plus Haru here can come and play with Jinusean kids Haeum and Harang under YG kindergarten. You will be pay every month and if there if you feat in the collaboration you will receive extra, whenever you are needed in another country the company will pay for its. Any question?".

"No, you have a kindergarten in YG?".

"Well, the kindergarten is Jinusean wife's idea. I just simply approved".

Cool. So when can i start?".

"Okay, next week is jiyong solo release. He will be doing an after party plus celebration. I need you to set up the prop at Green Restaurants. I 'll send over the concept tomorrow on your e-mail. Welcome to YG FAMILY,Ae Sook".

"Thanks, sajangnim. I know you always wanted me to join right?".

"Yeah, for you and Haru also. Right kiddo?".

"Yes, uncle YG".

"Sign the paper first".

I sign the papers and push it forward. Sajangnim check over the paper and nodded. 

"Hungry? I can have someone send the food?".

"Kind of. Okay then".

"Send 3 sets of Korean food at my office".

"Ae Sook if you don't mind me asking, is Haru related to you?".


"It's alright if the question makes you uncomfortable. You don't have to answer".

"No, Sajangnim deserve to know. Yes, he is my son actually".

Sajangnim didn't say anything instead he give me a warm smile.

"I will not ask the father. How old is Haru?".

"4 years old".

"How you manage?".

"Alone with my mom's help and my flower shop business, thanks to Sajangnim. I have hard times but it was worth it for Haru".

"If you need anything, I'll be happy to help. I treat my staff and singers like my own family".

"Thanks, Sajangnim. I look you up like a father".

The lunch arrived and we are eating inside YG office. After lunch and further discussion over my life and Haru, we said our goodbye and head out.

The lunch arrived and we are eating inside YG office. After lunch and further discussion over my life and Haru, we said our goodbye and head out.

My watch shows 7:15 pm, means that we have to straight away go to meeting BIG BANG. We took a cab and reached Sakanabe Japanese Restaurant around 8:05 pm because of the traffic around Seoul.

"Kwon Jiyong".

"Follow me, miss".

The waiter me to BIG BANG table inside the VIP room. He open the door and let us inside, he left after help me in my seat.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic".

Seungri-"Gwenchana, noona. Hi Haru".

I was seating next to Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri, TOP, Jiyong and Haru on my left. 

Haru-"Anyeong uncle Youngbae, Daesung, TOP, Jiyong and Seungri".

The guys wave at Haru and pinch his cheek saying "You are so cute". Haru simply laugh at their response.

Jiyong -"Let's order. I'm starving".

TOP-"Me too".

So we ordered the food at the waiter and continue conversation till our food arrived. We were eating while listening to Daesung crack jokes. I excuse myself to the toilet.

Inside the toilet

"So far so good. After this dinner ended, straight away go home".


Youngbae- "Haru, have you ever see your dad?".

Haru-"No, only mummy. Mummy told me dad left her when she was pregnant me".

Daesung -"That's like so sad".

Seungri -"But that's okay, because you have us".

TOP -"Yeah, We're your hot Uncles in the house, YO!".

Jiyong was quietly eating that time. Haru nudge his jacket.

"Uncle Jiyong, are you okay?".

"I'm fine, kiddo. Where's your mommy anyway?".

Ae Sook came later and went to her seat. Haru sat on his mom lap, hug her and doze of to sleep.

Ae Sook-"I should head home. Haru's sleeping already".

Jiyong - "Yeah, we should too. We'll send you to your home also".

Ae Sook-"Thanks, jiyong. It's hard to catch a cab this time".

So Me, Haru and Big Bang were inside the van, on the way to my apartment. After we finally reach, i step outside, while Jiyong carry Haru on his arms. 

"I'll send you and Haru to the door".

We were inside the elevator going to my floor. He was still carrying Haru while i was looking at him. 

"Damn, he will be great as a father".

"Snap out of it, Ae Sook. Remember he left you pregnant. You were supposed to hate him".


We finally reach my door, so i punch in the code and carry Haru on my arms.

"So thanks for dinner".

"Yeah, i guess i'll see you".


"You'll be working at YG right. We'll be seeing each other more often then".

"You, Big Bang and other people also".

"Oh yeah, right. Well good night".

Jiyong left after he said goodbye, so i went inside and lock my door. I change Haru's clothes and put him on my bed while i took a shower.

"What does he mean "We'll be seeing each other more often?".

"Is he hitting on me. As if I wanted too, after what he did. I don't think so".

I dry my wet hair and change to sleep. I climb on the bed and hug Haru till I fell asleep.

The next morning, 

I was reviewing over the e-mails that Sajangnim sends me and did some calls plus research. After conforming with the orders, i went to my shop after sending Haru to the daycare.

"Noona, how come i never saw you these days?".

"I'm currently working under YG. Sometimes i won't be coming here, Wanna be my Second Share owner. You can be my sub-boss".

"Cool, i get to come as i want".

"And handle more orders, kiddo".

"That too. Your going now?".

"Yeah, call me anycase".

"Enjoy noona".

I spend 3 days setting up the prop on Jiyong after party plus celebration on his release album "Heartbreaker".
I discuss the concept on the people that YG send over, we basically divided our task and begin our work. Haru was with me all the time, as I cannot leave him alone.

We finally finish our job, so i take the 2 assistant under me for dinner as a thank you. We were enjoying dinner with Haru next to me, and of course they ask me if Haru is related to me. I simply answer "He's my baby brother". 

"He looks like you, unnie".

"Yeah, i get that a lot".

"Who's the father?".


"How come, unnie. If you don't mind".

"Sorry for Yumi unnie".

We left after dinner and went home only to find Jiyong waiting at my apartment entrance.

"Great, what is he doing here?". * inside Ae Sook mind

Jiyong saw me and wave.

"Jiyong, what are you here?".

"I'm just around the area. Where are you from?".

"Dinner with my worker. I heard your releasing your solo this friday. Congrats".

"Thanks and i know your doing the prop".

"Where you heard?".

"YG hyung told me. It's been 4 years we haven't see each other right?".

"Yeah, long time".

"I was wondering, after that day. What happen?".

"Oh, i got pregnant but from another boyfriend".

"What happen then?".

"Well he basically left me after i told him i was pregnant. He told me that he don't want to take responsibility, so he left me. That bastard!".

"Yeah, true. That guy is an IDIOT!".

"That IDIOT is you, bonehead!"* in Ae Sook mind.

"Oh it's getting late. You should head in".

"Yeah, so bye".

"Ae Sook!".


"See you on the party with Haru. You'll come right?".

"I guess. Okay".

"Great. Bye!".

Jiyong drove off after i head inside my apartment. Sometimes I even wonder why he and me were still taking even though i want to avoid seeing him,but i guess fate and destiny always had it ways.

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lovis89 #1
@chelliebb thank you :D
aw. I looove happy endings! :DDD <333 Good job on tabi though. Such a kiddo. XDDD
mosomoso #3
Good job! You should make a sequel :D
nightmoon22 #4
This story was so awesome!!!!! XD I really did wish it was longer but oh well it was a really great story to read:)
awww wish the story was longer! it was great!