
It Wasn't Love At First Sight

Bora walked into the lecture hall to see the place already filled with students. She looked up at the chairs and scanned the place for a seat at the front. Unfortunately she came later than usual and the first few rows had already been taken up so she had to settle with the second best option which is the middle section. She made her way up the stairs to get to the seat that she already laid her eyes on.

"Bora sshi! Over here!" A male voice called out for her from the back of the hall. 

"No! Over here, I've already saved the seats for the two of us" Another voice came from the other end of the place.

Bora lowered her head to pretend she didn't hear them. This was nothing new to her. Boys would always fight to sit near her and for those who did manage to do so would consider themselves lucky as they would become the envy of other boys for that whole day. However, for today, she didn't feel like entertaining any of their "nonsense" as she would refer them to. She settled down on her seat and placed her bag on the chair beside her to occupy both spaces so that no one would sit there. As for her other side, it was already occupied by another female student so it didn't bother her that much. All of a sudden the hall's door creaked open and a scrawny man walked in with a pile of files in his hand. The mumbling within the lecture hall started to die down after this man's entrance.

"Alright you punks, settle down. I'm gonna set up the projector so you better take this time to get ready your notes" the scrawny man was apparently the lecturer. He slammed the pile of files on his table and started doing his own work of setting up the projector, the part he hated the most. Bora bent down towards her bag to dig up the notes that the lecture had mentioned about when all of a sudden the hall's door creaked open again.

"Sorry I'm late" a male's voice from the front of the lecture hall echoed through the hall. Suddenly mumbling among the crowds can be heard again and it became louder. Wondering what's the fuss was about, Bora looked up to see a tall male figure at the front. Upon closer examination, she realized the face of this man was familiar. The man scanned the hall to look for a seat. It was almost 3/4 full then. Suddenly, his eyes chanced upon a girl at the middle section who was staring at him. Bora on the other hand realized that she had made eye contact with him and quickly blocked her face with the notes that she had withdrew from her bag earlier on. Smirking to himself, the man quickly made his way up to the seats at the middle section. A few giggles can be heard from the girls who were admiring the handsome man passing by them. Bora was silently praying that he won't go where she thinks he is going. 

"Bora sshi!" A voice was now clearly coming from near her.

She slowly lowered down her notes to look up and to her surprised, the man was bending forward and was only few inches from her face. She quickly leaned back, feeling flustered at the sudden invasion of her personal space.

"Omo. You're....that Chansung guy right?" She pretended to have a hard time remembering his name as she scratched the back of her head and forced a fake smile.

"Yeah! You still remember that's great! Is anybody sitting here?" Chansung pointed to the seat where she placed her bag. Before she could even respond, he had already picked up the bag and place it on the floor as he sat down beside her. Instantly receiving a few jealous glare from the surrounding boys. The mumbling within the lecture hall was still going on. Bora who was still flustered and taken aback by his actions was speechless.

"Alright! Let's start!" A loud clap coming from the front of the lecture hall was heard. The clap had silenced everyone in the lecture hall. The lecturer had apparently won the battle with technology. He had finally figured out how to use the projector and though it had wasted away a few minutes of his time, he felt like he had made an accomplishment. He then began to start his lecture with powerpoints slide on the projector screen. Along the way he had made a gave a few hints regarding the exam that were coming up. Bora had just then realised that she hadn't took out her pen yet thus, she quickly did so by picking up her bag. Scavaging her bag and almost minutes of precious informations passed by, she had still not found her pencil case. She slouched on her chair and heaved out a sigh. Ah great, I'm screwed, she said under her breathe. Just then a hand reached out and laid a pen on the small desk attached to the chair. 

"You're lucky to have me beside you" Chansung leaned nearer to her side and whispered. 

Bora turned to look at the man. He gave a winked with a grin on his face and turned to look to the front again. He got back to taking down notes as well. Bora sat up and continued to take down notes as well only to realized she had missed a few points as well earlier. Damn it this guy is talking too fast!, she complaint in her head when all of a sudden Chansung passed her a piece of paper. On the paper were a few scribbled sentences. She strained her eyes to figure out what he had wrote, especially the words that he had circled and underlined. "What you've missed, pabo" was what she could've make of the messy handwriting that was emphasized. Amused, she stole a glance at Chansung, only to see that he was smiling away to himself as he paid attention to the powerpoint slides in front of him. He's not that bad after all, she thought to herself, impressed with the man's ability to "read" her mind. She too couldn't help but smile at how ridiculous she is at the moment.

After the lecture ended, Bora quickly packed her bag and rushed out the door. Chansung who didn't even got a chance to say anything to her, could only watched her go out the door. 

"Okay bye Bora!" He shouted eventhough he knew she couldn't hear him since she was already out the door. The other boys in the lecture hall who overheard him could only glare at him again in jealousy.

"Himchan ah!" Bora ran towards the man who was leaning against the wall outside the university gate. He wasn't pleased by the facial expression on his face. "Mianhe! It ended later than I expected" Bora apologized, bringing her two palms together and rubbing them to show how sincere she is. The frowning Himchan couldn't stay mad at her for long though, he had an exciting news to deliver to her then. 

"Arrasuh arraush!" He broked out from the serious face to a chuckle. He then pointed towards the direction in front of him. The puzzled Bora turned to the direction he was pointing and looked around to see no one there. She looked backed at him giving a confused face. 

"The bicycle!" Himchan exclaimed, "Someone threw it away. I thought that it was a waste since only the chain was loose. So I took it in and got it fixed. Tada~!" He lead her to the bicycle.

Bora didn't notice it at first since she thought it was only a piece of scrap metal that was parked by a lamp post. But after finding out about it, she felt happy for her excited dear friend too. Smiling and patting his back. 

"Wait, I'm not done yet! I've installed a seat for you at the back! Now you won't be tired and you can reach home early to cook dinner again!" He patted the seat on the bicycle, announcing it proudly. It was the only thing on the bicycle that looked new.

"Cook dinner? I thought you said you were sick of my cooking?" Bora brought up the matter from the past again, making her feel sour about it again and making the man feel guilty.

"You know I was kidding right? Awww c'mon Bora, you know your cooking is my favourite right? I'm sorry okay?" Himchan tried to console the upset friend of his. He battered his eyelashes and pout to earn sympathy from the girl. She too couldn't stay mad at her friend for long. She nodded to show her acknowledgement and smiled cheekily at him. "Now palli! Let's go send you home." He hopped on the old bicycle and gestured her to get on the back seat as well.

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seomin01 #1
I love the story!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON
I like this :3
Very cool story!!!
SoYeon_AI #4
Chapter 9: i feel bad for himchan u,u
update soon ^^
Chapter 9: I don't know why but part of me feel sad for himchan. I mean, himchan and bora has been the best of friend like forever. He even make time for her. How i wish Bora would fell in love with himchan because in my opinion best friends always ultimately fell in love with each other.
Rinnyy #6
Chapter 9: omg i feel so sad for himchan :c i like himchan and bora better tho :s but daaang that part where himchan was on his bicycle and passed by chansung and bora on his motorcycle, it was so sad ;_;
Chapter 9: Why I like bora&chansung more hahahaha<3
runningman21 #8
Chapter 9: himmmchaaannnnn :( that chapter with the motorcycle was so heartbreaking! it's like a comparison to himchan's bike, and he's always one step too late :( chansung is a really nice guy, but dang I always feel for the best friend types! gah! thanks for the update! :)
runningman21 #9
Chapter 7: gaahhhh I'm rooting for Himchan! this always happens to me when I watch dramas, its always the second lead/best friend I root for and they never get the girl!!! anyway, thanks for the update! :) I look forward to what happens next!
Chapter 6: Awww~~
Although I still can't decide between Chansung and Himchan, I really felt bad for Himchan..
Maybe it's because he's known Bora for longer and she easily says she likes Chansung whom she's known only for a while.
Poor Himchan>_<
Himchan oppa, himnaebwa~!