
It Wasn't Love At First Sight

It was a friday night, close to midnight and Himchan was over at Bora's apartment to watch a horror movie that they've rented together. Both of them were on sitting on the couch with both feet up as well hiding under a blanket. 

"I think this is the part where the girl gets-" Himchan whispered to Bora.

"No! No! Shut up!" Bora snapped, covering Himchan's mouth with her hand. She shifted back her attention onto the TV screen. Just then the movie started to play a haunting and eerie music. Bora let go of Himchan's mouth and pulled the blanket up to just below her eye. Himchan did the same as well. He knew how the movie was gonna be since he has already watched it but he couldn't help but feel the suspenseful feeling that the music has set. All of a sudden, a horrifying scream broke the deafening silence followed by the image of the ghost that could clearly be seen on the TV screen. 

"AHHHHHH!" Bora and Himchan got the shock of their life and they both let out a high pitched scream. The two gripped each other's hand tightly when suddenly the video paused abruptly, killing the mood. 

"Omo, I think the CD's spoilt" Bora whispered.

"Just like what happen in the movie! Do you think....." Himchan suggested, only to be punched on the arm by Bora. 

"Nonsense! Hahaha" Bora stood up and walked over to her DVD player trying to solve the problem, "So the next thing you know, the ghost is gonna come knocking at our door too? Hahahahahahah!" 

Himchan let out a weak laughter, he didn't want to appear like a scaredy cat to Bora so he tried not to show any tinge of fear in him and laughed along. 

"knock knock knock" 

Bora and Himchan paused what they did immediately and glanced at each other exchanging looks of fear. The two quickly jumped back onto the couch and hid under the blanket again. The knocking got stronger and louder. Below the blanket, the two hugged each other for comfort. 

"You go check it out!" Himchan suggested

"Why me? You were the closest to the door just now" Bora retaliate, trying to shove him off the couch.

"It's your house, so it's your guest!"

"I'm the girl here"


"Himchan! Just this once, please!" 


"Be a man! Damnit!"

As usual, Himchan lost the argument. Furthermore, Bora was right, he was the man and as a man, it was his job to protect the woman no matter how scared he is. He glance over to the door. He braved himself and walked towards the door, looking through the peep-hole. What he saw made him lose his confidence all over again.

"There's a black figure outside Bora. The ghost. It's the ghost! We're gonna die!" Himchan said on the brink of tears. 

Fear got the better of Bora too and she ignored what her friend said, wrapped herself in a cocoon using the blanket to hide in case there was really a ghost that was after them like in the movie. 

Upon seeing his friend abandoning him to face the black figure outside the door alone, he let out a sigh. Still on the brink of tears, he took a deep breathe and swung the door open.

"AHHHHHH!" Himchan shouted right out the open door in hopes to scare the ghost away.

"AHHHHHHH!" Bora too screamed thinking that something terrible happened to her friend.

But their screams were accompanied by a third one.

"AHHHHHHHHHH..........why are we screaming?" the voice of a man interrupted them. 

Himchan flutters his eyes open to see a silhouette of a man in front of him. Upon closer inspection, he realised all that wave of emotions earlier on was a waste of time. It was just Chansung at the door.

"Oh dear god! I think I peed" Himchan complained, turning around and making his way towards the toilet quickly. 

Bora looked up from the covers of the blanket and was relieved to see that it was only Chansung.

"Did I come at a wrong time? Am I interrupting something? Should I just...." Chansung pointed out the door feeling awkward after seeing the chaotic condition of Bora and Himchan.

"No! Come in! I did invite you over right. What movie did you bring?" Bora got out from the couch, and walked towards Chansung.

Chansung got distracted by the bunny slippers that she was wearing instead. Chansung giggled, amused at the slippers.

"Oh, this? I'm sorry I'm a mess right now. I look like a hobo!" Bora shy away. She regretted what she wore then knowing that she invited the man that she fancy to her house.

"No it's okay! You look gorgeous in anything" Chansung shot a smile towards her.

Just then, Himchan spoilt the moment by entering the living room again but this time with a different clothing. 

"Yeap, I peed in my pants. Looks like I'll be going home in this instead. Damn." Himchan said unaware of the moment that he had just spoilt.

Bora and Chansung looked at his direction. Himchan was apparently wearing a frog onesie that he had brought over just in case he wanted to be in something comfy while watching a movie. Chansung burst out laughing looking at how ridiculous Himchan looked. 

"Shut up dude. Only a real man can pull this off" Himchan reasoned, "What'd you got there"

Himchan snatched the dvd that Chansung was holding in his hand. He got excited seeing that it was another horror movie and this time he have not watch it yet. He rushed over the the DVD player trying to play it. 

Bora exchanged smiles with Chansung before inviting him to join them. 

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seomin01 #1
I love the story!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON
I like this :3
Very cool story!!!
SoYeon_AI #4
Chapter 9: i feel bad for himchan u,u
update soon ^^
Chapter 9: I don't know why but part of me feel sad for himchan. I mean, himchan and bora has been the best of friend like forever. He even make time for her. How i wish Bora would fell in love with himchan because in my opinion best friends always ultimately fell in love with each other.
Rinnyy #6
Chapter 9: omg i feel so sad for himchan :c i like himchan and bora better tho :s but daaang that part where himchan was on his bicycle and passed by chansung and bora on his motorcycle, it was so sad ;_;
Chapter 9: Why I like bora&chansung more hahahaha<3
runningman21 #8
Chapter 9: himmmchaaannnnn :( that chapter with the motorcycle was so heartbreaking! it's like a comparison to himchan's bike, and he's always one step too late :( chansung is a really nice guy, but dang I always feel for the best friend types! gah! thanks for the update! :)
runningman21 #9
Chapter 7: gaahhhh I'm rooting for Himchan! this always happens to me when I watch dramas, its always the second lead/best friend I root for and they never get the girl!!! anyway, thanks for the update! :) I look forward to what happens next!
Chapter 6: Awww~~
Although I still can't decide between Chansung and Himchan, I really felt bad for Himchan..
Maybe it's because he's known Bora for longer and she easily says she likes Chansung whom she's known only for a while.
Poor Himchan>_<
Himchan oppa, himnaebwa~!