
It Wasn't Love At First Sight

"That punk is late again" Bora grumbled while looking at her phone's watch.  It was 12.30pm and Himchan had promise to pick her up at 12pm after her lesson ended. 

"Hey babe, what are you doing alone? Where's that dog of yours?" Bora felt an arm draped over her shoulder. She turned behind to see one of her pesky admirer trying to make a move on her again. She tried to remove the arm from her shoulder, only to have her shoulder grabbed firmer. 

"Let me go you dweeb" Bora demanded, not pleased with the little respect she is getting.

"How about you and me go for a little date first then I'm gonna let you go. How does that sound?" He suggested sending a wink to her. Bora couldn't help but flinch at the cheesiness that was overflowing from him. 

"Gross" Bora mumbled while still struggling to make him let go.

Just then, the weight of his arm got lifted in an instant. Bora was shocked by the sudden change and turned around to see what happened.

"How about you go on a date with me first punk, how does that sound?" Chansung appeared out of nowhere to her rescue. He was grabbing the man's collar so tightly that the man was almost lifted off the ground.

The frightened man furiously shook his head and gave a weak smile. As soon as Chansung lets go, the man tumbles to the ground and ran off out of their sight in fear. 

"You okay?" Chansung turned his attention towards the petite woman. Bora responded with an assuring nod. He continued, "What are you still doing here? Where's Himchan?" 

"He's late! I don't know what happened to him! GAAAAH!" Bora vent out her frustration all at once. 

Chansung was taken aback but soon laughing softly at how cute she looks when she's mad. He asked her to follow him to the carpark right across the streets. 

"Here, put this on. I'll send you home" Chansung tossed a helmet towards Bora at the carpark. 

Bora took a step back after catching the helmet. 

"That's yours?" Bora asked as she slowly puts on her helmet while admiring the bright red vespa in front of her.

Chansung nodded and got onto it. Bora too follow after, awkwardly placing her hands on Chansung's shoulder. 

"Before we go, let me tell you, this is my first time riding a-" Before Bora could finish her sentence, Chansung had already sped off onto the road. Unprepared, Bora instinctively grabbed onto Chansung's neck, unintentionally choking in the process.

"B-Bo-Bora yah" Chansung let go of his right hand from the handle and grabbed Bora's hand off of his neck. He then placed them onto his his waist. 

"Uh.....hug.....ehem. Here." Chansung said shyly. Lucky for him, Bora couldn't see his flushed face. Bora did as told and she too was awkward at first.

Meanwhile, Himchan was hurrying down to Bora's university knowing how late he was. But it wasn't his fault. The rusty old bicycle of his had failed him once again. Apparently the chain of the bike fell out of place and Himchan was stranded kilometers away from the university, in the middle of nowhere trying to put it back himself. It didn't help with the fact that his phone had ran out of battery as well, leaving him no choice but to make Bora wait without knowing why. After half an hour, he finally managed to get the bicycle running again but this time the bicycle let out a screeching sound due to it's rust. 

"Bora ya! I'm coming!" Himchan paddled as hard as he could, disturbing the neighbourhood's peace along the way with his screeching bicycle. 

It was not long before the bicycle fail on him again making it halt to a stop with Himchan falling off the bike. 

"Are you serious?!" Himchan kicked the bike out of frustration. It was already scorching hot. Himchan sat by the pavement trying to cool down from the hot sun. When all of a sudden he heard a faint voice calling out to him.

"Himchan ah~~~~~" The voice zoomed pass him.

He looked at the motorcycle that has just zoom past him and to his surprise, he saw Bora at the on the motorbike waving to him. Himchan was in a daze, he squint his eyes to see who was the rider of the motorcycle. Coincidentally, the man too had turned to wave at him. 

"Cha-cha-chansung!?" Himchan exclaimed while he got to his feet. 

"Annyeong!" Chansung replied him as he turned to look to the front again.

Both of them rode off into the distance till they were out of Himchan's sight leaving the streets back to silence again. Himchan looked around and stratched the back of his head. He lets out a huge sigh and picked up the bicycle. 

"Looks like it's gonna be a long walk home then. Well at least Bora gets home safely" Himchan mumbled under his breath. 

With that, he began his journey home walking while pushing his bicycle and got accompanied by the screeching sound that's piercing through the silence due to the rusty tyres.

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seomin01 #1
I love the story!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON
I like this :3
Very cool story!!!
SoYeon_AI #4
Chapter 9: i feel bad for himchan u,u
update soon ^^
Chapter 9: I don't know why but part of me feel sad for himchan. I mean, himchan and bora has been the best of friend like forever. He even make time for her. How i wish Bora would fell in love with himchan because in my opinion best friends always ultimately fell in love with each other.
Rinnyy #6
Chapter 9: omg i feel so sad for himchan :c i like himchan and bora better tho :s but daaang that part where himchan was on his bicycle and passed by chansung and bora on his motorcycle, it was so sad ;_;
Chapter 9: Why I like bora&chansung more hahahaha<3
runningman21 #8
Chapter 9: himmmchaaannnnn :( that chapter with the motorcycle was so heartbreaking! it's like a comparison to himchan's bike, and he's always one step too late :( chansung is a really nice guy, but dang I always feel for the best friend types! gah! thanks for the update! :)
runningman21 #9
Chapter 7: gaahhhh I'm rooting for Himchan! this always happens to me when I watch dramas, its always the second lead/best friend I root for and they never get the girl!!! anyway, thanks for the update! :) I look forward to what happens next!
Chapter 6: Awww~~
Although I still can't decide between Chansung and Himchan, I really felt bad for Himchan..
Maybe it's because he's known Bora for longer and she easily says she likes Chansung whom she's known only for a while.
Poor Himchan>_<
Himchan oppa, himnaebwa~!