
It Wasn't Love At First Sight

Himchan has just ended his work and was exiting the cafe when he chanced upon Chansung who was waiting outside the shop. 

"Oh Chansung yah"

"I want to talk to you about something" Chansung broke the explained his presence.

"What is it? Make it quick, I need to go fetch Bora" Himchan said as he glanced at his watch. The time now is 9.15pm and he had promised Bora to wait for her after school at 9.20pm since she wanted to stay in school to study again. Himchan didn't stop in his tracks though, he made Chansung follow behind him. 

"It's about Bora. I don't think the attacker picked on a random vitctim. I think he's after her."

"What makes you so sure?" Himchan asked without turning behind once. He was only concentrating on reaching the university gate in time.

"Think about it. Back at the police station Bora told me that there's only 2 people that walk by that alley everyday. Her and some old granny who lives beside her house. The man must have known that she lived there. I think it's a stalker." 

Himchan stopped in his tracks. "Stalker?" He repeated after Chansung only this time he finally turned behind to look at him. Chansung nodded trying to convince him.

Meanwhile at the university. Bora had ended earlier than she expected and was already at the gate they had promised to meet at. Her eyes scanned the empty streets to detect for any signs of Himchan but there was no one there in the empty place. Suddenly her phone received a notification. She unlocked the screen to see a message from Himchan.

From: Himchannie
Date: 9.23PM 3 April 2013

Mianhe, I can't make it today. 
Something came up.
Go home yourself.

"WHAT?! JUST LIKE THAT?! " Bora screamed at her phone.

She close the message and quickly tried to call Himchan but the her calls were rejected again and again. "You're dead to me" she whispered to her phone as though he could her. After countless attempt of trying to get a hold of him on the line, she gave up and decided to walk home alone yet again. Fearing for her safety, she walked twice as fast as she would normally do.

Finally she came face to face again with the alley towards her home. She stared down the long dark alley again. With her phone in her hand, she carefully and quietly walk through the place. Every now and then she would suddenly turn behind to see if anyone was following her. 

"Ow" she heard a faint voice from a distance. That was enough to trigger her to run to the end of the path. Just as she was about to turn and make a run for it, she bumped into something that was suddenly right in front of her making her fall on her . She looked up at the silhouette of the one infront of her but she couldnt see his face clearly due to the moon that was glaring from behind the figure. She scooted backwards but the man took a step closer to her.

"Don't come any closer or I'll-" She didn't even manage to finish her words when the man suddenly pinned her down with his weight and covered with his hand. She could feel his breath inches away from his face.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment" The man ontop of her whispered. His face draws closer to hers. Bora felt helpless as she could barely move nor scream to save herself. She faced away from the man and shut her eyes tight, bracing herself for what is to come.

"Wait on this!" A voice broke the deafening silence. The weight on her was instantly lifted. She fluttered her eyes open to see Himchan pouncing on top of the man who had rolled over her. Chansung came over and help her up, shielding her behind him afterwards.

"How do you like it having someone on top of you huh?" Himchan grabbed the man by the collar and sent a punch across his shocked face once. He lifted the man up and pushed him against the wall. 

"Choi Yoonsu?" Bora exclaimed. She could finally see the man's appearance with the moonlight shining on his face this time.

"Yah, Choi Yoonsu! It was you all along?!" Chansung added on. He too was shocked to discover the real identity of Bora's attacker. He stepped backwards trying to move Bora away from the culprit as a precaution. He then turned to look at the enraged Himchan who was still holding the man by the collar against the wall of the alley. "He's goes to our school." Chansung explained.

"Well well well.....Looks like we have a stalker here huh? Not only that, what were you trying to do to Bora just a few moments ago may I ask?" He tighten his grip on the man.

"Nothing. It was nothing I swear. Nothing happen right? You saw it for yourself. I'm sorry! Please, don't send me to the police! Please." The man begged as he tried to loosen the grip Himchan had on him but to no avail.

Himchan look over his shoulder sending a glare to Chansung who responded with a nod. Chansung then turned behind and placed both hands on each side of Bora's shoulder. "Bora yah, it'll be safe from here, go home first alright?" He said with a calm tone.

Bora looked up at Chansung, confused. "But-"

"GO HOME YOON BORA!" Himchan shouted. Everyone was shocked by his sudden outburst. Bora looked over at Himchan and saw his bloodshot eyes. The same look she saw a few years back. She knew she couldn't argue anymore especially when himchan is in that state so she did what she was told. When she finally disappeared into the distance and far from the alley, Himchan let go of his grip on Yoonsu. 

"Fine. You don't want us to send you to the police huh? Alright, we'll see how long that'll last" Himchan smirked at the terrified man who was on his knees in front of him.

Yoonsu glanced over to Chansung who had just took off his jacket and began stretching. Even the look on his face too had changed to a more sinister one.

"But we can't let you go just like that now can we?" Himchan scoffed at his expectation. Cracking his knuckle in front of him, he too took of his jacket afterwards to prevent any restriction of movements later on.

"Chansung ah, let's teach him a lesson shall we. I want to make it clear to him how much I hate stalkers." Himchan waving at the other man to come forward. Soon the two man was towering the terrified man who started begging for his life.

Over at Bora's house, she had finally reached the front door of her house. She dug her bag to grabbed the keys. Letting out a sign before placing the key into the lock. It was yet another tiring night for her. Loss in her thoughts, she stood at the door motionless when suddenly she heard a faint voice from a distance.


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seomin01 #1
I love the story!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON
I like this :3
Very cool story!!!
SoYeon_AI #4
Chapter 9: i feel bad for himchan u,u
update soon ^^
Chapter 9: I don't know why but part of me feel sad for himchan. I mean, himchan and bora has been the best of friend like forever. He even make time for her. How i wish Bora would fell in love with himchan because in my opinion best friends always ultimately fell in love with each other.
Rinnyy #6
Chapter 9: omg i feel so sad for himchan :c i like himchan and bora better tho :s but daaang that part where himchan was on his bicycle and passed by chansung and bora on his motorcycle, it was so sad ;_;
Chapter 9: Why I like bora&chansung more hahahaha<3
runningman21 #8
Chapter 9: himmmchaaannnnn :( that chapter with the motorcycle was so heartbreaking! it's like a comparison to himchan's bike, and he's always one step too late :( chansung is a really nice guy, but dang I always feel for the best friend types! gah! thanks for the update! :)
runningman21 #9
Chapter 7: gaahhhh I'm rooting for Himchan! this always happens to me when I watch dramas, its always the second lead/best friend I root for and they never get the girl!!! anyway, thanks for the update! :) I look forward to what happens next!
Chapter 6: Awww~~
Although I still can't decide between Chansung and Himchan, I really felt bad for Himchan..
Maybe it's because he's known Bora for longer and she easily says she likes Chansung whom she's known only for a while.
Poor Himchan>_<
Himchan oppa, himnaebwa~!