
It Wasn't Love At First Sight

Yoon Bora walked strolled out of the university gate scanning the whole place to find someone. She pouts upon seeing the empty streets. Guess he's late again, she thought. 
"Over here pabo" Himchan tapped her shoulder from behind, scaring the unexpecting girl. Startled, she slapped his back as an immediate reaction to being scared. "Yah! Quit doing that!" 

Himchan flinched, rubbing his back trying to sooth the pain it caused. Bora smirked after seeing him receive the pain he deserved for his childish prank. "Let's go" Sora swung her arm around Himchan shoulder as they walk down the road heading towards her house. 

The two grew up together at the orphanage. They were of the same age so it was easy for them to connect and became friends. At the age of 18, they became too old for the orphanage and had to venture out on their own into the real world. Each have their own separate houses now. Bora pursued her studies at a local university while Himchan, who had dropped out of school early, worked as a barista at a cafe nearby Bora's school. Everyday he would go to her house to have dinner that Bora would cook since he doesn't really earn that much. They took care of each other like any other family would since they only have each other in their life.

"So how was school?" Himchan started a conversation as they walked down the usual path they'd walk.

"Fine! Like normal"

"Normal? You mean the 'normal' number of guys who keep on pestering you to give them your number? Heh. Sounds normal to me."

Bora had always been a favourite among the guys at her campus but she didn't care about all that. She only had interest in graduating with a degree. She knew nothing of love except her love for her friend, Himchan. She promised to do her best in order to repay for all his kindness and for the times Himchan had sacrificed important things for her. The reason he stopped schooling in the first place was so that he could work to provide for her school funds. Himchan was never the studying type so he was more willing to stop study for the sake of his childhood friend. 

"Aish! They're so annoying. Can we stop talking about them!" She retrieve her arm from over his shoulder and punched his arm instead. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry so what are we gonna have for dinner later?" Himchan changed the topic quickly to navigate her annoyance away. 

"I'm too tired today! Can't we just eat out?" Stopped in her tracks, throwing a tantrum with a pout.

"Sure no problem! I'm starting to get tired of your cooking anyway" Placing his hands in both his pocket, he smirked and walked off first leaving her behind.

"Yah!" Bora shouted chasing after him. Himchan heard the incoming stomping and he too quickened his steps knowing how violent Bora can get towards him.

The two came to a street stand selling ddeokbokki. They took a seat at the make shift chairs and table beside the vendor and ordered food for themselves. That was their dinner. They have never lived luxuriously. Street food, instant noodles and plain food have became apart of their everyday life but neither of them complain as they were used to it. As soon as food arrived, the two stopped their endless squabbling and gobbled down their food as if they have not eaten for days when it had only been from noon.

"I'm done! I'll go put my plate back first" Bora stood up, pushing the chair back with her leg. However the chair got a little too far back to the point that it fell over. 
"Omo" She said looking down at the chair, mouth stll full with food that she have yet to finish chewing. Just as she bent down to pick up the chair, an unsuspecting man who had his eyes on his phone while walking at a fast paced, tripped over the chair, falling to the ground.

"OH MY GOSH!" Bora swallowed the remaining food in and rushed over to help the tall men up. Himchan on the other hand slowly covered his face using his hand and he continued eating to act like he didn't see anything, saving himself from receiving secondhand embarassment.

Bora got on her knees to level with the man who was sitting on his on the ground. He didn't even bother to look up at her as he patted his shirt to remove the dust and dirt he got from the fall. 
"Are you hurt?" Bora gestured towards him. She didn't know what to do except to feel guitly to have hurt an innocent man due to her carelessness. 

"Nah, I'm al-" The man choked on his words as he looked up to meet Bora's eyes. His pupils dilated seeing the face of the lady before him.

Bora couldn't help but notice that he was staring longer than usual. She waved her hand in front of his face to check if he was alright. After getting up on her two feet she offered her hand to help the man up. 

"Well, it looks like you're not hurt luckily. I'm Bora and next time please watch where you're going. You're lucky you trip onto the flat ground and not in a drain or something" She introduced herself once the man took ahold of her hand. She pulled him up to his feet, only to realise that he was taller than she expected.

"I'm.....I'm Hwang Chansung" The man spoke again with his intense stare that was still obvious to Bora as he shook her hand. She tried to made eye contact with him but shy away as soon as her eyes met his. She forced out a cough to get rid of the awkward feeling and nodded towards the tall man to excuse herself. She pulled her hand away from his grip and made her way to return her plate to the vendor. When she was back at the table, she noticed Himchan who was still covering his face with his hand. Annoyed, she slapped that hand of his away from his face.

"You could have at least help me out!" Bora raised her voice at him.

"And risk being embarassed as well? No way!" Himchan scoffed, still chewing his food.

For a moment there, she stood there motionless facing him and gave an intimidating glare towards Himchan. In her head she was picturing herself murdering him over and over again.

"FINE!" Bora shouted more loudly than before as she snapped out of her imagination. Her sudden outburst captured the attention of people eating at the same place as them and all attention was on the two.

"Oh ." Himchan whispered under his breathe, feeling the pressure of people looking at him. Before he know it, Bora had already taken her belongings and left the place, making her way home and leaving him behind. He turned behind from where he was sitting to see Bora had already gone far away from the place leaving him alone while a few people still kept their attention on him.

"Aww c'mon!" He sighed. Shoving one last mouthful of ddeokbokki in his mouth and left the table to run after Bora.

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seomin01 #1
I love the story!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON
I like this :3
Very cool story!!!
SoYeon_AI #4
Chapter 9: i feel bad for himchan u,u
update soon ^^
Chapter 9: I don't know why but part of me feel sad for himchan. I mean, himchan and bora has been the best of friend like forever. He even make time for her. How i wish Bora would fell in love with himchan because in my opinion best friends always ultimately fell in love with each other.
Rinnyy #6
Chapter 9: omg i feel so sad for himchan :c i like himchan and bora better tho :s but daaang that part where himchan was on his bicycle and passed by chansung and bora on his motorcycle, it was so sad ;_;
Chapter 9: Why I like bora&chansung more hahahaha<3
runningman21 #8
Chapter 9: himmmchaaannnnn :( that chapter with the motorcycle was so heartbreaking! it's like a comparison to himchan's bike, and he's always one step too late :( chansung is a really nice guy, but dang I always feel for the best friend types! gah! thanks for the update! :)
runningman21 #9
Chapter 7: gaahhhh I'm rooting for Himchan! this always happens to me when I watch dramas, its always the second lead/best friend I root for and they never get the girl!!! anyway, thanks for the update! :) I look forward to what happens next!
Chapter 6: Awww~~
Although I still can't decide between Chansung and Himchan, I really felt bad for Himchan..
Maybe it's because he's known Bora for longer and she easily says she likes Chansung whom she's known only for a while.
Poor Himchan>_<
Himchan oppa, himnaebwa~!