Do or Don't?

Tell Me!

Sitting on the swings, gripping the chains connected to the seat hard, with droopy dark bags under the boy's eyes. "I have to marry him? I HAVE TO MARRY HIM?!" He his hair and ruffled it into a huge mess. "I'd never thought it will actually happen. I guess I have no choice. AND WHAT THE HELL?! I'm talking to myself! I've really gone crazy!"

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands covered his eyes and all he could see was nothing but darkness. "Guess who? ~" A sweet, sing song voice said but Jinyoung didn't say a word. "I don't know who the hell you are but can you let go?"

The girl sighed and dropped her hands on the boy's shoulder. Jinyoung quickly turned around and saw a pretty young girl with long, straight, soft hair, and in a cute pink summer dress and a pair of white flats. Not to mention her flashy, soft smile on her face. "WHA?! Sulli?!" He shouted with shock. He could feel his heart pounding. His long time crush has finally came back!

"Yep ~ How mean, Jinny Opaa, you couldn't even recognize my voice ~" She pouted and sat on a swing next to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung didn't know how to feel right now. Is this a dream? Is what he's thinking right now. "When did you came back?"

She giggled and spoke, "Only yesterday. Jinny Oppa, you didn't know how excited I was! And to be able to meet you right here, I'm really happy!" She said aloud in a cheerful voice and hugged his arm, causing Jinyoung to blush a little.

'Omo! It's been so long. I don't know what to say! Gee, she has gotten prettier even though its been a few months since.' He thought to himself and looked at Sulli at the corner of his eyes.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY HYUNG?!" Gongchan stepped out of the bushes and yanked Jinyoung's arm away from the girl's grasp.

Startled, both Jinyoung and Sulli was silent. Jinyoung gave a nervous smile and scratched the back of his head with his other free hand. "Uhmm...This is my friend, Gongchan. Hahah...He's like a child sometimes."

"OHH...Well, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye." Feeling awkward, she walked away quickly.

"HYUNG, who is that girl?!" Gongchan asked sharply and yanked on Jinyoung's arm harder.

"Aishh! 'That girl' is Sulli! Do you know how disrespectful you were?!"

Gongchan couldn't respond to that. "Sorry, Hyung." He gave in and lowered his head, knowing that if he didn't they might have another argument. "But she was touching you! How could I not care?!"

"She's just a friend of mine, okay? Don't think too much, idiot."

"Does a friend hug your arm like that? She was blushing too!"

Jinyoung sighed and mentally slapped himself. How complicated can this boy be? "Yah, you really don't have to worry too much anyway. We're gonna get married soon."

"You'll be the happiest guy living then." After Gongchan complimenting himself, Jinyoung burst out laughing in disbelief. Gongchan gave a small smile but turned serious. "Hyung, I've been wanting to ask this forever but I was afraid to. Though, I feel like I need to. I can't keep it in anymore. What I wanna ask is...Do you like me?" He grabbed the older male by the shoulder and turned him around to face him, giving a dead serious eye contact.

Jinyoung looked into Gongchan's clear, bright eyes and he could see his own reflection in them. He could feel his face reddening.  "A - Ah..." He broke away and averted their eyes. "Don't be stupid...Asking stupid questions." He murmured under his breath. He couldn't handle this weird feeling, what was it? "Let's go." He pointed and walked away from Gongchan.

Gongchan's eyes were filled with disappointment. Has he not succeeded yet? How hard does he have to try to make his Hyung fall for him? 'Actually, Hyung...I did mean what I said that night. I remembered everything. I do love you.' He smiled to himself while the breeze of air swayed his bangs from side to side. "Jinyoung, I will wait for you, so prepare yourself to love me!" He chuckled and followed.

~ ~

"Dude ~ I'm so boredddd." Shinwoo spoke tediously while playing with his long fingers. "What's taking Sandals so long anyway?"

"Beats me." Baro yawned and rested his back against the soft, yet cushy couch.

Suddenly, the room door swung open widely and heard Sandeul's pants. He huffed to catch his breath with warm liquid dripping down onto his pink cheeks.

"Omo! What happened?" Shinwoo got up from the floor and clumsily tripped over a few books. His glasses fell onto the cold solid ground, "Ow!" He yelped in pain.

"Baro! Baro! You guys, you guys! You guys can't believe what I just heard! I was walking by the park and you can't believe it! I heard Gongchan and that one dude! They were talking something about marriage?!"

"Pfftt...HAHAHAH! Are you serious, Sandals?! Don't be stupid!" Shinwoo said, still on the ground and lightly punched the standing figure beside him.

"I'm not lying! I swear! I don't think their relationship is just 'friends'!"

"Wait a minute, why the hell would Gongchan marry a dude? That guy sounds careless anyway. After hearing him making Gongchan cry."

"I dunno, but Baro, you have to believe me! I think you should hurry and confess already!"

"You might hear wrong." Shinwoo was still laughing in the background.

"Do you want to die?! This is serious!" Sandeul smacked his head.

Baro was sitting their coolly, yet not panicking at all. But inside, he was shocked and his heart was pounding wildly. He has no idea what to do. If what Sandeul said was true, he might loose someone important to him. Someone he loves dearly. His first crush. Should he confess or not? Do or don't? It may mean risking their friendship but if not, he will miss his chance. He ruffled through his soft hair and narrowed his eyes. "Aishh...This is such a mess."


Sorry for the boring chapter Dx

And thank you subscribers, commenters and readers!

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very_ship_them #1
thank you author nim
But aren't you gonna write any other chapter?
very_ship_them #2
Chapter 8: How dare you, jinyoung-ssi !!!
very_ship_them #3
Chapter 3: But I ship bardeul...
very_ship_them #4
Chapter 1: I LOVE IT LOVE IT
Seeing the date of last update of this story & the author's last log in on this site made my hope fell sooooooo down . :(
WushuMochi #6
Chapter 20: pleSE UPDATE soon
Chapter 20: Yasssss update soon!
*sees date of last updated*
Chapter 7: Poor you baro yaaaaa
Chapter 5: Wtf this is soo...
