Two Couples, Two Situations

Twisted Love

Kyuhyun POV

My palms sweated as I slowly turned the knob of Min’s door.

“Sungmin?” I called.

An “Oh!” was given in reply before the door was jerked open. Min gave me a narrowed eye look before opening the door wider to let me in.

“I thought you were ignoring me Kyuhyun ssi,” Min said sarcastically, his frown creasing his forehead.

I frowned as well, my anger building up. “Well there must have been a reason for me to act that way Sungmin ssi.”

“Oh yeah? Well I don’t see any legitimate reason. If you do, please do care to share it with me.”

Letting out an agitated sigh, I just shook my head. “You know what?! I don’t care! Why should I?!”

Sungmin smirked. “Well then why are you here?”

“I’m only here to ask who the this ‘Wonnie’ is!”

“Wonnie?! What?!” Sungmin asked, his face looking suddenly flustered.

“Wonnie. Won? Siwonnie?!” I asked, naming all the nicknames he’d called the man in one phone call. Even the thought made me rage.

“What the hell are you talking about?! What does Wonnie have do with any of this?!” Min asked, once again using that endearment.

 I don’t know why but it made me sick. I now wanted to punch that Wonnie even though I hadn’t met him.

“I asked you a question Sungmin! Who. Is. Wonnie?!”

Min raised an eyebrow before huffing an angry puff of air. “Why should I answer that?! What is it to you anyways?”

I scowled and glared at him. “What is it to me?!” I hissed.

Upon hearing no reply, my anger and jealousy built up even more and I took big, quick steps towards Min. With each forward step of mine, Min took a step back.

“Kyu.” Min said, his voice calm yet shaky. It was as if he was talking to a wild animal and that’s when I had had it.

Without thinking, I slammed the bunny into the wall. Upon registering the hit, his body shook and tears formed in his eyes. “,” I cursed and before my mind could calm down and think my heart already reacted. I forcefully pushed our lips together and kissed the bunny senseless.

I moved my lips on his almost hungrily. The whole time, Min did not react even a bit but I didn’t give up. I repeatedly asked for entrance; his lips, biting and nipping. Finally, Min opened his mouth shyly and I dove in. I ed my hot tongue into his mouth and explored his cavern. He tasted of ginger tea and I wasn’t surprised in the least. The bunny’s mouth had always tasted of different teas. Thinking of this I chuckled into our heated kiss and regretted it immediately.

The sound of my laughter had woken Min out of his trance and he pushed me off his mouth. Not a moment later, I latched my hungry lips onto his forcefully again, not wanting our kiss to end just yet. The bunny struggled against me, punching my chest with his fists and pushing and shoving. I continued kissing him nevertheless but suddenly between our kiss I felt salt water. I gasped before pulling away.

I felt my heart sink as I saw Min’s miserable state. Fresh, sad tears were streaming down his cheeks and his lips were bruised and cut. Worst of all, his eyes were pained all over, not focused anywhere in certain. I gasped once again and immediately felt guiltier than ever.

“Min,” I croaked and shook his body gently. His eyes finally focused and bored into my own eyes and into my guilty soul.

We stared into each other’s eyes for a while before Min broke the heavy silence. “What else can I expect from you, a tenth grader,” Min laughed bitterly. “You’re just a kid. How did I ever expect you to understand love?!” At the end all his voice came out was a disgusted whisper.

I stood there frozen. His words pierced through me like shards and suddenly I felt empty and hollow. “Min,” I spoke dumbly, simply because no other words would leave my mouth.

“M-Min!” I cried and Sungmin looked up at me.

“Yes Kyuhyun?” He asked looking anywhere but my face.

“Min I never meant to hurt you! Min you don’t understand. When you were on the phone and you called him with such love I just felt so upset. Min it’s just that-“

I was cut off as Min put up a hand. “Enough Kyuhyun! I’m done alright! I’m done with all this pain and heartbreak and I’m done with you!”

Before I knew it I was ushered out of the room.

Just before the door was shut in my face, Min spoke a few words that did a whole lot of rude awakening. “And by the way Kyuhyun, Siwon is my friend’s name. He’s the one that took me in and gave me a home and food. He took care of me while you and your aunt had kicked me out. I just hope that one day I stop hurting my own self and learn to love someone as perfect as Siwon. I hope that answered your question.”

Even after the door had closed, I just stood there. I felt numb and broken. Finally, I just dragged my feet to my own bedroom and flopped on the bed. At that moment, I finally realized all my past mistakes. Just a tenth grader, eh? Chuckling bitterly, I determined my heart. I was going to make Sungmin mine. I’ll show that bunny just how good a tenth grader can love him. That night I slept determined, tears streaming down my face.


Donghae POV

I was lying in bed surfing the web when I heard a low creak. The door was slowly cracked open and Hyuk’s silhouette made way into the room. He seemed to be tip toeing, thinking I was asleep. I smiled warmly at his antics.

I saw Hyuk place a plastic bag carefully on the desk before shuffling into the bathroom, all while not making one noise. Once he was inside, I cautiously got off the bed and limped over to the desk. Though my was still sore, it had gotten a lot better.

I peeked inside the bag and smiled widely. I did a little happy dance on the spot, regretting it immediately because damn my hurt! Taking out the contents in the bag – a bottle of Tylenol and some chocolates – I chuckled. I put the medicine aside and dove into the chocolates, taking them back to bed with me.

One by one, I put the Hershey kisses into my mouth, all while still checking my twitter. “Gee Gee Gee baby, baby, baby! Gee Gee Gee” I hummed while eating.

“Ah I see HaeHae has been awake this whole time,” a playful voice spoke as he exited the bathroom, his hair wet and a towel around his neck. Even though he wore his simple sweatpants and a v-neck t-shirt, he just looked so damn stunning. I blushed as I eyes his broad chest and looked down.

“I see you’ve gotten the medicine. And chocolates! T-thanks,” I couldn’t help but stutter as I saw him inching closer and closer to me and the bed.

“Hmm.” Hyuk replied simply before climbing into the bed with me. My eyes widened as he seemed to be settling in and beginning to sleep.

“Yah! You’re gonna sleep in here?! With me?!”

Hyuk looked at funny and nodded slowly. “Of course…”

“But-I mean- Ugh! I’m going to sleep on the couch,” I announced and began to slowly climb out of the bed, Hershey kisses in hand.

Before I could even set a foot down I was pulled into a soft embrace. “Shut up. We’re sleeping together.” Hyuk said softly yet firmly.

I let myself be cuddled with as Hyuk’s hands sneaked down to my waist and held me tightly. He dug his face in the crook of my neck causing me to giggle.

“S-stop!” I yelled, laughing softly.

Hyuk stopped moving his neck and just lay with me. “Hae?”

I nodded not wanting words to ruin this perfect moment.

“Are we dating now?” Hyuk asked and for the first time in my entire life, I heard an insecure Lee Hyukjae.

Shocked, I pushed him body away to look him in the eye. I stared at him flabbergasted. “What?!”

“I mean we kind of slept together and you said you loved me so I assumed…like I’m not forcing you into a relationship but I just thought-“

I shut the monkey up successfully by pressing my lips onto his. We kissed sweetly, moving our lips in sync before pulling away. I looked into his eyes and drowned in the love that they radiated.

“I love you Hyukjae.” I whispered, never looking away from his beautiful eyes.

Hyuk’s face beautified as a smile made its way over it. “I love you too Hae.”

“Well then I don’t see why we wouldn’t be dating. We’ve went on our best first date,” as those words left my mouth a gasp was heard from Hyukae. “we’ve kissed, we’ve had -“

“No we haven’t.” Hyuk spoke firmly.

I frowned and shook my head. “Yes we have!”


“What the hell?!”

“We didn’t have Lee Donghae. We made love,” Hyuk’s voice sounded oh so sweet and I couldn’t help but smile in complete happiness at his words.

I sighed contently before continuing. “We’ve even made love. I don’t think I can be the perfect boyfriend Hyuk. I am childish and I need attention and I’m not exactly very understanding but I’ll try, that I promise. Just… trust me.”

After I had finished speaking, a silence had took over us. I waited patiently for Hyuk to say something but no words came. Instead, I felt chaste kisses all over my face. Hyuk placed a gentle kiss on my temple, and on my nose. He pecked my cheek and kissed my neck lovingly before once again burying his face into it. We stayed that way for a while; just inhaling each other’s scents and hearing one another’s heartbeats.

Just before I was to drift off to sleep in Hyuk’s arms, Hyuk voice echoed through the room.


“Hmm?” I called my eyes closed.

“Are you awake?”

I chuckled. “Nooo, I’m sleep talking.”

Hyuk chuckled as well. “Donghae I love you.”

“I love you too.” I replied lazily though a smile still made its way to my face.


“But what?”

“But you’re a liar!”

“What?!” I frowned.

“You said you hated the date but you and I both know you loved it!”

I laughed out loud at his childish statement. “I didn’t lie, you!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!” As the words had left my mouth I immediately bit my tongue. He had got me! “Ugh!”

Hyuk laughed wholeheartedly before saying a good night. I bid him sweet dreams as well before closing my eyes to get some sleep.

“Hae?” A voice once again disturbed my slumber.


“Aish no need to yell. Nevermind!” Hyuk cried childishly though his arms did not leave my body.

“Aigoo I’m sorry Hyukkie. Tell me, neh?”

“Fine but only cause you asked nicely.” I could imagine Hyuk pouting right now. I nodded in reply.

“Well, I just wanted to tell you,”


“Umm it’s just that,”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“I really, really love you Hae!!!” Hyuk cried before beginning to sob and that’s when I realized the bastard had been sleep talking the whole time. I gently slapped his sleeping before hugging him tighter. Before once again drifting off to sleep, I brought my lips to his ear to whisper one last message.

“I really, really love you too Hyukkie.”


Thanks so much to all my subs and those who comment! You motivate me so much u dont even know! 

This chappie is really an oxymoron with Kyu so sad and Eunhae so fluffy and puking rainbows and that xD 

Anyways, ENJOY! 

And doesn't the pic match this scenario perfectly :D :D :D 


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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....