Minnie's Phone Call And Hae's Man Period

Twisted Love

A/N Hello! KyuMin POVs shall be starting from this chapter! ^.^ Hope y’all like ‘em! Enjoy!

Sungmin POV

I inwardly sighed loudly as we walked up the stairs –Kyuhyun and I. Even calling him his nickname seemed as if I’d crossed a line. As we reached the door, the tenth grader curtly showed me the room, never looking at my face.

“T-Thank you,” I stammered trying to keep my cool. I was the elder after all.

I hoisted my first bag inside the room and dropped it into the floor with an “oof”. I hadn’t packed much but my baggage was heavy. Men needed their things okay!

As I came out to pull in my second bag, I saw Kyu carrying it effortlessly into the room. I blushed brightly at the thought of how the boy had muscles now. Hot muscles, may I add. It almost made me want to reach out and glide my fingers across. Almost.

“Thanks Kyuhyun.” I spoke looking anywhere but his face. Kyu nodded silently.

“Anyways, if you don’t mind me asking, why exactly are you here?” Kyu asked in that deep voice of his and his words tore through my heart. He didn’t want me here. I am so stupid.

I looked at the ground, ashamed. “I just wanted to visit you. I mean Hyuk! I mean the both of you!” I blushed.

I kept my eyes on the ground waiting for Kyu to scoff, curse at how pathetic I was, something, anything but he did not. My eyes widened in shock as I heard a low chuckle erupt in the room.

“You haven’t changed much Lee Sungmin,” I heard Kyu almost mock me. In a good way, though.

I hesitantly looked back up at him. “Nor have you. Except for your height that it. You look like a giant for god sake!”

“Yah! That’s my bed you’re sitting on! Respect me.”

“I’m older! You should respect me!”

Kyu chuckled and I laughed along. And in that moment, the awkwardness vanished even if only for a moment. It was the old Kyu with the old (or should I say younger) Min. It felt just like before.

After we’d stopped laughing, the comfortable atmosphere disappeared and it was once again tense.

“Well,” Kyu began, dusting off the nonexistent dust on his pants. “This is your room. I’ll take my leave now, I have school tomorrow.”

Before walking out, Kyu threw me one last glance. “And by the way, it was nice meeting you again Min.” Kyu walked out, closing the door behind himself.

With those words of his, a wide grin was slowly forming across my face. I tried hard to resist the smile, resist the hope spreading through my heart. I tried, I really did, but in the end, a huge smile contorted my face into more of a bunny look alike and my heart swelled in joy. 



After I had taken a soothing shower and finally calmed my crazed heart, I proceeded down the stairs. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked into the living room. 

"Hyukkie?" I called searching for my wicked best friend who had purposely invited me here. "Hyukkie!"

"He's not home. Went to the drug store. Something about his precious HaeHae," a deep voice mocked from the couch. 

"Ah... well, um I guess I'll just head upstairs then." I spulttered out before turning around to rush back to my new room. 

"No!" Kyu cried and I tilted my head in confusion. 


"I mean you can, um, you can stay and watch if you'd like." 

I nodded hesitantly before realizing he couldn't see me. I walked over to the couch before carefully plopping down beside, but not too close, to Kyu. 

Discovery Channel was coming on. Two lions were fighting over their prey, which seemed to be a deer. I scowled in gruesome as the poor deer was torn apart by the hungry monsters. 

I didn't notice I had started shuddering until Kyu nudged me with his elbow. "If you want I can change the channel, you know." 

I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Please?"

Kyu simply chuckled and changed to a comedy show. We watched and laughed here and there. Soon, Kyu and I sat side by side, our skins touching and our faces twisted in huge grins. Kyu clapped like a seal as the chubby man fell on his and I looked on endearingly at the sight. I had always known how handsome the boy was but this was different. In only a couple of months he had suddenly matured and he looked hot. The way his fringe covered his forehead and the way his now defined biceps flexed when he clapped made the weather awfully warm. 

Suddenly, my enchanting moment was ruined as my phone rang loudly. "Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone Min Min" the annoying ring sang. 

"Excuse me," I smiled apologetically and picked up after Kyu nodded for me to answer. 


"Ah! Minnie I miss you," Siwon, my friend from back home, cried dramatically on the other line. 

"Wonnie calm down. I've only been gone a day," I replied mockingly. 

"Minnie, you're so mean!" More fake sobs were heard. 

"Won," I spoke sternly knowing he hadn't called for just no reason.

"Fine, fine! It's just that Ma is coming tomorrow and you know, um, it's just that I haven't told her about you living with me you know." Siwon sounded apologetic and it made me smile warmly. It was his house and he was asking my permission?! Such a sweetie!

"Aigoo my Siwonnie! Shut up and stop blabbering you fool. I understand completely! Just enjoy time with your mommy okay," I stressed out and I heard a laugh from the other line. 

Siwon sighed in releif. "Phew! I thought you'd be sad. Anyways see you soon Minnie. I miss you buddy," 

"I miss you more, you cheese head with humongous mucles." I joked and earned myself a 'you're just jealous' . Saying our last goodbyes, we hung up. Sighing softly, I looked beside me and was startled to see Kyuhyun glaring at me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, frowning. 

“Oh nothing,” Kyu said haughtily and switched back to his TV show, except this time the laughs and jokes were gone.

I frowned even more and poked Kyu’s thigh repeatedly. “Tell me! What is wrong now?”

 Kyu looked back at me annoyed and I just sighed. “Fine then, be that way.” I got off the couch, ready to go back upstairs. I walked up the stairs purposely slow, hoping Kyu would come to stop me or even just come to bicker like before. Sadly, he did not…


Hyukjae POV

I rushed back to the house, pain medication and chocolate in hand for Hae. I shuddered as I remembered his fit this morning…

After Hae had woken up he had immediately pelted me with pillows.

“Yah!” I had shouted, disappointed at the reaction. I had hoped for a kiss or a hug not painful face muscles!

Hae glared at me through his sleepy eyes. “I hate you!”

At his words my heart dropped. Did he regret what we had done. I looked down shamefully before looking back up into his eyes.

As if Hae had read my mind, his glare suddenly softened. “It’s not what you’re thinking Lee Hyukjae! My ing hurts, that’s all!”

My eyes widened before a goofy grin spread across my face. A laugh bubbled in my throat as I threw myself onto Hae and embraced him.

“You scared me you bastard,” I whispered into his ear.

Hae giggled. “Don’t even talk! You’re isn’t hurting you is it?!”

I laughed. “I’m sorry HaeHae. I’ll go get you some medication alright,”

As I was about to get off the bed, Hae pulled me back. “Not so fast!”

Hae leaned in. My breath hitched as I expected a kiss. “Hae,” I moaned before the fish had even touched me.

“Hyukkie,” Hae spoke almost against my lips.


“I want,”

“You want?”

“I want SOME PAIN MEDICATION!” Hae screamed and pushed me off the bed. I fell with a loud thud and was immmedietely kicked out of my own room with a firm “DO NOT COME BACK UNTIL YOU’VE GOT IT!”


Before walking into my room, I saw Kyu making his way upstairs. He looked around as if to make sure no one saw him and my jaw dropped as I saw him sneaking into Sungmin’s room. I smirked. You go, Kyuhyunnie.

I crossed my fingers and walked into my room hoping Hae's man period had somewhat subsided...



HyukMin POVs ^^ 

KyuHae is next :D 


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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....