You're A Bad, Bad Fish Lee Donghae

Twisted Love

Donghae POV

I had drifted off to sleep but pressure on my forehead had caused me to wake up. I turned over slowly and realized I was in Hyukkie’s room. Looking around I froze as I saw that Hyuk was in the room, a packed suitcase in his hands. I gasped quietly knowing right off the bat what it meant.  The bastard said he’s leaving soon. Today is soon?!

He glanced at me one last time before exiting the room, his room.

 I knew I didn’t want him to just leave without me but I didn’t know how to get him to take me. Thinking hard, I closed my eyes tight. Tears were starting to form in my closed eyes but I blinked them away. If I wanted to keep my monkey I’d have to put my bananas to the test and my tears to rest.

And that’s when it hit me. I don’t know how I got my plan but I did.

I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, not before checking if Hyuk was downstairs. Sighing in relief to see he was already out the door, I rushed down and into my father’s study. Bursting through the door, I ignored the weird looks from my butlers and walked straight to my Appa.

“Hae?” My Appa asked in surprise since I almost never entered the study. His eyes soon widened as he saw my puffy eyes and opened his mouth to say something but I waved him off.

“Appa! I need to go with Hyuk. Don’t try to stop me because I won’t. I love him Appa! Pleas-“


“Huh?!” I gawked like a fish at my father as he chuckled.

“Go!” He repeated firmly and one look from him and I knew he was proud of me. I just didn’t know why.

Running to him and giving him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek I ran out of the study. “Tell mom I love her!” I yelled before getting my car keys and running out the door but not before hearing my father say something about me being a pabo.

I grinned widely when I saw that Hyuk’s car was just now leaving the driveway and I waited a while before starting my engine and following his car, following my heart and most importantly following my monkey.


After a half an hour of driving I was already exhausted – not because of the drive but by trying to keep track of Hyuk’s car along the traffic. When we finally reached a suburban area I sighed in absolute relief. I just wanted this stupid drive to end and for me to be reunited with my monkey. I chuckled at the thought that it hadn’t even been an hour since I last saw him.

When we finally reached our destination (which just so turned out to be Mokpo, a.k.a. my birthplace) I cut the engine abruptly and jumped out of the car. Hyuk had parked inside a huge farmhouse and I decided to not get too reckless and parked my car on a nearby – but not too close- road instead.

Exiting my car in a similar way to a ninja I sneaked through the gate of the farmhouse. I looked around but there seemed to be no one in view. I frowned. How could no one live here?!

“Hi!” a deep voice suddenly said and I jumped through my skin.

“Ahh!” I screeched and spun around. Putting my hands up in defense I glanced up at the intruder, ready to fight for my life.

I heard nothing but a loud chuckle until I finally looked up. Looking up, I gawked ,for the second time that day, at the man. He was tall and lean. His double lidded eyes looked quite like Hyuk’s and he wore a red sweater vest along with tight black slacks. In short, he looked like a model right out of a magazine.

“I know I’m handsome but you don’t have to stare,” the man said smirking a bit.

Annoyed at his self praise I yelled defensively, “Psh! You’re not all that handsome at all. So-rry!”

“Wow. You have some attitude… for someone who’s sneaked into my farmhouse uninvited,” the man said his smirk widening as did my eyes.

“Um-I mean- Ah! I am Lee Donghae. I-I’m sorry…?”  I bowed 90 degrees.

“Ah! You’re the Lee Donghae?! Hyukkie’s always talking about you,” the man laughed and I felt jealousy bubble in my chest as I heard him proclaim my Hyuk as “Hyukkie”.

As if reading my mind, the stranger added quickly. “Oh me and Hyuk are just cousins!”

I gawked once again and he laughed harder. Suddenly putting an arm around my shoulder he began to drag me.

“Yah!” I declined.

“Oh c’mon now fish! Hyuk will be so surprised to see you sneaking in here for him!”

“No!!! He’s gonna kill me!”

“Oh, I know that! I can’t wait for it!” The evil guy laughed evilly and dragged me into the house. I begrudgingly followed, freezing completely when I heard a very familiar voice.

“Kyu? Is that you?” I heard Hyuk’s voice from a room inside and I tried to wriggle out of the man (who I’m guessing is named Kyu) but to no avail his hold just got tighter.

“Yeah! C’mon out Hyuk ah!” The guy that had his hands on my shoulders called as I heard footsteps echoing through the home.

When Hyuk finally got out his eyes widened immensely when he saw me and his face contorted into many emotions.

Anger was one of them.

Kyu let go of me as I inched back on reflex and Hyuk got closer.

“I-I can explain,” I yelled defensively towards the angry monkey. His face didn’t change.

“I told you I had to go alone! Why are you here?!” he shouted at me angrily. Managing to now piss me off, I took large steps towards Hyuk.

He was a bit taken back since I stood barely two inches away.

“Well, if you’re gonna be so nasty about it FINE! I want to spend time with KYU anyways!” I spat into his face and his brows furrowed even more. I spun around, ready to go back to the man by the door but my wrist was grabbed roughly as I was turned around.

“Be-have fish!” he spoke venom spilling out from his words before dragging me up the stairs of the farmhouse. As we reached the top floor, Hyuk kicked open the door to an empty room and threw me in. Once inside, he locked the door and looked at me threateningly.

“I dare you to say that again,” he said, his eyes all intense.

Gulping down a nonexistent lump in my throat I stared back. “Ummm,”

“I’m waiting!”

“I …”


“I want to spend a lot of time with YOU?!”

“Oh is that what you said?! I could swear I heard Kyu..”

“Nope! I definitely said you,” I said more confidently and Hyuk smirked.

“Good then. Very good indeed.” And that’s when he jumped onto the bed and onto me. 


Hello all! <3

IDK why everyone thought Hae and Hyuk would part even for a while. NONSENSE guys. I luv EunHae both but I love them as one a lot more xD 

And yes, Kyu has entered!!!!

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....