The Real Reason

Twisted Love

Hyukjae POV

Sighing, I walked into my room and slammed the door close so that Hae could not enter. By now he’s probably seen the letter…  Frowning now, I scratched my non-itchy head. Why hadn’t Hae knocked on my door for the resignation yet?

As if on cue, I heard a knock on my door. Pulling on my poker face, I climbed out of my bed and slowly opened the door.

Peeking out I yelled out, “Who’s there?”

I waited for over a minute yet no reply came. Curious, I pulled the door open all the way but almost immediately wished I hadn’t.

Just as I had suspected, Hae stood outside my door, the envelope in his hands yet his face wasn’t anything like I expected. Thick, glistening tears streamed down his face as his whole body quivered. My eyes widened at the sight and without thinking I pulled the crying boy into my arms, my hand moving in circles at the small of his back.

It took a couple of minutes for Hae to stop shaking and his hiccups to die down but only after I felt he was alright, did I pull away. Hae glanced up at me and as our eyes met I felt desperation and extreme sadness in his eyes.

“H-h-hyukjae please! Please!” he began screaming like a mad man, clinging to my shirt like his life depended on it. “Please don’t leave! Please don’t leave me!”

Sighing deeply again, I gently pulled his hands off my shirt. He looked up at me as if I’d punched him and I sighed again and pulled him, once again, into my arms.

“Shhh” I shushed him hoping he’d calm down a bit before I explained my sudden departure.

Again I waited for a couple of minutes before pulling away. Before he could find a way to let tears escape his eyes again – something I didn’t want in the least – I pulled him into my room and closed the door. Seating him on my bed, I kneeled on the floor, looking right into his eyes.

“Okay, I am going to say this once and only once understand? I am not leaving you Hae. At least not because I want to,” I explained yet that only made Hae look even more confused and even more frightened.

I sighed yet again and decided that unless I wanted Hae to turn into a depressed little fish I’d have to tell him.

“Hae,” I started and I saw a spark in his eyes just as the one word. Smirking I countered, “What?”

Hae’s hid his smile by looking down at the floor but I saw it anyway. “Y-you called me Hae.”


“You finally called me Hae and not Donghae ssi when you saw me cry. I was just thinking about how I should’ve cried before,” he finished and I couldn’t help but crack a smile at that.

“Well, if you wanted me to call you Hae you should’ve just asked. But NO you were too busy having with Jessica Jung in the janitor’s closet,” I said bitterly. Hae opened his mouth to explain but I waved him off, I didn’t need to hear anything that would just hurt my already wounded heart.

“Anyways, getting back to my resignation letter,” I began once again but was cut off as Hae’s eyes once again started to tear.

“Lee Donghae! Let me finish before you start crying!”

“It’s not my fault you keep insisting on leaving!”

“I told you already! I HAVE to go!”

“WHY?! I promise I won’t go out with Jess anymore! I won’t talk to any girl and I’ll let you kiss me all the time and-“


“I’ll let you sleep in my bed and I’ll let you drive me to school every morning! I won’t yell at you ever again or call you monkey-“


“I’ll eat all my vegetables like you always tell me to and I’ll even tell everyone at school you’re my boyfriend! I’ll never, ever make you sad again and if it makes you feel better, you can punch me and curse at me and even-“

“LEE DONGHAE!” I yelled making the fish instantly shut his mouth. Massaging my temples and blinking like a crazed man in order to not cry, I let out a long, tired sigh.

“Hae I HAVE to go. I’d never want to leave you no matter how much you hurt my heart but I’m really needed at a place right now-“


“That, I won’t tell you,” I ignored the whine that came from Hae’s mouth. “All I can tell you is that I’m leaving soon. It isn’t like a holiday so I cannot take a leave and so I’m quitting. Rest assured, you aren’t in any kind of danger right now anyways and so you don’t need a bodyguard. I told your father it might be a good idea to have one around anyways and he says it’s all up to you. I suggest you choose to continue to have a bodyguard. With the amount of trouble you get into, you might just be dead by the time I return,” I joked hoping to see a smiling Hae but he didn’t smile at all.

“I will never have another bodyguard you hear me Hyukjae?! I’ll die right after you leave so you can die in guilt!” he shouted erupting in loud sobs once again. Seeing this, I let my walls finally crumble as well and cried beside the sobbing boy. Soon, Hae once again found his way into my arms and we sat there together, our sobs subsiding as peaceful silence took over.

I heard Hae’s heartbeat loud and clear and I’m sure he felt mine as well –if he would have been awake that it. I chuckled looking at him. He’d been out like a light bulb once he’d stopped crying. Pushing the brown locks that stuck to his forehead aside, I leaned down and kissed his forehead before tucking him into the covers of my bed. Looking back at him one last time, I took out my suitcase and filled it with personal belongings and things I’d need. I left my first bodyguard uniform – a black suit with matching trousers- for Hae and proceeded outside the room. It was time to go.



After saying my last goodbyes to Mr. and Mrs. Lee, I climbed into my car. Looking at the beautiful mansion one last time I couldn’t help but let a single tear escape my eyes before more began to pool out. There had been so many memories in this house, from mine and Hae’s first meeting to our first fight and then to our first time sleeping beside each other. It all seemed so magical. From the first time I’d stepped into the house I had wanted to forever live there. It was the family I’d never had and what was I doing today?! Leaving this house just for my cursed family.

Yes, you read right. The only reason I had to leave my beloved Hae and my beloved memories was because of a certain emergency with my crazed cousin and his love. Though I wanted to be selfish and stay with my love I knew I had to go save my brother’s love before I could continue on to mine.

Sighing(something I did oh so much lately) I started the engine. I had a long way to go. All the way from Seoul to Mokpo…


So... Surprise Surprise..? Hyuk is NOT leaving cause of Hae ^^ 

Mokpo huh? Sounds familiar especially familiar when you think of Lee Donghae ;) LOL im so bad 

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....