Chapter 14

The Story of Three

Sinhae's POV:


I was shocked at how cold the gel was, but relieved that warmed up quickly as Nurse Im manuevered the wand around on my belly.


I looked up at the men I loved and asked, “Are you guys ready for this?”


The both beamed back at me, but I noticed a bit of fear in Ji's gaze. I was just about to ask what was wrong when Nurse Im spoke.


“Oh my...”


I looked at Nurse Im's startled face and instantly, panic overtook my entire being.


“What? What is wrong? What is it?!?!” I asked her frantically.


“Nothing is wrong Sinhae-a.” Dr. Lee said grinning ear to ear. “Correct, Nurse Im?”


I looked back and forth between Dr. Lee's goofy grin and Nurse Im's look of concentration.


“No...nothing is just wasn't what I was expecting...but you three however, are definitely expecting!” She looked over at me finally, her grin matching Dr. Lee's.


“What...” I trailed off, unable to think. I looked up at the screen in front of me and stared hard at the picture, and saw...nothing. It was all black and white chaos. I didn't see anything that looked even remotely like a baby. I felt Ji's hand tighten on mine, and Seung-Hyun's small gasp at what Nurse Im had said, but I just stayed silent staring at the image, searching for what I was supposed to see.


“What are we suppose to be looking at here?” Seung-Hyun voiced my question. I looked up at him and noticed that both my husbands were staring as intently at the monitor as I had been, with the same look of confusion and anticipation that I am sure was on my face.


Nurse Im smiled and chuckled. “Don't feel bad, I have never met first time parents who could see their child on the first ultrasound.” She punched some keys and suddenly a mouse pointer appeared on the screen.


“Here...” The pointer moved to circle a dark circle with a little white blob to one side. “This is your first baby.”


I stared at it in did something that a moment ago seem to be nothing, suddenly become the most important thing in the world to me?


“That is our first baby...” Ji repeated, his voice catching as he clung to my hand and leaned back against our Dear One.


“Nurse Im...” Seung-Hyun-a whispered, “The way you said we have a second baby?” My eyes flew up to his face, taking in his hope and uncertainty.


“Very good, new papa!” Nurse Im praised, “Over here...” the image moved slightly and another dark void with a light blob attached to one side appeared. “ your second child.”


“Second?” Ji breathed out, staring raptly at the picture on the monitor.


Two???? TWO? I have TWO babies inside of me right now?


The thought elated and terrified me all at once. I stared at the blob that was my second child in wonderment until I hear a faint sob from my side. I looked over searching for the cause of the sob, to find Ji-Yong-s doing the same. Seung-Hyun-a stood there fixated on the monitor tears pouring down and a smile threatening to break his face in two.


“Oh, babe!” Ji said letting me go and wrapping his arms around our Dear One. Seung-Hyun wrapped his left arm around Ji's waist but instead of hugging him brought him down to hug/fall on top of me. Dear One brought head to rest on mine and his right arm against my right side and pull me toward the two of them. Ji managed to get himself in a position of hovering over me supporting his weight on his right arm on my right side while he rested a hip on my left side. Once he felt stable he bent his head to join with ours. It was then I realized all three of us were in tears.


“We are having twins.” Ji-Yong-a said, he kissed me tenderly, and when he pulled back Seung-Hyun-a did the same.


“I am so ing happy right now.” Seung-Hyun-a choked out around his tears.


I nodded, unable to speak.


As we just reveled in the moment I noticed that Nurse Im continued to move the wand around and press buttons on her machine.


“Sorry to interrupt this moment but I need to ask some questions.” Nurse Im broke in gently.


My guys stood up still grinning.


“Sinhae-a do you have regular periods?” She asked me.


“Um, no. I have never had a regular cycle. It has always been erratic, and seemly comes whenever it wants...which isn't but maybe four to 6 times a year.”


“When they do come are they consistent?” She continued.


“I don't quite understand the question.” I looked at her puzzled.


“Do they last for the same number of days and acting the same in flow strength and length?” She explained.


“Oh, sometimes they last nearly two weeks and are really heavy other times they last four days.”


“Okay, when you have them do you have them two at a time or just scattered?”


“You know what, yes they do kinda group together by twos.” I answered after really thinking about it.


“I thought so.” She said vaguely.


“Why, is something wrong?” I asked with no small amount of trepidation.


“Well, not wrong per is just going be a challenge. Dr. Lee, by my calculations we have a very rare case of superfetation here.”


What? Are you serious?” Dr Lee looked startled and then began chuckling. “Oh, of course! Why would I expect anything else of these three! What is the difference?”


I would put Baby A at 10 weeks, and Baby B at a little over 7 weeks.” Nurse Im told him calmly.


Wait, what?!?!” I exclaimed sitting up slightly. “How can that be?”


Relax, my dear Sinhae-a!” Dr. Lee pressed my shoulder to force me back down on the exam table.


It is highly unusual but not unheard of. You see, every once in a great while a woman's body will become pregnant but for some reason it will continue to release an egg the next cycle...when this happens it is even more unlikely that the second egg will be fertilized. However, with the three of you and the drives you guys have I am not that surprised that that second egg got fertilized.” He stood there staring pointedly at us all.


Wait, you are tell me that our kids are different ages in there?” Seung-Hyun queried incredulously.


Yes, my dear boy that is exactly what we are telling you.” Dr. Lee spoke kindly. “It isn't too big of a deal until it comes down to the end.”


Baby A will be ready but our little Baby B will still need three weeks...what do we do?” I asked overwhelmed.


We do some research and ask others who have gone through this and we make a plan...but for right now, we marvel at the fact that God has blessed you three with a miracle not once but twice!”


Yes, we got our miracle...we more than got our miracle!” Ji's grin was enough to blind all who saw it! “We get to plan for TWO children!!!! Oh, does this mean two nurseries or should we stick with just one?”


I just stared at him in shock while Seung-Hyun-a laughed, pulling him into a hug. “Of course THAT is what you think of!”


Yah...don't make fun of me!” Ji complained against his chest.


I am not making fun, I am loving it.”


Let me get the rest of the images and measurements I need for these two little ones, then I will get better close up shots of each and print out some pictures for you guys to keep.”


We get pictures of them?” Ji turned from Seung-Hyun with glee. “Really, today?”


Yes, Daddy Ji, you get pictures.” Dr. Lee teased.


Daddy...” He murmured, “I am going to be a Daddy!!!” He turned to me excited, “I am going to be a Daddy to two kids! Oh, Sinhae, you are going to be a Mommy to these two little angels! Seung-Hyun-a you are going to be a Papa to our loves! We are going to be parents!”


He literally broke out in dance...halfway through a rather impressive spin he stopped short, “Wait! Does this mean I have to be a full fledged adult?!” He asked with a bit of panic in his voice, “Because I am not sure I know how to do that!”


Heart of our Hearts, you do not need to change a thing,” I assured, “You will be an amazing Daddy to our kids just the way you are!”


I will won't I!!” He responded with a huge grin. “I am going to be the best Daddy ever! I am going to make sure they have everything they need but that they work for what they want!”


I do not think that you are going to have any trouble being an 'adult.' Ji-Yong-ssi what you just said is the true essence of being a parent.” Nurse Im said enjoying the scene playing out.


Thank Nurse Im-ssi, that means a lot!” Ji grinned again and turned to Seung-Hyun, “You will have to move some of your Be@rbricks higher, if you want to keep them safe from little fingers!”


He laughed again as did I, “Really, my love you are thinking a bit too far ahead. I just want to know how I am going to give our kids each the best possible start they can have with them being almost a month apart in development!”


My Heart came over to me and kissed me deeply. “I love you so much! You both are my anchor when I go flying off into space! Yes, we will figure this out!”


He turned to Dr. Lee, “So we spend the night in the hospital and then tomorrow what happens?”


Well...” Dr. Lee sighed deeply and thought for a moment. “I would say that I will take tomorrow to research and call some colleagues and make some inquires. I would like to bring in a good friend, and one of the best OBGYN's in South Korea, she should be able to help steer us to who would be the most helpful, and I would hope to have a meeting with the three of you in three days or so.”


Sounds good!” He paused and made eye contact with both Seung-Hyun and I before continuing, “Okay then, we leave it in your capable hands. We will look forward to the meeting. In the meantime is there anything we need to be doing, or not doing?”


Once we get her hydrated again, we will keep her on the nausea meds for the next two weeks at least and then see if we can wean her off them without the vomiting. Other than that, she needs at least three regular meals a day. Hear that my girl, you must...let me say that MUST eat FULL meals THREE times a day.”


Hey, you act as if I am Ji-Yong-a! I eat!” I protested.


Yes, you eat two meals a day.” Seung-Hyun-a spoke up after being unusually quiet. “You will now be required to eat a good breakfast, as well as lunch and dinner.” I knew from the tone of his voice that if I tried to otherwise he would force feed me if needed.


Yes. I will eat a sensible, well rounded breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I might even throw in an evening snack!” I told him sincerely. “I will do everything within my power to help our little ones grow strong and steady! I will set aside the urge to protest to things that are not my norm and put our miracles ahead of everything else in my life. I will do my best to protect and care for them until they come out to meet us and the two of you take over!” I said all this looking in Seung-Hyun's eyes, letting him know I understood his fears. My Dear One didn't like things that were out of his control but that effect him greatly...this was the biggest thing possible to effect him, but was completely out of his control.


Thank you, Love.” He said quietly.


Ji-Yong-a came up and wrapped his arms around him from behind, “Little One, you are going to want to kill us on a regular basis. We are going to hover, and be insistent, and down right infuriating...but as long as we keep talking to each other about it all, just as we always have, we will be okay...all five of us.”


Five.” Seung-Hyun-a repeated, his face radiant, his eyes filling with tears. “We are going to be a family of five!”


Huh, I guess I have to say goodbye to the Lambo...” Ji sighed heavily, “Ah, well it was fun while it lasted.”


Nurse Im laughed saying, “I am fairly certain that you have the funds to get a baby appropriate vehicle, as well as keep your Lambo!”


Well, that is true...” Ji trailed off in thought.


Now if you all would direct your attention back to the monitor let's get to know these two a little better shall we? I am done with the technical side now let's play photographer!”


Ji came over and slid a hip on my left side facing the monitor, while Seung-Hyun moved to the top of the bed and wedged himself between it and the wall, leaning over to rest his head next to mine.


We are going to be able to see a big difference between Baby A and Baby B, who do you want to start with?” Nurse Im inquired cheerfully.


We all looked at each other baffled.


Okay, well let's start with Baby B, your youngest.” We all nodded, happy that she had made the decision for us.


Our youngest...I really like the way that sounds.” Seung-Hyun-a whispered just loud enough for Ji and I to hear.


Me too, my love, me too.” I whispered back.


Okay, so this is Baby B, it may look like a peanut at first glance but...” Nurse Im brought out little one up on the screen and proceeded to show us where the head, arms, and hips were. She labeled them all on the photo before printing three copies out for us. Laying there holding my picture I was flooded with so many emotions I honestly had no idea how I felt.



Seung-Hyun-a was staring at his picture, he cleared his throat and announced, “I am in love. I love this little peanut so ing much I would gladly die or kill for this little is this possible when an hour ago I didn't know it existed?”


I feel the same, babe. No one is ever going to hurt our angel...ever...I am not named Dragon for nothing!” Ji uttered with feeling.


Oh, myyyyy! I love the two of you! This is going to be so much fun with you guys at my side!” I grinned like a fool at the both.


Damn right it will be! I am TONS of fun!” Seung-Hyun-a touted.


Okay, before it gets too crazy in here how about we meet your eldest, hm?” Nurse Im interjected and on the screen appeared our other baby. It was amazing the differences in the two was fascinating that this could ever happen! In just three weeks a LOT changes! The first image was a side profile...we needed no explanation of where the head and arms were and now we could see the legs too!


Oh my gawd. He is beautiful.” I sighed.


He?? He?? Where do you see that?” Ji asked searching the screen.


Baby, I don't see it, I just do not like calling our children it. So I will call them both 'he' until we know.” I told him.


Do we have to know what they are?” Dear One asked us quietly.


Well, guess not...I just...”I stammered out.


I do not care one way or another, as long as they are healthy I can wait until we meet them outside of the womb to find out. It is up to our Little One.” Our Heart put in.


Little One...huh, I won't be the Little One for long...” I mused.


You will always be our Little One. We will have: Little One, Littler One, and Littlest One!” Seung-Hyun-a told me grinning.


Nice! But how about: Little One, Angel and Peanut?” I offered up.


I like it.” Ji said and Dear One nodded.


Okay then let us look at a straight on shot of Angel then shall we?” and there in front of us was sudden our little angel.


Oh, look, is he scratching is cheek?” I asked amused.


Nah, I think he is waving! Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad! Hi, Papa!” Ji voiced while waving back at the monitor.


Nurse Im laughed and printed out both the side and front view of our Angel.



Nurse Im cleaned my stomach off and told me that I could get dressed or stay in the robe as I would staying in the hospital anyway, it was my choice. I was lazy and stayed in the robe. It wasn't the annoying ones that opened in the back so I wanted to keep it while I could!


Dr. Lee informed us that our room was ready when we were. I got up and started to the door when Dr. Lee came back in with a wheelchair.


What the hell is that?” I asked, arching my brow at him.


It is your ride to your room.” He told me sternly.


I think not.”


Fine. Let's vote majority wins.” Dr. Lee challenged back.


Well crap.” I sighed knowing Ji and Hyun would vote with Dr. Lee. “Fine.”


I sat down arranged my gown and haughtily commanded, “To my room, servant, to my room!”


Yes, m'Lady” He replied and off we went.






A/N: I know it isn't long but it is something at least...right???  Know I am going as fast as I can and will do my best!


Comments make me happy but just knowing people are reading makes me even happier!!!  




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Xiossi #1
Chapter 16: I really miss this story. Come back soon? Please???
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 16: The uncles are so cute! Lots to work out telling the public!
Lovelyme123456789 #3
Chapter 15: Happy birthday! Yay an update! And it's focused on Jiyong! Yepppers I enjoyed this like I always do! Thank you for taking the time to write such a great story!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 15: Gah! Thank you!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
ChoiKimNa #5
Chapter 14: i want to be sinhae!!!
Xiossi #6
Chapter 14: Ahhhh, This was a very touching chapter. Meeting babies for the first time is always the most wonderful experience for couples. Ji and SeungHyun reactions was just what i imaged. Great chapter really Thank You
Thekatsmeow #7
Chapter 14: Such sweet moments!!thank you!
Xiossi #8
Chapter 13: I'm hooked!!! Why can't I be Sinhae???
Lovelyme123456789 #9
Chapter 13: Oh I hope your doing alright. Take your time and update when your ready. I know i'll always be back to read more, cause I love this story! ;)
Thekatsmeow #10
Chapter 13: Ahhhhh! You did update!! Thank you! I prayed for your hand many times!!!!

Now...I am concerned with the reason she is vomiting and fever, but I will keep my ideas quiet and wait for you to show me the story!!

Feel better everyday!