
Can I Feel My Truly Love?


Since the time he left me…
I never meet him anymore...
And I just realize it...
I’m suffering without you by my side...
            Since that time, I never see him anymore. It feels like.. there is something missing. It seems like I have been accustomed to his presence on my side.
           I’m stirring my lemon tea in front of me with no interest. Three days without him makes me feel sick. Yeah, it feels like in the hell. He usually approaches me in the canteen. But now, no one comes to me anymore. No one mocks me anymore. No one makes jokes on me anymore. No one.. There is no him anymore.
           I see Junhyung entering canteen with gloom plastered on his face. I’m going to call him but.. someone follows him behind. That girl. Yeah, Kim Hyuna. She follows him behind. They sit  quite far from my seat. They seem so serious. And Junhyung is talking to her. He seems so sincere, and Hyuna listens to him well, I guess? Ah, I think he wants to.. confess to her? 
           Few minutes later, Hyuna starts to talk. And yeah, Junhyung listens to her very very well. I’m pretty sure about it. And then, I can see him smiling widely. He pats her head in lovely way. Oh no, the pain is coming again. It feels more hurt than the time he told me everything about her. Damn, I can’t hold it anymore. I leave my seat fast, leave them that still enjoying their times together.
Kyaaa sorry for not updating and the short chapter, I was so busy and had no time to write the chapter. I just had school trip few days ago, that's why ;;___;;
But don't worry, I've finished writing the next chapter, and I will post it few hours later, so stay tunned! XDDD


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chapter 5 is up! and I made another edited pic of junyoon kkk~


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jjpunghi #1
Chapter 13: KYAAAAAAAAA EONNIE!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOODDDD!!!! Thanks to you Jiyoon and Junhyung are happy at the end. Well another ;)
Lattice #2
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwwwwww FINALLY!! kkkkk, after all the trouble xD
Thanks for this sweet story!! Hope you can write another :3
Chapter 13: Ahhhh, omg~~~ It was so cuteee~~~ Please write another one! *puppy eyes*
Chapter 13: Ahhhhhhhh!!! <3 it!! So sweet !!!! I hope you will write another story soon!!!
Lattice #5
Chapter 12: OMG!!!!! He's going to confess!!!! aksfklasjhfksadj!!!
Waiting............. *-*
aaarrrggghhh #6
Chapter 12: aaarrrggghhh..... junhyung will make a confession to jiyoon.. waiting for next chapter..
Chapter 12: Yay confession start!!! But is it me or it feel like his confession won't b confess that easily o.o like maybe he got into an accident or something happened XD
Hwaiting for ur next update !!!!
jjpunghi #8
Chapter 12: Aish i hate you eonnie! You should make an update really soon. You know how to make someone curious.. wellyeah beautiful poster kekeke. Can i haveone? Uuuggghhhhh imma waiting foryour new chapter.i dont want to wait kkkkk dont make me wait too long
Chapter 1: uri jiyoonitt :(((
author, you are being so mean hueeeee
anyway, update soon!!! :D
aaarrrggghhh #10
Chapter 11: jiyoon pov... can feel the pain again. thank you for the update.