
Wedding Bouquet


          Kai turns the engine off, he glances to passenger seat. Sehun is sleeping there. Kai takes deep breathe before opens the door and comes out. He closes his face with both of his hands. Tired…. He is really tired. Kai leans on his car; he takes cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He brings the cigarette to his lips, he inhales deeply. He isn’t smoker, but in this state he needs to calm himself down. He needs something that can help him to turn his system off, nicotine isn’t the answer; he knows it for sure, better than nothing.

His phone is ringing, he sees the user ID. Xiumin-hyung…

“Kai, where are you?” Xiumin asks hurriedly. Kai even doesn’t answer, yet. Xiumin adds.

“Information I get, Kris is still in Korea” He doesn’t hear the rest. He immediately turns the engine on, Sehun stirs from her sleep.

“Kai, what’s going on?” Sehun asks. Kai is about to tell Sehun the news, but he doesn’t want Sehun’s hope crash to the ground.

“I have appointment with client. I’ll take you home now” Kai says calmly, Sehun finds it odd, but shrugs it off.

Sehun waves to Kai and sees his car disappear to the next block.

“Mom, I’m home”

“Sehuna, here in the kitchen” Her mother shouts.

She goes to the kitchen and finds her mother makes cake with Taeyeon.

“Eonni, what are you doing here?” Taeyeon chuckles and smacks her head.

“Awwhh… What was that for?” Taeyeon hugs her, she is shock, but hugs her back. Taeyeon pulls away and smiles to her. She grabs Sehun’s wrist and gives her the wiped cream.

“Make cake with me and always remember me” She smiles with her silliness, Sehun understands what’s hidden meaning in that sentence.


Kai rushes to Park Inc. building where Xiumin works; it’s good that Xiumin’s secretary has known him. Xiumin is there walk back and forth.

“Hyung” Xiumin looks up; he grabs fax that he receives not long ago.

“Someone sends me fax, I have traced back the sender, but it seems sent from public facilities”

Wu Yi Fan doesn’t leave this country, not yet.

“Not yet, this mean he maybe leaves this country. …. We must find Kris-hyung” Kai runs outside, Xiumin grabs his coat and follows Kai’s outside.

“We need to check all flight airlines to get their passengers database” Xiumin says while fasting his seatbelt.

“We need the others” Xiumin calls Suho and Lay inform them the information they get.

“Hello, Suho. We get information Kris is in Korea, now Kai and I will check passenger database from every air flight. We need your help, tell Yixing….” Suho cuts Xiumin off.

“Xiumin, listen. Please, calm down. Wait for us. Don’t do something reckless, passenger database isn’t that easy to get. We don’t know what air flight he will take. Nor know from where airport he will take the flight, we has no idea where he are going to go either” Suho says.

“But Suho, we…..”

“Passenger data isn’t something you can get if you ask” Suho says sternly.

“We will wait for you”

Kai watches his wristwatch. 04.35 pm, they have waited Suho for almost 25 minutes. Suho’s workplace is far enough and this make Kai more frustrated. Xiumin pats his shoulder to calm his tense body. Kai smiles a bit as grateful sign. At least he isn’t alone. Xiumin and the others must be nervous, desperate, and hopeful as well.

They see Suho’s car along with Yixing’s car.

“Sorry we took long time” Suho says apologetically.

“It’s okay” Xiumin smiles to them.

“Hyung, you prevent us to get database from air flight. Have you better idea?” Kai needs the answer, Suho glances to Yixing, Yixing nods to Suho.

“I don’t know it is good idea or the worst one, but we need police help”


“We can’t get the data by ourself, but police has reason to check the data. Public security, nation duty or what’s reason they can manage. The air flight will give them without question further. Believe me, it’s the best way I think. As Joonmyun maybe you won’t believe me, but believe me as lawyer’s son”

Kai wants to snort; he suppresses himself to do that. It sounds crazy, but gives it try.

“Okay, hyung. So how we get the police help?” Suho smirks.

“Suho, you are crazy”

Suho nods and smiles triumphantly.


Sehun and Taeyeon are lying on Sehun’s bed.

“Hei, strong girl” Sehun turns her head to see Taeyeon who draws star by her finger.

“Hm….” She hums sign she is listening.

“No matter how long it will take you, how much it cost, how difficult it to through, promise me you won’t give up for your love. He never gives up on you; he doesn’t give up on love. He just got wrong signs of love. His love is pure, affection, admiration, protection, respect, don’t give up on him. You get the right signs of love and make him see the right signs of love”

Sehun closes her eyes and smiles unconsciously. Taeyeon glances toward Sehun, Sehun gets her message and she believes Sehun understands it really well.

Taeyeon hears her phone rings and excuses herself.

“Thanks God. Taeyeon, we find Kris”

“What? You find Kris” Taeyeon shouts. Sehun climbs down and walks fast to Taeyeon direction.

“Sehun, Kris is in airport. We go there now” Sehun grabs Kris trench coat and uses it immediately.

They run to Taeyeon’s car.


Kai thanks the police officers and Xiumin calls Taeyeon to tell her the good news.

“Yixing, what Sehun said?” Suho asks.

“Sehun didn’t say anything. She ended my call after I said Kris is in airport” Suho frowns; he is about to ask when suddenly the door opens rather harshly.

“All of you out but Suho and Kyuhyun” They gulp, the police officers nods. They walk outside along with Kai, Xiumin and Lay.

After they close the door leave the three alone. Suho realizes hell comes in front of him.

“Officer Kyuhyun as ……” Suho cuts him off.

“Kyuhyun thank for your help. I’ll handle it from now” Suho says sternly. Kyuhyun nods his head; he takes a glance once more to Suho before close the door behind.

Kai, Xiumin and Lay are panting from run. They admit they lost their mind.

“I wish it won’t cost their relationship” Xiumin sighs

“Someone who breaks rules is trash, but someone who doesn’t care of friends is worse than trash. Siwon believes this sentence. Suho and Siwon know each other inside outside. Suho won’t take action recklessly. Suho is lawyer’s son, the fact if he uses his ability he can be lawyer as well. Suho action will take consequence and affect their life, but at least it won’t cost their relationship”

“Hyung…. Come on. We need to arrive at airport. I can’t wait to see them meet again” Kai shouts from his car.

Lay and Xiumin shake their head.


They are in high way. It’s unfortunately in front of them is traffic accident not far away from the airport that cause traffic jam.

Kris flight is about 1hour from now; they will make it, but with this situation.

“It’s just 15 km and we are in the back of airport, right?” Sehun unfasten the seatbelt, she won’t ever lose Kris once more.

Taeyeon shouts her name, she ignores her shout. She needs to arrive there don’t care the way.

Sehun sees the airport building. She runs cross the way, car comes fast to her direction and all she sees is the blood before she faints.





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thanks for all the readers, thanks for commenting and sucribs.... I'll do my best. thanks for the supports :)


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Chanbaekailust #1
Chapter 9: why this is so complicated :''(
whoo jaejong?and who is whoo?
i really can put the puzzle who friend with who abd vica versa
i hope jaejong isnt luhan friend or stuff
but seems like they all know sehun
Chapter 8: ; A ;
Poor jonginnieeee
kyuuhunnie #3
Chapter 8: nice story!

can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 8: the lily :'o
kyuuhunnie #5
Chapter 7: kris, help your sehunnie..

i want krishun and hanhun moment.

update soon, please!
Chapter 7: Omg whos this mysterious guy that claimed to be sehun's older bro?!
kyuuhunnie #7
Chapter 6: is sehun get amnesia??

can't wait for the next chapter!
update soon, please! >.<
Chapter 6: Sehun is not die yet right authornim????? /cries a river
Chapter 6: LUHAN!!!!!!

And Sehun get amnesia?
Oh, God! Poor Sehunniee...
Did Taeyeon saw the accident? She must be know the car (Luhan) take her-body-covered-blood away.
No! No! NO! Hweaaa T.T
Chapter 5: NO! SEHUN!!!!
Oh God!
I found Hatake Kakashi's quote about 'trash' hahaha...
Okay, I just found this-so-adorable-fict and just read it. And this is the first time i feel like want to murder Luhan -_-"

Kris don't leave Sehunaa please!