The beginning of the Adventure

Journey To Love

As Chelsea walked back in the room, everyone was giving her the worried look and she noticed everyone staring and she went back to her seat acting like nothing happened. Crystal and Darcy asked her if she was ok and she explained to everyone that she's perfectly fine. (LIE!)


and she said that she gets all emotional when she's nervous. She joked around to make people believe her/ 


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AFTER CONVINCING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The guys and the girls were separated into 2 rooms so the guys left the meeting room and went to a different room and the girls stayed. Both groups are going to pick a plave where each of them will spend their first date -- only thing is, they won't know who their date is until they meet each other at the place they picked.



1.) Movie 

2.) Restaurant

3.) Beach

4.) Park

5.) Amusement Park

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GIRLS SIDE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chelsea: Restaurant reminds me so much of work. I think I'll go with the Movie since I haven't seen a movie in awhile. 

Samantha, Allison, and Darcy all chose the amusement park so they all played Rock, Paper, Scissors against each other.....First one to be out, is Darcy.....then Allison. So Samantha won the amusement park date.

Darcy ended up choosing the park

Allison picked the beach

Crystal chose the restaurant

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GUYS SIDE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone except Mark chose the amusement park

Guys played Rock paper scissors to see who will get the amusement park

Xavier and David got out and both picked the restaurant. Xavier lost the game again.

Mark lost the Amusement park and chose the park

Xavier was stuck with the Beach

David got the restaurant

Robert won the Amusement park


Mark chose the movie


Jared <3 Tiffany = Park

Darien <3 Danica = Movie

Matthew <3 Crystal = Restaurant

Xavier <3 Allison = Beach

Robert <3 Samantha = Amusement Park

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mycupoflove #1
Great story and characters! I can't wait to read the rest of the story. :)