chapter 2

The Day When I Lost You


Luhan had finished bathing; he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso revealing his toned abs and fair skin. He headed towards Sehun’s room to change clothes since he forgot to bring them when he was in the bathroom earlier. His blonde hair was all wet and water fell on his bare chest. He backcombed his hair preventing the water to drip on his body.


The thought of the girl still playing in his brain, like a movie being played over and over again made his lips curved up a bit. He smiled as he remembered what had happened a few minutes ago.


Sehun chuckled at his brother’s stubbornness. “Her name is ....”


“Kai. Sorry to not introducing myself earlier.” Sehun words were cut off by the soft voice behind him. Both Luhan and Sehun turned their gaze to the sound and found the girl was staring back at them.


Her lips pulled up, the smile which is somehow look like a smirk, was devouring Luhan’s mind that makes Luhan stopping what he was doing and stared intently at the angle in front of him. Sehun was just smile back while Luhan dazed a moment before he quickly snapped back his thought and sticking out his hand for a hand shake.


“I’m Oh Luhan. Glad to know you.” He smiled and the girl gladly shaking her hand with his.



Luhan was walking out from the bathroom smiling like an idiot unless he suddenly stopped in between the kitchen and living room as he heard the room filled with laughter, it were none others coming from the girl and his brother, Sehun. Her laugh is so melodious, absolutely endearing that makes Luhan turned his head right after he heard the voice and for god’s sake he felt blessed as the latter facing her beautiful feature which always stunned him.


Luhan grabbed his suitcase which he put in the passage near the shoes’ rack. He dragged his suitcase in Sehun’s room, but unluckily he had tripped his own leg and fell on the floor with a loud thud, fortunately his towel didn’t fell off or he would be embarrassed himself in front of the girl. He groaned as he felt pain in his lower body. He barely got up holding on his towel tightly, when a hand suddenly appeared in front of him offering a help, it’s Sehun’s hand. He grabbed the hand and Sehun pulled him so he could stand on his foot while his hand busily dusting his hands and thighs from the unseen dust.


“Thanks.” Luhan thanked him as he was suppressing the pain in his lower region.


“That’s okay hyung. Did you hurt somewhere?” Sehun asked worriedly examining Luhan from head to toe.


“I’m fine.” He smiled convincingly.


“But, hyung, what are you doing? … in front of my room..” Sehun asked while eyeing Luhan’s half body and his suitcase.


“I’m not Sehun, didn’t you see, I wrapped myself with a towel?” Luhan scoffed.


“And why are you standing in front of my room?”


“Need to change, place my stuff and sleep though; we don’t have enough bedrooms, only two, Kai’s and yours. I can change and put my stuff here, but I actually don’t want to sleep with you, but since Kai is a girl so I don’t have any choice left except..” Luhan smirked as he paused his own utterances.


“Except what?”


“Except.. I can sleep in Kai’s room. Ouch!” Luhan yelped as he suddenly got a slap in the back of his head; he turned around only facing an expressionless Kai holding a magazine in her hand. He smiled sheepishly.


“That’s hurt, Kai.” Luhan whined cutely and Sehun giggled at his brother cuteness. But when he’s about to say something, his phone rang and he hurriedly ran to find his phone in his white lab coat. He finally found it and received the call, leaving Kai and Luhan.


“Ehmmm.. you can use your own room, I’ll move to the couch.” Kai didn’t stare at Luhan since she was a bit uncomfortable seeing a man only with a towel.


“No need for that, duh.. You can use mine as you like.”


“No, I’m leaving. I’ll sleep in the…” Kai’s words were cut off by Luhan sudden outburst.


“Just shut your nonsense and listen to me. Whether you like it or not, I’ll sleep with Sehun and you can use my room or did you actually invite to sleep over in my own room… with you?” Luhan chuckled seeing Kai’s confused expression. Luhan lifted one of his hands to ruffle her messy wavy hair and tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.


“It’s okay, Kai. I’m just kidding. Do you know that you look beautiful when you are just acting all cool like this” Luhan smiled, his assuring smile always makes others who see it melted and felt much better, no exception for Kai.


“Ehmm..  Thanks.”


“Yes?” There is a tinge of playfulness in Luhan’s voice as he keep staring the shocking Kai in front of him.


“I said thanks.” She looked down playing with her fingers, didn’t dare to look at Luhan.


“Anything for you, babe…” Luhan cooed before he closed Sehun’s door. Kai moved in to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Luhan busily placed his clothes into Sehun’s wardrobe since the latter were agreed to share room with his brother. Luhan opened the suitcase grabbing a white shirt and black sweatpants. He then walked back to the living room, sitting on the couch watching television, no interesting program, when he wanted to turn around; he faced Kai who was hardly balancing three mugs in her hands.


“Here.” She offered the red mug for Luhan, he gladly accepted it.


“Thanks” Luhan thanked her. She took a seat beside Luhan, she placed one mug on the table. It must be Sehun’s, Luhan thought.


“So what happened when I’m not around?” Sehun came from nowhere and earning a soft hitting on his arm from Kai because Sehun made her surprised. Sehun chuckled softly and took a drink from the mug on the table, he yelped in pain when his tongue made a contact with the hot thick liquid. His eyes were teary.


“How’s work?” Kai asked while blowing her hot chocolate.


“The chairman adds another weeks of practical. I’ll stay in the hospital’s mess. It will be boring. Ah.. I can’t even imagine it.” Sehun shook his head vigorously.


“That’s bad; you even haven’t been home for a month.” She stated in disbelief.


“Seem like someone missed you home, Sehun.” Kai rolled her eyes as she understood what Luhan’s talking about.


“It’s unfair.. Yesterday I just saw Suho oppa and his girlfriend hung out in the mall and he just said all of his friends had been discharged from the hospital. But you…”


“It’s okay Kai, Sehun will be fine, right Sehun?” Luhan patted her head and massaged her shoulder gently to lessen up her tense.


“Yeah I’m okay, don’t worry too much. That’s really not you.” Sehun ruffled Kai hair. “So how’s yours? Does the project is going well?” He asked back.


Kai shook her head. “No. Dio gives me another hard time; I should revise the living room’s design one more time.” Kai let out a long sigh before sipping her hot chocolate carefully won’t burn her own tongue like what Sehun did earlier.


“Dio? You mean the owl boy?” Sehun laughed at his nickname Kai given for him, that’s because his big rounded eyes always pooping out whenever he was shock.


“What’s wrong with him? Isn’t he always nice to you before?” Sehun held his stomach to stop laughing, but his attempt was failed when he saw Kai puckered her lips.


“I don’t know but he has changed when the last time I brought you there. He was mad and yelled at me, complaining about simple stuff and now, he keeps giving me cold shoulder.” Kai’s angry face is just like a funny expression for Sehun. Sehun was still laughing, while Luhan rubbed her back and whispered ‘It’s okay’ to her. She lifted her chin up a bit and glanced at Luhan from the corner of her eyes, she pulled up her lips. Little did she know that Luhan knew she was smiling at him.


Luhan rested his head on her shoulder, she startled a bit but she managed to keep calm under Luhan dominant presence behind her.


“Maybe Luhan hyung know what should you do to kick Dio’s off.” Sehun wiped off his tears, didn’t notice his hyung’s behavior towards the girl in front of him.


“I think he likes you.” She jolted in surprise when Luhan hot breath hit her nape, it was ticklish and she has to bite her bottom lips to prevent weird sound coming from . She couldn’t stand such closeness with Luhan.


“That’s not true, he has a girlfriend. He even introduced her to me.” Kai tried to shift her position forward but only getting closer to Luhan as the latter pulled her back made her leaned on Luhan’s chest. Luhan had his arm around Kai’s waist to stop her for moving anywhere. Kai sighed in defeated.


“He wants to make you jealous.” Luhan whispered softly in her ear, Kai shot death glare at him, which Luhan only shrugged off and kept doing what he did earlier. Another laugh was coming from Sehun as he heard Luhan’s skeptical statement about Dio. Kai face palmed covering her redden face in embarrassment.


“That’s the worst joke ever, hyung” Sehun laughed hard. Luhan stared at him annoyed.


“I don’t even care with his stupid girlfriend or any feeling of his to me. I’m tired to make sketches while he just easily rejected them.” She lowered her head trying to hold her anger, but Luhan is a sensitive person who can easily read people’s mind, Luhan grabbed her hand and entwined their hands. Kai turned around and locked eyes with Luhan.


Time stopped and Kai felt suffocated from lack of air. She just realized that Luhan stared at her intently; she could see truthfulness and softness coming from Luhan’s doe eyes and it’s late for her to break the stare while both of them were captivating at each others’ gaze and the intended meaning behind it. Even when Luhan brought their hands up to his lips kissing her knuckles, she still occupied with Luhan’s gaze. She snapped back preventing herself to remember Luhan’s affectionate gesture before. Sehun was looking away while holding his stupid stomach when it happened, Kai just stayed still.


Their stare were cut off when Sehun’s phone rang for the second time. He excused himself to receive another call and disappeared right away. Kai averted his gaze avoiding Luhan’s, while Luhan leaned back against the couch as he was stretching out his back for bending his body in a quite long time. He took a quick glace to Kai, which the latter looked at her toes deeply in thought. Luhan grinned.


“I’ll come to your work place.” Kai eyes were widening in shock.


“Huh?” She looked confused. Luhan smiled as he could read what she thought and patted her head. “Do you plan something?”


“I’m not planning something, just bored staying alone in this house. Need a fresh air and since I hate hospital, I think it’s better if I take a walk in your work place.” He smiled.


“Okay..” She’s once again avoiding Luhan’s piercing gaze.


“Promise me, you won’t do anything bad or embarrassed me.”


“Promise.” Little did Kai knew, Luhan was smirking beside her.


Sehun came back from receiving the call and told them that he has to leave. There is an emergency call from the hospital, he said sorry to Kai and gave her a big hug before he faced Luhan and told him that he still missed his big brother.


“Hyung I’ll call you later, and Kai please watch my hyung, he likes doing something stupid, don’t let him embarrassed himself.” Kai nodded and sending Sehun off, Luhan only waving cutely behind them. Kai was back another minute later and startled seeing Luhan grinning evilly in the frame door. Kai gulped.


Damn. I’m all alone with this ert brother. What should I do then?

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 6: Can you update this, author???
where are youuuuu? TT.TT
PLEASE.... for my life, you need to update author... hehe.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 6: Miss you too hunny...
Wake up!!! Steal kai's attention and make some drama, LOL
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 5: I can kiss you all day author, hahaha xD
but but..... i feel so bad to sehunny...
you lost your start again, hunny TT TT
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 4: OMG! I have this dugeun dugeun while reading this.
because reading and imagine kai as a girl is too much to handle ><
And with lu personality oh my God this is daebak! ><
heyitsDibo #5
Chapter 4: Hehehehheheh idk why i like this story so much T.T maybe because Kai is the girl & Luhan is the _______ guy? Hehehehehehhehehehehehehhehe
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 3: OMG!
this is new for me to have kai as a girl.
and you did a great job. Love it!
please update soon.

i want to know whats really going on with sekai too..
love luhan chara xD
taebiyu #7
Chapter 3: Haha When I read there was a girl in the story I was annoyed. Then I thought it was Kai and was REALLY hesitant. After the first chapter, I already wanted to read more ! :D I really like it can't wait to see more ! :D I want Kailu it's a first for me but I totally love manly Luhan in this story ! <3
hokuspokus #9
Chapter 1: Kai is the girl? Lol I tried to imagine it but it was hard. Good story so far.
heyitsDibo #10
Chapter 1: I bet the girl is Kai! No? lol. anw nice story! Shall wait for new updates ^^