Chapter 1

The Day When I Lost You


Seoul 3.00 a.m. Oh’s Residence.


Luhan untied his shoes laces. He put his suitcase next to the shoes’ rack while his coat hung in the coat hanger stand near the shoes’ rack as he tiptoed toward the living room, but only a few steps ahead a loud thud heard when unfortunately he stubbed his toe over a small table near the coach.



He hissed in pain and went his way back to his own room. He purposely didn’t turn on the light because he was just lazy also he didn’t want to wake up his brother with those entire ruckuses he made. It’s a surprise since his brother didn’t know that he’s back from U.S. He made his way to the second floor.


The room which was always admitted as his brother room since their childhood was still the same. He could see the black wooden king size bed, two bed side tables, no wardrobe or else, it’s just a simple wide room which surrounded with glass. A glass room, he called it, since the walls are made of glass. He chuckled remembering how he and his brother always bickering over this room. Until one day his brother gave up and used the guest room in the first floor. He said that Luhan’s room was hot and there was no place for his pile of books. That’s true that this room is especially made for him. It’s not that he has claustrophobia that he was scared of narrow space, he just thought that it would be nice if he could see real stars when he’s asleep.


He touched the sliding glass door. He could see someone sleeping on his bed. It must be Sehun. I’ll surprise him. He chuckled at the thought of surprising his little brother.  He pressed some numbers at the small device in the door to unlock it. He relieved that Sehun didn’t change its code. Luhan knew that his brother didn’t dare to touch his things, even a small thing like changing the code of his door.


The door slid revealing a body covered with a thick blanket. It must be thick since the winter was coming and the rain poured hard since he arrived in Seoul. He walked slowly and crawled on the bed to back hug the latter under the blanket.



Luhan hugged the latter tightly and slowly pulled the blanked down. A head popped up from under the blanket. A sleepy face which is not his brother’s turned to face him.  A beautiful face which Luhan surely is not Sehun’s, covered with hair only on the one side of her face, Luhan could see confusion spread across its face. The latter combed its hair back with her delicate fingers so that she could she clearly. A beautiful girl stared at him in surprise ready to scream but stopped when a lighting seen from the glass behind the bed.


Luhan who stunned by the beauty in front of him didn’t realized a quite sound hitting his chest until he felt a head leaned on his chest trembling hard. Luhan who was shock by the sudden action of the beautiful girl, only shifted his position so that he could make both of them comfortable. The girl still trembled in his embrace. He patted her head and rubbed her back gently. He then sang a lullaby which he usually sings for his brother. The tense shoulders in his embrace were slowly relaxed.


Luhan stopped singing when he heard a soft breath coming from the girl. He patted her head, moved her bang aside, and kissed her forehead. Inhaling the fruity shampoo she used and cracked a smile in between the kiss. He slowly closed his eyes.


Time passed by as both of them were sleeping. Luhan was the one who made a move as the sun’s rays went through the glass room, and shot directly at Luhan’s face. Luhan growled in his sleep as he covered his face from the sunlight lazily and tried to reach a remote control over the bedside table. He pressed the ‘closed’ button and the curtains slid over covering the glass walls. He wanted to sleep again when his half lidded eyes suddenly noticed the girl in his embrace. He then decided to enjoy the sight in front of him rather than going back to sleep. A smile formed and subconsciously he caressed her cheek gently. She flickered her face and slowly her lids opened. The girl’s eyes fluttered, closing them and blinking a few times. But still, she couldn’t focus on her sight because of the dim light in the room; she looked at him from under her half-closed lids.


“You are awake?” Luhan looked at her in disbelief still amazed with her beauty. He tried to hold himself, to not climb over her and kiss her plump y lips senselessly.


“Uhmm..” She mumbled. Luhan chuckled at her cuteness.


“So cute.” Luhan pinched her cheek lightly won’t hurt her beauty. Her eyes still locked on Luhan even she couldn’t see him well.


“You.. you aren’t Sehun.” The girl stammered.


“I’m not.” Luhan shook his head.


“Who are you?”  A questing look spread across the girl’s face, confusion all written on its beautiful face. The girl was looking at Luhan with her sleepy eyes which adorably cute, that Luhan almost lost his words.


“I’m his older brother. Did he ever talk about me?” Luhan let out a small giggle.


“He just told me that this house made by you.” She shifted her body closer to Luhan. “You are warm.” She snuggled in Luhan’s chest and her lids slowly closed.


“I see. Maybe he was afraid that someday I’ll steal you.” He rubbed her back and rested his head on top of her head.


“I do not belong to anyone, not even Sehun.”


“That’s a good news though.” Luhan kissed her head inhaling the fruity scent on her’s, never getting bored of it.




“Nothing. Just sleep then.”






Luhan was finally awake, stretching his body on the bed. He yawned a couple times and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. He blinked a few times and finally sat up and leaned against the headboard, reaching out the remote to open up the curtains. He glanced at the timer in the bedside table, it’s already 11 am. He was still sleepy. He lacked of sleep because he was too overjoyed coming back to Seoul that made him couldn’t shut his eyes. He still felt the jet lag from the flight he had yesterday.


The sun’s rays was beaming on his room again, as he stirred his body to look at the other side, soon he realized that there is something off. Luhan tried to remember what bothered him this morning, scratched the morning, it’s almost afternoon anyway. He then remembered the beautiful girl; he was looking to side to find nothing. He let out a sigh.

Where is she?


Luhan rubbed his eyes lazily and walked over the kitchen. He felt so thirsty. He slid the door and went down to find something to drink. He reached the living room and a smell of delicious food spread all over the room. Luhan smiled as he found her, she was cooking.


“What is it?” Luhan sneaked behind her. He then turned his gaze  to the fridge, opened it up and looked for something any drinks there, his eyes landed on strawberry milk in the corner of the fridge; he grabbed it and then closed the fridge.




“I like it. But, why are you cooking this much?” Luhan slurped his milk, eyes still focusing on the girl. He snickered, his eyes enjoying the back view of the girl in her oversized shirt. He could see her long legs since the girl only wearing a short that was fully covered her shirt. He shook his head stopping himself for fangirling over the girl in front of him.


 “I make it for Sehun.”


She then turned her head to face Luhan. Luhan’s eyes were widen, seeing her beautiful face in the bright light, he didn’t realize that she was this beautiful, even Luhan couldn’t describe her beauty, she’s more likely an angle not a human being. She was just turning for a few second, but Luhan has successfully captured his beautifulness in his brain, those beautiful dark orb eyes and a pair of y plump lips on her cold face and a long wavy dark auburn hair with a cute bang hangs on her face. An ice princess type. The best part of her beauty is that she didn’t look like ordinary Korean girls; she has a honey colored skin. One word Luhan could say, y. Luhan make a quick hypothesis.


“Oh, I see. So where is he? I haven’t seen him anywhere.”


“He’s in hospital. Practical.”


“So he decided to be a doctor? That kid, never tell me anything.” Luhan pouted.


“He wants to surprise you.”


“I know.” Luhan’s stomach growled in between their chat.


“I’m sorry. My bad.” Luhan smiled sheepishly and tapped his stomach as a punishment for making him embarrassed. You silly stomach, he murmured softly.


“I’ll take care the food, just wash yourself first. It’ll be ready in no time.”




In a couple of minutes, Luhan came from the bathroom and the food was served in the table. He took the seat and started to eat. The girl came a minute later and took a seat across from Luhan. Both Luhan and the girl were eating silently. No words came in between them. The silence broke when a beep sound coming from the entrance door being opened. They stared at each other for a mere second but didn’t utter any words, still eating up. Then a figure of young handsome guy appeared on the dining room. Luhan took a glance and raised a smile at the figure that now was standing in front of him, giving a look is-it-my-ing-hyung-who-finally-come-back-after-ten-ing-years, he then hugged Luhan lovingly, Luhan only chuckled at the childish act of his little brother.


“Hey, hunnie..” he smiled.

“Hyung, you’re back? After ten ing years? Leaving your only little brother in Seoul? Now you’re back, without telling me a single thing. What the hell are you doing here??” Luhan pushed his brother lightly and ruffled his brownish hair.


“That’s how you treat you hyung, heh?” He pouted.


“Hyung… I really hate you.” The latter chuckled at his hyung who never failed to make him laugh even when he’s really mad at him.


“I love you too. Don’t be so mean to me. I’m older than you, remember!”


“Never be this good, hyung.”


“Tch, this kid.. I ..” A quite but heard fake cough echoed in between the three. Sehun still surprise with his brother arrival, didn’t notice the girl who is also there, looking at the two men with dark aura surround her. Her presence was being neglected.


“Ehemm… I’m done.” The girl was ready to leave when a hand suddenly caught her wrist. The girl turned around at the latter confusedly.


“What?” Luhan ignored the look she’s giving, calmly raised both of their hands up, so that Sehun could see it. The girl rolled his eyes with the latter childish action. “So.. Who’s the beautiful girl here?”


“Ahh.. She’s my best friend, hyung..” Sehun felt unconformable on his seat as he looked away to avoid Luhan’s piercing gaze.


“So, you never said that you live with a beautiful girl before.” Luhan’s still grabbing the girl wrist. The girl just gave Luhan a sigh and decided to watch these brothers’ melodrama session.


“I’ll tell you later. I’m really hungry, hyung. So please stop this investigation, okay?” Sehun already went to kitchen, but stopped when the girl grabbed his arm. Sehun looked at girl and a smile formed in the corner of his lips.


“What’s wrong?” He asked the girl, he was now confused with the girl’s sudden action.


“I’ll get it for you.”


“Thanks.” Sehun was back to his seat.


“Now, sir, can you let go of my hand?” The girl demanded and Luhan let go of her hand, leaving both men in the dining table. She could see how these brothers missed each other, especially Sehun who always told her how he missed his brother and how he tried his best to get his brother acknowledgement of his dream. She cracked a smile and prepared the food for Sehun.


“So, who is she actually? Your girlfriend?” Luhan asked in a low voice, whispering to Sehun, so that the girl couldn’t hear him.


“Aish.. hyung, what are you talking about, you’re just thinking too much. She’s my best friend like I said earlier. Why don’t you trust your own brother?” Sehun let out a long sighed as he was actually in his limit of tiresome. He was very tired, how could a students like him to have a long shift in the hospital. Even he was a genius on his faculty, it didn’t mean that he could work day and night; he was still a human who needed sleep though. Sehun was planning to just hop onto his comfy bed, but suddenly his hyung appeared on the house, and again, he just buried his plan to go sleep.


Luhan was examining his brother; a tired expression was dominating his handsome face. Luhan was surely understand how this hospital things work, and he could imagine how tired was his brother dealing with his patients. Luhan smiled as he tried to reassuring his mind.


“I do trust you. You looked so tired today, hard day though?” He asked. Sehun only nodded as an answer. Luhan smiled at him and ruffled his hair. “You did a great job.” Sehun was a bit shocked at his brother’s words but managed to form a smile. He felt his heart being lifted lightly, feeling so much better.


“So you haven’t introduced her to me. I don’t even know her name.” Luhan reminded his brother about the previous topic they talked about earlier; since Sehun only gave a little information about their friendship which only made Luhan was curious to death.


Sehun chuckled at his brother’s stubbornness. “Her name is ....” 

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 6: Can you update this, author???
where are youuuuu? TT.TT
PLEASE.... for my life, you need to update author... hehe.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 6: Miss you too hunny...
Wake up!!! Steal kai's attention and make some drama, LOL
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 5: I can kiss you all day author, hahaha xD
but but..... i feel so bad to sehunny...
you lost your start again, hunny TT TT
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 4: OMG! I have this dugeun dugeun while reading this.
because reading and imagine kai as a girl is too much to handle ><
And with lu personality oh my God this is daebak! ><
heyitsDibo #5
Chapter 4: Hehehehheheh idk why i like this story so much T.T maybe because Kai is the girl & Luhan is the _______ guy? Hehehehehehhehehehehehehhehe
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 3: OMG!
this is new for me to have kai as a girl.
and you did a great job. Love it!
please update soon.

i want to know whats really going on with sekai too..
love luhan chara xD
taebiyu #7
Chapter 3: Haha When I read there was a girl in the story I was annoyed. Then I thought it was Kai and was REALLY hesitant. After the first chapter, I already wanted to read more ! :D I really like it can't wait to see more ! :D I want Kailu it's a first for me but I totally love manly Luhan in this story ! <3
hokuspokus #9
Chapter 1: Kai is the girl? Lol I tried to imagine it but it was hard. Good story so far.
heyitsDibo #10
Chapter 1: I bet the girl is Kai! No? lol. anw nice story! Shall wait for new updates ^^