Chapter 6

The Day When I Lost You


Sehun was sitting on the couch watching an entertaining program. It’s been two weeks that he had finished his practical in the hospital. He was surely regretted his additional weeks of practical that he couldn’t meet his beloved brother who has left to Japan this morning. His brother only stayed for two weeks in Seoul since the latter has a business meeting in Japan and would be back in Seoul after three months later. He only met him once the first day he came to Seoul but his brother never missed to call him every day, but still, he really missed him. He let out a long sigh. He didn’t see that someone from the kitchen watching him worriedly. She was on her phone talking with her lover.


Kai      : “Sehun looked so broken when he came back and now he was spacing out, and all of that because of you.


Luhan  : “You have to entertain him, make him happy.” Luhan chuckled.


Kai      : “How? I never see him depressed this badly. You’re the one who have to consider about his condition, not me.”


Luhan  : “I’m in Japan, remember, and I have told him before that I’m leaving to Japan. He’s a big boy duh.”


Kai      : “But still, he really missed you since you came back to Seoul and met him after ten ing years, remember?


Luhan  : “Not exactly ten years, since he always comes to States once a year.” Luhan scoffed.


Kai      : “You meannie brother, but still you have to..” Kai hasn’t finished her utterance when Luhan cut hers off.


Luhan  : “How about you?” Kai was silent thinking how should reply Luhan’s question. She was already missed him although they had separated this morning but now she was a bit angry with him, how could he missed her more than his own brother. She felt sorry for Sehun but deep inside she was happy that Luhan also missed her. Luhan knew that his girlfriend was deep in thought but he just missed her and he doesn’t like when people neglected him.


Luhan  : “If you don’t want to speak, I’ll hang up.”


Kai      : “No no no.. Ermm.. I missed you, too.” Kai whispered.


Luhan  : “I can’t hear you, babe. Speak louder, please..” Luhan pleaded.


Kai      : “You heard that. Don’t pretending that you don’t, liar.


Luhan  : “Babe please, buing buing..” Luhan made a cute voice and he could hear that his girlfriend was giggling on the other line.


Kai      : “Okay.” Kai emphasized each word.


Luhan  : “That’s sounded y. Babe I have to hang up, the meeting will be started in a minute. I’ll call you later.


Kai      : “Don’t forget to call Sehun too.


Luhan  : “I do.  Love you, babe.” Luhan hung up.



Kai pouted as her lover hung up when she’s about saying ‘I love you too’ to the latter. Kai was smiling like a high school girl who was in love, when she suddenly felt someone tapped her shoulders; she turned around and looked at the latter. Sehun was all smirking and grinning like he was a lion aiming for his prey. Kai looked confused.


“So how’s your relationship with my brother?”


“Uhmm.. Fine.” Kai looked away avoiding Sehun’s piercing gaze.


“That’s not what I mean, you, silly girl. You never told me that you and my brother were in relationship.”


“Uhmm.. I’m sorry didn’t say anything to you. You’re busy and we don’t want to make you worried.” Kai lowered her head playing with her fingers. Sehun just sighed and stared at her there is a glimpse of pain in his eyes that Kai didn’t notice. He shook his head and made a fake smile plastered in his handsome face.


“It’s okay. You’re a good girl though even a bit careless. Hahahaha..” Sehun laughed. Kai hit his arms and headed to the living room. She had a red mug in her hand and headed to the living room leaving Sehun in the kitchen.


“Kai..” Sehun called her, she turned to look at Sehun who was looking at her anxiously.


“What?” Kai asked him confusedly.


“Why are you limping? Did you hurt?” Kai gasped, she was confused how to answer Sehun’s question. It was because Luhan’s fault, Kai thought. Kai just smiled and said that she had fell down in the bathroom while showering, Sehun just nodded. Kai sat on the couch and started to remember what had happened yesterday night with Luhan.



Kai leaned on Luhan’s bare chest while drawing circle on his bone. Luhan swirled Kai’s long wavy dark auburn hair laid beautifully covering her back. Luhan inhaled her fruity scent that he love so much.


“So you’re leaving?” There is a broken sound in her soft voice.




“For three months.. in Japan?” She asked again convincing herself that her boyfriend wasn’t joking around, she dug her head on his chest. She wrapped her hands around his body, she bit her bottom lip to hold her tears.


“I’m sorry, babe… but.. I promised you something.” Kai looked up and locked eyes with Luhan. Luhan was smiling like an angle and Kai was infected to smile back at him. He rubbed her head gently tucking a few strand of hair behind her ear.


“When I come back to Seoul, I’ll propose you...” Luhan paused.


“Will you marry me, Kai?” Luhan asked. Kai eyes were widen in surprise, she didn’t expect that Luhan would proposed her, their two weeks relationship was really no joke for him to asked her to be his wife. Kai sobbed in happiness, her dream was fulfilled, she became someone important for Luhan, someone who deserved for Luhan. Luhan hugged her tightly.


“So, what is your answer?” Luhan asked.


“I do.” Kai cried hard in Luhan’s embrace. Luhan then reached out his hand to the drawer in the night stand and took out a red jewellery box. He opened and took the silver ring inside crafted with the initial ‘L & K’ inside. Luhan shifted his position and leaned to the head board so that he could see Kai’s beautiful feature, Kai sat facing Luhan, her tears dripped on her cheek like a stream.


Luhan grabbed Kai’s left hand placed the ring in her ring finger and kissed her hand right on the ring. Kai looked at the ring, now she was officially Luhan’s fiancée. She was so happy that she was being speechless; Luhan caressed her cheek and wiped the tears with his thumb. Luhan was about to pull Kai closer to kiss her when suddenly he felt a soft lips pecked his. Luhan was shocked and Kai giggled looking at her boyfriend stupid reaction. It was just a few second before Luhan’s confused expression change into a naughty one. Kai was taken aback when Luhan smirked at her after taking a glance at the watch on his phone’s screen.


“What?” Kai was step back slowly.


“Well we have two hours left and..” Luhan paused eyeing the beautiful creature in front of him all that he could see every part of her body. Kai could feel Luhan’s stare burning her skin as she tried to cover her body with her hands. Luhan chuckled at her cuteness.


“Babe, why don’t we spend all of those, right now before I’m leaving?” Luhan smirked.


“What are those?” Kai asked dumbfounded. Luhan pointed something with his eyes, Kai followed Luhan’s gaze and frowned, a cold shiver ran down to her spine; her cheeks reddened eyeing the unused protection on the table.


“So.. shall we begin?” Luhan smirked crawling closer to Kai who was scared imagining what would happen next. She was already sore feeling the pain all over her body, especially her lower parts and she couldn’t take another round or she couldn’t walk the next morning.


“Nooooooooo……” Kai screamed heard all over the house.



“Kai, stop smiling. It’s creepy you know.” Kai snapped back and turned to the sound; it was Sehun sitting beside her, he handed a plate of tempura to Kai without breaking his gaze from the televison. Kai smiled and took one.


“You’re just jealous, right.” Kai playfully asked him.


“Yes, I am.” Kai gasped. She was just silent and glanced at Sehun from the corner of her eyes; she saw a solemn expression on his face. Kai was confused, did she think too much or it was just Sehun’s stupid act to trick her.


“What are you thinking? I’m just joking, silly.” Sehun patted her head and smiled at her, yes, Sehun also has this charm like Luhan; their smiles could make people felt better and relaxed. Kai moved closer to Sehun and rested her head on Sehun’s chest bringing her legs to her chest and hugging them. Sehun wrapped his hand on Kai’s waist leaning his head on the of Kai’s head. “Why are you so clingy?”


“I just… missed you.”


“Me too.”



i'm sorry, this is a short chapter.. ^^

hope you like to read it.. XD

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 6: Can you update this, author???
where are youuuuu? TT.TT
PLEASE.... for my life, you need to update author... hehe.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 6: Miss you too hunny...
Wake up!!! Steal kai's attention and make some drama, LOL
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 5: I can kiss you all day author, hahaha xD
but but..... i feel so bad to sehunny...
you lost your start again, hunny TT TT
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 4: OMG! I have this dugeun dugeun while reading this.
because reading and imagine kai as a girl is too much to handle ><
And with lu personality oh my God this is daebak! ><
heyitsDibo #5
Chapter 4: Hehehehheheh idk why i like this story so much T.T maybe because Kai is the girl & Luhan is the _______ guy? Hehehehehehhehehehehehehhehe
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 3: OMG!
this is new for me to have kai as a girl.
and you did a great job. Love it!
please update soon.

i want to know whats really going on with sekai too..
love luhan chara xD
taebiyu #7
Chapter 3: Haha When I read there was a girl in the story I was annoyed. Then I thought it was Kai and was REALLY hesitant. After the first chapter, I already wanted to read more ! :D I really like it can't wait to see more ! :D I want Kailu it's a first for me but I totally love manly Luhan in this story ! <3
hokuspokus #9
Chapter 1: Kai is the girl? Lol I tried to imagine it but it was hard. Good story so far.
heyitsDibo #10
Chapter 1: I bet the girl is Kai! No? lol. anw nice story! Shall wait for new updates ^^