Chapter 3

The Day When I Lost You


Luhan scrunched his nose as he woke up from his deep slumber. He stretched his body from left to right several times. It’s been a long day since he came to Seoul. He still tried to adjust the difference time between New York and Seoul. He yawned as he loosened up his hands, unfortunately he hit some books which sticking out a bit from its rack above him. One of the books successfully landed on his forehead and some hit the floor. He groaned and stomped out from Sehun’s room only greeted by Kai who was holding his black mug and stared at him with her honey orbs. She furrowed her brows.



Luhan stunned eyeing her morning angle who was still in her usual clothes, oversized sweater and shorts. Her messy hair looked awesome and Luhan let out a soft chuckle at her cute glasses hanging on her sharp nose.


“What?” Luhan jolted in surprise, snapping back his own thoughts.


“Nothing. Why?”


“Weird.” She mumbled leaving the dumbfounded Luhan. She put her mug on the table and hopped on the couch, holding the remote tv and clicked the ‘channel’ button randomly until she found an interesting program she liked. Luhan joined her and took a seat beside her.


“Where is my coffee?” Luhan asked her or more seemingly demanded her to make him a coffee. Kai turned to Luhan annoyed.


“I’m not your personal slave.” She glared angrily at him, but the latter only shrugged his shoulder and grabbed the mug in front of him. He brought it to his mouth and blew the coffee to reduce its heat. When he thought that the coffee is much colder, he sipped it.


“What are you doing Luhan?” She snatched her coffee from Luhan’s grip and rubbed the rim of the mug with her thumb cleaning up Luhan’s lips mark on her mug; she gave another glare to Luhan.


“What? I only sipped a bit.” Luhan looked away sticking out his tongue to annoy her. Kai grasped Luhan’s jaw forcing him to face her. She wanted to scold him, but she saw a blood dripping from Luhan’s forehead. She widened her eyes and touched the bruised scratch on his forehead gently, Luhan yelped in pain.


“You’re bleeding.” She murmured and got ready to get off from the couch but Luhan suddenly held her hand pulling her back to sit on the couch.


“What? Did you hurt somewhere else?” She looked confused at Luhan’s sudden action. Luhan then rested his head on her shoulder. Kai still eyed Luhan, until she heard a soft breath coming from Luhan. She looked at him and her head titled to one side to find Luhan sleeping soundly on her shoulder.


“What should I do, now?” she asked to herself softly didn’t want to waking up Luhan, but unfortunately Luhan was half asleep.


“Just stay like this for a few minutes.” Luhan said slowly his lids were closed. It’s just for a couple minutes before she waved her hand in front of Luhan to make sure whether he was fully asleep or not. She heard another sound and decided to stay still.


Luhan was finally sleeping when Kai placed his head gently on the cushion and ran to the kitchen to find the first aid kit. She brought it and poured the disinfectant in the cotton. She sat on the floor leveled her head as Luhan’s. Kai moved his bang to the side. She gently pushed the cotton in Luhan’s bruised scratch. Luhan flinched and pulled his lids up slowly.


“Stay still.” Kai demanded. Luhan groaned when she carelessly pushed a bit hard on the bruised scratch Kai muttered sorry as she continued to put on the cream before covering it with bandage. She sighed in relieve as she finally done bandaging Luhan. Kai was startled when she noticed Luhas was staring at her.




Luhan shook his head. “Nothing and.. thanks.”


“It’s okay, you can sleep. I’ll make you something to eat.” She cleared up the first aid kit still sitting on the floor. She’s about to walked to the kitchen when Luhan called her.


“Wait.” Kai turned her head.


“What about our date? Luhan asked. Kai raised her brows, tried to remember what kind of date Luhan’s talking about. When she was in her deep thought, Luhan answered his own question seem like she forgot about it.


“Yesterday, I had told you that I want to go to your work place, remember?”


“Ah, yeah.., I remember. I’ll change then, and you better do fast or I’ll leave you.”


“Yes, madam!” Luhan chirped happily as he walked to the bathroom.


Nearly half an hour passed, Luhan had done changing and eating the soup which Kai prepared before. He sat on the couch waiting for Kai. He looked at his watch every minute. What did she take so long? Luhan mumbled. When he was grumbling, footsteps heard walking down from the stairs; Luhan titled his head up and mouth gaped in shock.


Kai was still in her usual clothes only now she was holding a bag and an interior magazine. Her hair was perfectly done combed, swaying freely behind her back. She shifted her glasses before heading out to the front door, leaving the astounded Luhan. She took out her car key and was about to grab her sneakers when a hand grabbed her shoulder stopping her. She already knew that the culprit is none other than Luhan but she ignored him focusing herself on tying her shoes laces when suddenly she felt her body being lifted up from the floor. She was confused and then realized that Luhan took her bridal style; she struggled but failed since Luhan is much stronger than her. She bit her bottom lip in panic. Luhan walked up the stairs to her room opening the door difficulty since he carried Kai. Luhan pushed her on the bed, Kai gasped when her back hit the bed in a loud thud. Kai was really confused but when she looked at Luhan, the latter only let out a chuckle before replacing it with a smirk. Luhan pinned her in between the bed and his body. Kai gulped.


“What do you want?” Kai was trying hard to look stern while deep inside she had to admit that right now she was scared of Luhan.


“Is this outfit that took you so long, huh?” Luhan eyed her, Kai was felt uncomfortable beneath Luhan, while she was trying her best to covered her flat tummy with her shirt. It’s happened when she was landed on the bed which accidently her shirt was pulled up to her tummy, and she didn’t want Luhan to see her body. Another failed attempt when Luhan noticed her and he grabbed both of her wrists pinning them above her head.


Kai was confused didn’t know what to do. Since she couldn’t move, her legs were pressed with Luhan’s and now her hands were pinned, the worst part was her revealed flat tummy showing to Luhan. Luhan brought his head down leveled to Kai who was looking away. Luhan took her chin and turned it to face him. Kai was shutting her eyes, Luhan chuckled seeing her cute expression when she was in fear.


“Open your eyes! I won’t do something bad to you. I’m not a ert, you know.”


“Yes, you are.” Kai opened up her lids slowly and stunned when she saw Luhan was only a few centimeters away from her face. Her eyes widened. Luhan didn’t see Kai shocking expression while he was reaching her ear whispering his soft melodious voice.


“Change with another outfit or..” he paused blowing his breath on Kai’s neck, she was shivering and Luhan could feel it “..I’ll change it for you, I like ripping something off, if you want to know.” Luhan stayed still. Kai was silent.


“Answer me!” Luhan demanded.


“Why should I do that?’ Kai was looking at the ceiling and turned her head to the opposite of Luhan’s head above her. Luhan smirked as he saw the more revealing Kai’s neck in front of him.


“So you prefer staying home… it’s alright.. we can do something good here.. on the bed..”


“Fine.. I’ll change. Now get off or you want to press me to death.” Kai said in defeated, Luhan let go of her and giggled before leaving the room when he saw Kai’s angry face.


It’s cute, Luhan thought.




         Kai stormed out and slammed the car door harshly leaving Luhan who was still confused where he should park the car. They were in Kai’s work place, Mr. Kim’s minimalist house. Luhan followed her a few minutes later panting hard from running. Kai shot a death glare when she glanced at Luhan who walked beside her. Angry.


         “Someone was angry?” He jokingly said, but Kai just kept shut.


  “Okay. You may think that I’m a ert but not I’m just being myself, a selfish brat. I don’t want to share my beautiful Kai to anyone, especially when she only wore shorts and revealed her honey thighs in public. It will be bad if they know that my Kai has a big mole on her th…” Kai covered Luhan’s mouth to stop him saying nonsense in her work place and making her embarrassed in front of her team mates. Luhan lifted his chin down so that their eyes were at the same level, giving his puppy eyes.


Kai let out a small growl. “I’m fine, just stop talking, please, my head is already hurt for too much thinking about my project. So please, just shut your mouth and… I don’t have a big mole noted that.” Luhan nodded. Before she pulled off her hand, she felt something wet pressed on her palm. She stared at Luhan who was now his lips with his thumb. She hissed.


“Did you just spit on my hand?” Kai sneered at him.


“No. I’m just kissing your beautiful hand.”  Luhan shrugged his shoulder and smiled like nothing had happened.


“That’s the worst.” Kai rubbed her palm on her white jeans. Kai who busily cleaning her hand and Luhan who were observing the building, didn’t noticed that far off where they stood, someone was watching them. The latter walked happily towards them. A sudden high pitch voice called Kai from behind. Kai and Luhan turned their heads to the sound; Luhan furrowed his brows while Kai only waved at the latter.


“Jongdae oppa.. Where have you been?” The person named Jongdae stood in front of her offering a coffee he brought before. Kai just knew where he was before while muttering thank you to him. Luhan just watched them making a fake cough to get their attention since Luhan hate being neglected.


         Jongdae turned his head to see someone standing behind Kai. “Who’s he? Your boyfriend?” Jongdae smirked.


“He’s not..” Kai’s words were cut off.


“I’m Luhan.” Luhan gave his angelic smile. He offered a hand shake, Jongdae shook it.


“Jongdae.” He smiled back.


“So, Luhan what are you doing here?”


“Take a walk.”


“So you’re skipping class? That’s cool.” Jongdae smile at him, Kai held her laugh looking at anywhere except Luhan’s scornful expression.


“Pardon?” Luhan asked still catching up Jongdae’s utterance.


“You’re a high schooler, right?” Chen now was confused, while Luhan only clenching his teeth and tried hard to smile sincerely. Kai on the other hand couldn’t hold her laugh anymore; he laughed hard seeing Jongdae and Luhan’s confused expression.


“What? Did I say something wrong?” Jongdae was really confused, looking at Kai who still laughing and Luhan who was still shutting his mouth.


“He’s Sehun older brother and he’s older than us.” She wiped her tears.


“I’m sorry, hyung.” Jongdae patted Luhan’s shoulder.  Luhan smiled. “It’s okay, Jongdae. I have heard it many times.”


Jongdae nodded. He looked at his watched and gasped. “Gosh.. I’m late. Kai, I’ll go first or Chanyeol will scold me, don’t want to hear her noisy voice.” Jongdae smile but before he walked further away he turned. “Hyung, I’m sorry for not offering a coffee. I don’t have any spare.”


“It’s okay. I can share with Kai.” Jongdae nodded and then disappeared from their sight. Kai nudged Luhan’s abdomen. Luhan gave a question look and Kai just shook her head.


“A minimalist house with an infinity pool. Not bad.” Luhan muttered eyeing his surroundings.



Kai and Luhan walked pass the green grass in between the pool and the house. They walked towards an entrance hall which leads to a spacious living room with high ceilings, fireplace and integrated dining area. The wall which colored in white makes this spacious living room feel calm, cool, and collected, a gracious setting for elegant gatherings. The wooden pattern on the floor makes comfort underfoot and feels natural life trapped in modern living style. Also the fireplace which places on the marbled wall symbolizing hearth and home that balanced the atmosphere of the room. Wide glass windows complete the decoration, showcasing the beautiful green site and the blue water of infinity pool, inviting to relax, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and explore the surroundings. These large panoramic windows ware also the center of lighting since they allow light to enter the room. But the house hasn’t finished yet since there was no furniture inside.


“How does the interior? You haven’t decided the interior yet?” Luhan asked her when they were in the kitchen. Kai just shook her head and sighed.


“We had done with the other rooms, but the living room hasn’t decided yet that’s because our stupid chief rejected my designs.” Kai leaned in the kitchen’s counter as she was staring outside through the big glass window next to her. Luhan just watched her trying to find words which could comfort her. But it’s just wasted away with another high pitched voice disturbed their peacefulness.


They turned to the noisy sound, a small cute guy appeared. Kai smiled and the latter just ran towards Kai, hugging her like there is no tomorrow. Kai just patted his back, Luhan eyes widened as he watched them.


“Chill out, Baekkie oppa. Is there any problem?” The latter lifted up his chin looking at Kai in fear. Kai was confused.


“Mr. Kim.. Mr. Kim.. He will come soon. What should we do? We haven’t finished the living room yet.”


“Who does get his call?” Kai asked looking serious. Baekhyun sobbed in her arm.


“It’s Chanyeol. We will get scold.”


“No.. We will not. Where is Dio? He’s the responsible one here.” Kai shook Baekhyun small frame that are almost similar to her height. Baekhyun only pointed at a room near the kitchen. Kai pushed Baekhyun lightly and stormed out from the kitchen and went to the direction Baekhyun pointed before. Baekhyun stayed still on his spot and took a glance at someone behind him.


“Sehun?” Baekhyun wiped his tears and looked at Luhan confusedly since the latter just stared back without saying anything. Luhan just shook his head.


“Nice kitchen.” Luhan walked pass Baekhyun leaving him alone and confused. He just suddeny feeling bad and he forgot where the room Kai just entered before. Luhan was about to go back to ask Baekhyun when he heard a slapping sound. It’s not that far from Luhan position so he ran to the direction accidentally bumping Baekhyun who also ran there.


When Luhan came, he saw Kai was sitting in the floor touching her reddened cheek. Her face was stoic but he could see tears forming in her eyes. She just hung her head, covering her face with her hair. Luhan pushed Baekhyun aside so that he could go in. Baehyun almost fell if it wasn’t Chanyeol who stood behind him, holding him tightly. Luhan even didn’t apologize for his rudeness he did earlier; he just couldn’t stand seeing Kai this broken. He grabbed Kai wrist and glared at the smaller man who keep apologizing beside her. Kai looked up and so did the smaller man.


“Let’s go.” Luhan grabbed Kai’s wrist and pulled her up.


“No. What are you doing Luhan?” Kai swayed her hand to release Luhan’s grip. Luhan was about to drag Kai from the room when the smaller man, which Luhan remembered as Dio because his big rounded eyes that look like an owl, Sehun had mentioned him before; grabbed his hand forcefully.


“What?” Luhan glared angrily.


“Where are you going? You can’t bring my coworkers anywhere.”


“Well Mr. Owl, you also didn’t have the right to slap her puffy lovely cheek with your.. dirty hand.” Luhan chuckled as he gripped Kai’s hand tightly, but it’s just a mere second since he didn’t want to hurt her.


“What? Who are you? Talking bad about me.” Dio shouted at him feeling annoyed.


“I’m Luhan. Kai’s boyfriend.” All the people inside the room were shock, including Kai who was covering in surprise. She hit his arm but Luhan just stared at her intently.


“Never heard she has a boyfriend before, such a liar.”


“Now you heard it and so did people inside the room should I repeat that I am Kai’s boyfriend. Happy?” Luhan smirked. “Or actually you are jealous that she chose me rather than a shorty like you?”


“I am not shorty or jealous. For your information, an intruder like you doesn’t allow to enter the work place, so please just leave now.” Dio said in demanding tone but since it was Luhan, he just shrugged his shoulder and smiled annoyingly to Dio. Kai was silent and obeyed Luhan, she stayed behind Luhan’s back hiding from the shocking stares from her team mates.


“Okay, I’ll leave but of course with my beloved Kai.” Luhan headed to the door but Dio stopped them.


“Not with her, we still need her to work.” Luhan and Dio was in staring competition that they didn’t notice an old man walked towards their direction.


“What happened here?” A husky voice of middle age man was heard from the living room. Baekhyun who was in front of the room was frozen and so did two people behind him. Kai took a glance at them and she already knew who he was; it’s Mr. Kim. Kai rushed to the living room and greeted Mr. Kim; she was forgot that she’s still holding Luhan’s hand. The rest followed behind.


“Good afternoon, Mr. Kim.” Kai smiled shaking her hand with Mr. Kim’s.


“Good afternoon, Kai. So how does my living room will be?” He directly asked her. Kai gulped, didn’t know what to say. On the other way, Mr. Kim was eying someone beside her, a familiar figure he knew somewhere.


“Luhan, right?” Luhan who was also feeling familiar with the old man tried to recall his memory, but he was just greeted with a big hug from the old man. He smiled fatherly and Luhan just remembered, that baozi face, belong to the only one, uncle Kim Minsook.


“Uncle Kim. What are you doi..? Don’t say that this mansion is yours?” Luhan’s mouth gaped, didn’t believe with such a fate like in the dramas he had watched before, but this’s the reality that her uncle was the client of Kai’s team. Luhan hugged him back and said how he missed him back then when he’s in States.


The others just watched them in disbelief. It’s rarely to see Mr. Kim smiling since Mr. Kim always gives hard times for them due to the weird taste of properties and sometimes scolded them when they were doing something that Mr. Kim didn’t like without them knowing about those.


-The italic dialogues are in Mandarin.-

So what is your relationship with this girl? Mr. Kim asked in mandarin. Eyeing Luhan who was holding Kai’s wrist, Luhan smiled at him before answering his question.


She’s my soon to be wifey.” Luhan held Kai hand and pulled her closer confused.


So you’re accompanying her here.” Luhan nodded.


Kind of.. and can I help you with something, uncle?


No. Actually I had come to tell them something.”


What is it, uncle? Is it a good or bad ones?


A good one… Hahahaha …. I like the last sketch for my living room and I hope they design it sooner.


I’ll tell them right away then.


No, Luhan, you just ruin my happiness. I like teasing them, especially your girlfriend. She’s great and I like her design.” Luhan just smiled and stared at Kai who just watched them in confusion since she didn’t know what they are talking about.


I can feel it too, uncle. You know that I always choose the best anyway.


“You little rascal never change a bit.” Both Luhan and Mr. Kim laughed together while the other just hoping that Mr. Kim’s mood was as good as the news he brought for today’s meeting.


“Okay, guys. I should inform you a good news.” They were gathered around Kai and Luhan. Chen was holding his coffee, Baekhyun hiding behind Chanyeol, and Dio enlarging his eyes; while Kai was squeezing Luhan’s hand tightly. Luhan just smiled at her and rubbed her hair.


“I accept your last sketch of my living room.” They were surprised and screamed a second later. “But.. Finish it in a week from now.” Mr. Kim smiled and left them but stopped when they hugged him and muttered thank you. Kai who also wanted to hug Mr. Kim to show her gratitude was held by Luhan strong grip in her hand; Luhan spun her hugging her firmly. Kai was startled but hugged him back.


“Thank you.” Kai leaned her head in Luhan’s chest. Luhan just kissed the top of her head as the answer.


“You owe me for this.” Luhan smiled as he loosened his embrace.


“I’ll pay it later.” She walked away leaving the grinning Luhan behind.

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 6: Can you update this, author???
where are youuuuu? TT.TT
PLEASE.... for my life, you need to update author... hehe.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 6: Miss you too hunny...
Wake up!!! Steal kai's attention and make some drama, LOL
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 5: I can kiss you all day author, hahaha xD
but but..... i feel so bad to sehunny...
you lost your start again, hunny TT TT
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 4: OMG! I have this dugeun dugeun while reading this.
because reading and imagine kai as a girl is too much to handle ><
And with lu personality oh my God this is daebak! ><
heyitsDibo #5
Chapter 4: Hehehehheheh idk why i like this story so much T.T maybe because Kai is the girl & Luhan is the _______ guy? Hehehehehehhehehehehehehhehe
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 3: OMG!
this is new for me to have kai as a girl.
and you did a great job. Love it!
please update soon.

i want to know whats really going on with sekai too..
love luhan chara xD
taebiyu #7
Chapter 3: Haha When I read there was a girl in the story I was annoyed. Then I thought it was Kai and was REALLY hesitant. After the first chapter, I already wanted to read more ! :D I really like it can't wait to see more ! :D I want Kailu it's a first for me but I totally love manly Luhan in this story ! <3
hokuspokus #9
Chapter 1: Kai is the girl? Lol I tried to imagine it but it was hard. Good story so far.
heyitsDibo #10
Chapter 1: I bet the girl is Kai! No? lol. anw nice story! Shall wait for new updates ^^