Chapter 5

The Day When I Lost You


Luhan sat on the hanging chair in the terrace next to the living room. He stared his surroundings, inhaling the scent of pine trees and feeling the cold breeze of the winter. Even he knew that it was cold he still wore his sweatshirt and a pajama pants. When the he felt cold, he just pulled up the hood to cover up his ears protecting from the cold wind. He took his iPad and typed something on it, before he put it down beside him a few minutes later. He sighed. Bored.


The coffee which was on the table was cold for a long time ago along with other cups there. He glanced at his watch, it’s already 6 a.m. He let out another sigh, a long one. It’s been 2 days since he couldn’t sleep; his insomnia is getting worst each day and he couldn’t help it. He was tired but still, he wasn’t sleepy yet. He took a pencil which fell on the ground and brought it up to the table in front of him. He took a paper and started drawing something. It’s just another minutes that he crumpled it, another crumpled paper being thrown on the floor. He looked at the watch again, 6.10 a.m. He pulled out his blonde hair in frustration.


Damn, how did the time pass slowly?


Luhan snatched the pencil and gripped it tightly as the pencil broke into two pieces. He was so anger that he couldn’t control his emotion anymore especially when he was really bored and tired at the same time just like today. He closed his eyes feeling the wind that caressing his fair skin and breathing in and out while he smelled a fruity scent. He was curious since he didn’t smell this scent before and what with the sudden warmth he felt just now. He opened up is eyes before he turned his head to the side. There. He saw Kai was looking at him with her dark honey orbs fluttering in surprise, before she looked away. Luhan let out a chuckle.


“Why are you here?” Luhan asked while eyeing the broken pencil and the scattered papers on the table.


“How long have you been here?” She asked back looking worriedly at Luhan’s tired expression and those dark circles under his doe eyes.


“I don’t know, maybe all night.” Luhan shrugged his shoulder.


“What? Are you crazy?” Kai cupped Luhan’s face and she could feel how cold he was. Kai grabbed Luhan’s hand and tried to drag him inside, but Luhan was stronger than her so she ended up being pulled back to sit.


“Luhan, let’s go inside or you will catch a cold. It’s cold here.” Luhan shook his head. He took his coffee and drank it feeling the cold liquid running down into his throat. He smiled as it was the best coffee he ever drank.


Kai was looking around seeing the messiness Luhan made. Kai got off and picked one of the crumpled papers near her. She opened it and there, there is a beautiful sketch of a glass house, gaped. She turned to Luhan who was busily playing with his iPad, didn’t notice Kai’s glare at him. She picked all the crumpled papers and opened it one by one. There are a lot of other beautiful sketches with different type of houses. Kai stunned at those sketches, never in her life she could make them in just one night. Kai covered in disbelief.


“Like what you see?” Luhan spoke didn’t look at the surprise Kai; he was too captivated with the game in his iPad.


“Are those..” Kai couldn’t finish her sentence still stunned with them.




“Yours? In one night you can make this much.” Kai took a glance at Luhan who was now smirking at her as he put the iPad on the table.


“I can make it more if you want.” Luhan shifted closer to Kai reaching out one of his hands behind Kai’s back.


“Do you want all of them?” Kai’s eyes were widened.


“I can give you them all, even my life if you want.” Luhan added. Kai looked at him surprised.


“Are you mocking me?” Luhan shook his head.


“No. I’m serious.”


“No need. I can make my own.”


“But yours are not as good as mine?” Luhan boasted.


“So full of yourself. Mr. ert..” Kai scoffed.


“No. I’m being realistic.”


“What? So you said that my sketches are worse?” Kai crossed her arms and glared at Luhan who was just smiling like a retard.


“I’m not saying anything.”


“But your sentence was implying that mine are not as ing good as yours.” Kai pissed off.


“I can teach you if you want?”


“I don’t need anything from you.”


“Then… How if it was me who just need you?”


“Say that to your annoying friend from yesterday. Who is her name again?? Kyungmi?? Both of you guys head over heel with her, don’t you? What a waste?” Kai scoffed, leaning against the chair as she crossed pulled her legs up to her chests.


Luhan grinned. “Someone’s jealous?” He took a glance at the now sulky Kai as the latter pout her lips annoyed.


Kai turned her head and glared at Luhan. “I’m not ing jealous with that !” Kai rolled her eyes avoiding eye contact with Luhan, as her mind trailed to the previous memory of the said girl.


It was yesterday that Kai and Luhan decided to take a walk in Sehun’s practical hospital in Busan. They visited Sehun and brought him lunch. It was another unlucky day for the beginning. They started the morning with bickering over the channel program and unfortunately, Kai always ended up with failure no matter how hard she snatched the remote from Luhan’s grip again and again. When she found there was no way out to fight with physical strength, she had an –soon to be a worst decision she would regret it later- idea, playing game in which the result weren’t happened from what she has planned.


She couldn’t use her own bathroom –Luhan used and locked himself for about an hour-, she also couldn’t have her morning coffee –Luhan drank her coffee and it was last stock-, skipped her reading comic routine –Luhan shooed her away from the living room and took control over it leaving Kai in the corner of the room with sulking expression-, went to shop early in the morning where the temperature outside could freeze the hell out of her body –no car, just took a walk-, made Chinese food for the very first time and got scolded for buying wrong ingredients –Luhan’s handwriting is like a toddler’s, the readability was low and she had the urge to read with the probability of getting astigmatism-, the breakfast was luckily edible enough that she has to bear a lot of complaints from Luhan –Luhan kept complaining about the burn noodle, the uncooked veggies and the taste that didn’t like his mother’s-, got lectured because of the clothes she wore in which Luhan really irritated to such a revealed skin clothes –again, Kai sighed as this incident never reached an ending.


That was all Luhan’s fault, because Luhan won the game –they played soccer game and Kai, with so much faith and confidence in her favorite game lost 5-0– in which the winner could do anything and the loser had to comply what the winner had said. It was the beginning of the hell day.


In the way to the hospital, Kai took her destined role as a driver. Driving for almost five hours to Busan was really tiring and for the hell’s sake Luhan knew that well. The riding to the hospital was silent; Luhan was sleeping soundly beside Kai. Kai took a glance at the sleeping Luhan and got back herself to focus on the driving when Luhan stirred his body facing Kai.


They reached at noon and it was the break time so that they could visit and give the lunch box to Sehun. Kai took her phone to call Sehun, as she walked in the entrance of the hospital, but her intention had stopped because the latter was walking a few meters away from her but he wasn’t alone because there was this girl who had troubled Kai these days, she was none other than Kyungmi.


What’s she doing here? Kai turned her head and saw Luhan waved at Sehun’s direction. Crap, she mumbled. She heard footsteps coming closer and the elegant y voice sounded closer enough to make her hair stood up.


“Lu oppa, is that you?” Kyungmi stood in front of Luhan for a couple second before launched herself to hug Luhan while Luhan who was also surprised seeing her only replying with a smile and patted her head. In the other hand, Kai’s expression wasn’t good enough to pretend how surprised was she, how did Kyungmi knew about Luhan? Kai turned her head to the side annoyed. Sehun took a step closer to Kai and wrapped his arms around her shoulders leaning his head against Kai’s.


“What’s wrong, Kai?” Sehun’s hot breath swept Kai’s nape.




“Your priceless face was .” Sehun dug his face on her crook inhaling her fruity scent in which Sehun never gets bored of it. Kai tried to struggle but Sehun only tightened his embrace.


“Do you know, Kai… that I…” It was a mere second as Sehun’s lips brush against her revealed shoulder skin when Luhan cut his words off. Kai lifted her head and so did Sehun still wrapping her. Kai looked at the annoying ladylike Kyungmi walked towards her.


“Kai, this is my friend, Kyungmi.” Luhan introduced her.


“Actually I had known her, oppa. She’s my junior, Sehun’s friend.” Kyungmi smiled smirked.


“What a coincidence! So what are you doing in Seoul?” Luhan asked.


“I’m planning to work in Busan, Sehun had recommended me about this. I thought it will be great if I work here, close with my family.” Luhan ruffled her hair as she swatted his hand away as they laughed together. Kai was being a quite person, listening to their conversation since she didn’t want to join in. She made herself invisible.


“You, guys are still close even it has passed 7 years ago. I’m so jealous back then whenever Kai stuck close at Sehun.” Kyungmi chuckled. Sehun smiled as he unwrapped his arms around Kai’s shoulder.


“I’m sorry to make you felt that way, noona.” Sehun smiled sheepishly. Kyungmi patted his head and a soft ‘I know’ slipped as a reply.


“Kyu, have you..  dated my brother before? How did I don’t know it? What is it, Kyu?? You break my heart” Luhan looked at her with a fake sad expression. Kyungmi chuckled.


“It was a past story, oppa. Don’t be jealous and please stop making that stupid face, it didn’t suit you at all.”


“Have you got your lunch? Let’s eat together, Kyu.. Kai made lunch for us.”


“That’s a great idea but i think I can’t make it since I have a meeting with my professor now. I’m sorry oppa. I’ll take my leave then. Bye, guys.” Kyungmi smiled earnestly and kissed Luhan on his cheek before she left. Kai’s eyes widened in shocked at the sight of their intimacy.



“What are you thinking?” Luhan leaned closer towards Kai.




Luhan moved his hand on Kai puffy honey cheek; he caressed it and stared at her longingly. Kai frowned but her eyes locked with Luhan. They stared at each other for what seems to be eternity but it was only a few second but they could see the tenderness inside. Kai was stunned and her mind went blank. Luhan’s stare could eat her alive and his gently touch leaving her breathless and numb. Luhan’s presence suddenly filled the atmosphere surround her made her lost in thought and broke down all her senses, intruding her brain to stop thinking anything instead of Luhan.


Kai wasn’t a stupid blind girl who didn’t recognize Luhan’s handsome face. She just didn’t want to admit it every time Luhan touched her, it sent shiver down to her spine and her stomach fluttered like there are thousands of butterflies. She was force herself to not taking glance at his handsome face or he would catch her if she likes him. She should admit that his fair skin and blonde hair were stunning, his small face and doe eyes made him look like a ten years child, his pink lips were kissable that she tried hard not to touch them with her’s, his manly small figure was perfectly fitted him, even she knew that he has tone abs behind his shirt. It’s not that she was ert or what so ever, it’s just one of Luhan’s habits to just wrap a towel when he finished bathing, and Kai was lucky to sometimes take a glance at his body secretly.


She was happy whenever Sehun talked about his brother, how in such a young age he could design those beautiful houses and buildings and won such architectural awards in States, she envied his talent. All of the enviousness made her wants to meet him in person until a week ago, her wish was granted. It’s not a dream anymore, yes, she sometimes dreamt about him, how he looked like, as she could imagine that maybe he looked like his brother, Sehun, all handsome and charming. She couldn’t hold herself when suddenly he lay besides her and hug her, yes, it’s not a dream. It’s just a second or less that she could recognize that the latter wasn’t Sehun, it was him, Luhan, and she couldn’t hide her happiness either say it, since she didn’t want to make Luhan felt uncomfortable beside her. She must hide her feeling, she thought to herself at that time.


When time passed, it turned out that Luhan also cared about Kai, but still, she won’t hung her hope too high that it might hard for her if Luhan just seeing her as Sehun’s best friend and not a girl who suited enough for Luhan to be his girlfriend or even his wife. She lowered herself; she was not capable enough to stand by Luhan’s side. Never in her life she had fallen deeply in love to someone, except for Luhan and still she didn’t want to show it in front of him. She was scared, scared with her own thoughts about Luhan.


Kai was still in deep thought and she didn’t know that Luhan staring at her. He smirked, his hand found his way to Kai’s neck and pulled her closer seem like Kai still captivated with Luhan. Kai snapped back when she felt hot breath brushed her face, Luhan’s face just a millimeter away from her.


“I am going to kiss you..” Luhan said in between their lips.


She felt that her breath was being taken away, she frowned, and it lasted for a second before Luhan finally pressed his lips on hers. Luhan’s lips were soft and electrified that she suddenly felt numb. It was just a few second but both of them were captivated with each other warmness shared through the kiss like it would last forever.


Luhan parted the kiss and looked at the crying girl in front of him. He smiled and wiped her tears lovingly. Kai was about to say something, but she couldn’t dare to open because her lips and tongue became so dry and lost the air circulation because her lungs were filled with happiness which made her dumb, unable to speak.


“W-what.. was that for?” she stuttered looking at Luhan’s eyes as she was searching something there, something which could make her heart eased from the suffocated happiness.


“I just feel like it.” Luhan’s face softened as caressed her cheek gently.




“Isn’t it obvious, Kai? Even blind people could feel that.” Luhan pulled his hair in frustration. He never met someone as oblivious as Kai; he was clearly said in front of many people a few days ago while the latter still didn’t catch his words or his action towards her. Of course he did that with a lot of reason, not just playing around like he usually did, he’s really serious this time. Kai caught him off guard when he couldn’t hide his feeling since the very first time they met. He already trapped by not only her beauty but also everything about her, talent, boyish style, strange but edible food, and anything related to her.


“I just.. I.. don’t understand...” She lowered her head as Luhan lifted her chin.


“Don’t you realize something, Kai?” Kai shook her head.


“At the first time we met..” Luhan paused. ”.. I thought that my heart was already belonging to someone?” Kai felt her heart slightly hurting as she didn’t want to hear the next sentence.


“Do you know who?”


Kai shook her head again. “It’s you. KAI.” Luhan emphasized the last word seeing Kai’s expression change in surprise, her eyes were widened. Luhan couldn’t hold her cuteness when he already pulled her head closer and pressed his lips to hers again. He likes the taste of her sweet and tender lips; which he will never tire of tasting it. Luhan parted as he felt Kai moving her lips tried to say something.


“M-me..?” She stuttered as she spoke in Luhan’s lips. Fortunately Luhan is a smart man as he already knew what she wanted to say, he just pulled her closer into his embrace whispering softly to her reddened ear caused by the mixture of the feeling she had, the cold air outside and the burning love for the man in front of her.


“I Love you, Kai...”


“Love?” Kai’s heart skipped a beat, trying to grasp onto what the word mean in this context. Did he really mean ‘love’ between lovers or ‘love’ between friends?


“Did you doubt my confession?” Luhan raised one of his brows, disappointed.


“I.. I didn’t mean that but..  Isn’t it.. too fast .. to love someone?” Kai lowered her head as she has to slap her own thoughts.


Isn’t she feel it too, when she saw Luhan from the first time that she had fallen for this man?


Why did she said that while deep inside her was screaming ‘yes’, why did her lips betray her?


“Did you just doubt my confession?”


Kai shook her head as Luhan pulled her in his embrace. Luhan just hugged her tightly, holding her for what seem forever. Kai nodded and her shoulder trembled from crying. Luhan kissed the tip of her head repeatedly saying ‘I love you’ to her.


Little did they know that someone watched him from a far clenching his fist. The latter frowned in the spot feeling all weak and broken but it didn’t last long since he tried his best to curve his lips into a smile, a fake one to hide his broken feeling inside.





“Stop stop stop stop… stop pinching it, Luhan… It’ll leave red mark there..  Ahh..”






“It’s not that you don’t like it, babe.. Let it be, so that people know what you have done before.”







“Get away from me, you, ert!!! It’s done!!!”






“Uh hu.. We still have a lot of time and there are still a lot of place I haven’t touched yet. Let’s play again, okay. I’ll be nice from now on. Promise.”






“I can’t trust you Oh Luhan, you’re such a liar!! You have said that before but still you kept hurting me with your dirty hands!!”






“Don’t you feel pleased with my dirty hand before? Why are you complaining now? ~I’m getting excited.”






“HAHA.. Are you daydreaming?? I’m the one who all sore because of your excitement!!”






“~But you’re the one who initiated it…”






“That’s because you can’t hold yourself and I and I.. I..”






“~You’re what baby?? Don’t play innocent!!”






“I know… I just don’t mean it.. You took it seriously.. I just…”






“Sshh.. ~Let’s play again okay.. ~Round five..”


















I'm sorry for the late update.. #bow

thank you for reading my story^^

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 6: Can you update this, author???
where are youuuuu? TT.TT
PLEASE.... for my life, you need to update author... hehe.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 6: Miss you too hunny...
Wake up!!! Steal kai's attention and make some drama, LOL
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 5: I can kiss you all day author, hahaha xD
but but..... i feel so bad to sehunny...
you lost your start again, hunny TT TT
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 4: OMG! I have this dugeun dugeun while reading this.
because reading and imagine kai as a girl is too much to handle ><
And with lu personality oh my God this is daebak! ><
heyitsDibo #5
Chapter 4: Hehehehheheh idk why i like this story so much T.T maybe because Kai is the girl & Luhan is the _______ guy? Hehehehehehhehehehehehehhehe
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 3: OMG!
this is new for me to have kai as a girl.
and you did a great job. Love it!
please update soon.

i want to know whats really going on with sekai too..
love luhan chara xD
taebiyu #7
Chapter 3: Haha When I read there was a girl in the story I was annoyed. Then I thought it was Kai and was REALLY hesitant. After the first chapter, I already wanted to read more ! :D I really like it can't wait to see more ! :D I want Kailu it's a first for me but I totally love manly Luhan in this story ! <3
hokuspokus #9
Chapter 1: Kai is the girl? Lol I tried to imagine it but it was hard. Good story so far.
heyitsDibo #10
Chapter 1: I bet the girl is Kai! No? lol. anw nice story! Shall wait for new updates ^^