Meet you again??... part.2

This is love


Lallalalallalalala... i dont know wht to say ._. ... Well here is the other ep. so hope you enjoy it!! and if you could let some commets to let me know that you like or u disliked something i will be glad, thx for the suppord to all the readers!! Lov ya all */////*

Ok  that was it... cya in the next ep!! 



I was sitting in the floor, with a guy kneeling beside me, I was hurt but not by him, and having him next to was making me real nervous, I could said he was worried… of course he was! He found a guy sitting alone in the dark in the middle of a park. We knew each other just for or faces nothing more, he didn’t knew my name neither do I knew his, I didn’t notice him since yesterday but now he was a part of my thoughts and it was bothering me.

“Please can you leave alone..?” I asked one more time.

“Come on babe, I won’t hurt you… So let me help you” He said touching my face with one of his hands. It was big but soft, so warn.

“I said leave alone or are you deaf?” I said slapping his hand away; I didn’t one anybody to see me like this. “Please, just go…” I was trying to sound normal but I fail, my voice just break.

“Babe what happen? Let me take a look…”

“No!” I shout slapping his hand once again, he can’t see me.

“I said let me see your face” he grab my face with both of his hands and turned to face him. “What the hell they did with you?”

I think I lost all my force when I look at him; he was impressed by my state, he touched my wounds with his long fingers, I let him do and closed my eyes letting my tears fall down, why I was so defenseless in his hands. He grabs me for my shoulders make both of us to stand up, then I noticed how tired I was after ran that much… and them he carries me in bridal style.

“What are you doing…?” I really wasn’t in my mood to fight.

“Carrying you to my house”

He was too simple minded. “For and why?”

“To help you with those bruises, I can take care of them… if you led me”

“Whatever you want” I said leaving my head rest in his chest, he was so warming and I could hear the sound of his heart, it was a beautiful sound…

“My name is YongGuk” he said making me shake for the sound of his voice so close to my ear.

“I’m HimChan, nice to meet you…”

“Ch-Yeah, just sleep a little you look tired…”

That was the last time I listen to his voice because I felt asleep in his arms and I don’t understand why, I feel so secure and warm in his arms. When I wake up I was lying in a bed, I sit and look to the mirror that was on the chest, I looked terrible but he took a good care of my bruises, I was alone in the bedroom. I stand up and went out of the bedroom to face the living room was right next to it, it was a small but comfortable apartment, and it was a little messy. I seat in the sofa, in front of him was a small table with empty cans of beer and leftovers and then there was the TV.

“Oh, so you already wake up…” I hear his voice coming from behind me.

“Yes and thanks for take care of me…” I really didn’t want to speak because my jaw was killing me.

“Take this” he said giving me some pills and water.

“What is this?”

“Some soothing for the pain, don’t worry I’m not going to drug you…” he said take sit next to me.

“So tell me babe, what happen to your cute face…”

I swallow the pill and take the water, “My name is HimChan I already told you, so stop calling me by babe, Ok? ... And what happen to me… you don’t need to know” I said standing up. “Thanks for your help and your hospitality I will make my way home now…” I said walking to the door.

“Hey HimChan you are forgetting something!” he shouted at me, I turn and saw my cellphone in his hands and what it looked like my wallet.

“Give it to me now!!” I scream to him.

“First relax and sit, I won’t let you go alone in that state, first have some rest and I will walk you home, your mother and some other guy already call to your phone, I didn’t know what to do so I picked, she was worried so I say that I was a friend of yours and you was in my home… so don’t worry and sit down”

I do what I was told, I wasn’t in the right to fight him after all he was the one who helped me, Mr.Gummy was kind of sweet guy or may I call him YongGuk?

“So tell me what happen…?” he said in calm tone.

“I had a fight with my uncle, I get punched and my mother told me to go out for a moment so she could settle everything up…”

“And the fight was for?”

“I told him I am gay, and then he gets mad…”

“He wasn’t in the right to punch you like that… where were you father in that moment?”

“He died 3 years ago…” I was begging to sincere with him… a way to much.

“I’m sorry to hear that… but what are you going to do now?” he asked me with worried eyes.

“I will go home and apologize to my uncle…”

“For what being gay?” he said with pitiful smile.

“I didn’t said that, I am gay and I can be sorry for that, I accepted me by the way I am a long time ago, I´ll just apologize for the way I act and what I told him… that’s all”

“You are strong, I liked that…” He said standing up and giving my wallet and cellphone and he walks to the door. “Come HimChan I will take you now” he said putting his gummy smile, I think he already knew that I like the way he smiles and I was king of blushing after what I hear.

I stand up and go with him, he led me my coat and both of us walked away from his apartment, the way home was silent because I really don’t wanted to talk for my jaw pain and he… I don’t know why… for my surprised and happiness he lived just two streets away from my home, thanks God!! I think I couldn’t bear another minute with that silent.

“This is my home, thanks for take me here…” I said walking to the door.

“Hey Himchan” I turned “Cheer up you can do well” he said smiling at me.

“You don’t need to tell me I know that already!”

“You are nice HimChan, I like you!”

“What! How can you say that!! You… you … You don’t know me!!”

“That’s not a problem I will learn who you are by the time begging so… see you tomorrow Channie-ah…” He said walking away living me in front of the door; I was blushing by his confession… Does he really confess to me?! No it has to be a dream! But my thoughts were interrupted when YoungJae opened the door.

“Hyung you are here... You look bad Hyung… but why are you blushing?” he said staring to me face.

“Jae… I think he said he likes me… what do I do know?”


How it could be in one day my world could turn this much, now I had to help YoungJae with his problem, take a fight with my family… and try to not fall for him… I think… I can’t do the last part.

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Chapter 12: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome story author-shi ;)
Chapter 12: I will kill you in your sleep!!!
Chapter 11: ooh This Chapter just sound like you and I last week!!! Gay feels all over the boat XD!!!
Chapter 11: *rolling on the ground* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 10: uwaaaaaa can't wait for next update~~
Chapter 10: oooooooh my feelings!!! I miss Gukkie too :3,finally you give some action, I so going to kill you on thuesday is you dont give me more banghim, dont forget them I know where do you live...Ppyeong <3!!
Chapter 10: awwww~~~~ so cute ^^
Himchan stop it, your being too stubborn, just take it like a man 'you are in love with Yongguk' that all !!! haha >w<
Chapter 10: For god's sake update more often!!! I just can't hold my feelings to this story
I can't wait for update ! XD I'm in love with this story x.x I can't ajhdlgkas XD
Chapter 9: uuuuh himchan you so nasty :3