Meet you again??

This is love


I really hate the fact that i spend to much time writting the title!!! i can´t  do thiss!! is more complecated than write the fic! Estupidos titulos...



“So about what were you and mom talking about?” I asked after freshen myself up and finishing my makeup.

“Nothing much… why you ask?” he was laid down in my bed looking at the .

“Because after that conversation you had been acting real strange…”

“Hyung you know that my mother is sick with cancer and we use the money for the chemo when my sister go to Canada to study there…”

“But wasn’t your mother the one how wanted that?” I said taking a seat right next to him.

“Yeah, but know she is getting weaker and we don’t have enough money for pay the hospital bill and your mother was… she was asking me if we need money… we needed but I don’t want to ask for it…” I see how destroyed YoungJae was, he grabs one of my pillows and stared to cry, since we were little the only person that will see YoungJae crying was me. I hug him from the back trying to comfort him and giving him some warming.

“Hyung I will quite the university to get money and help dad…”

“You can’t do that Jae you know how happy was your mother when she knew that you get inside with the full scholarship, you can’t quite she will be devastated” I said petting his head.

“So what I’m supposed to do? What you suggest! I can’t stay there watching how my dad kills himself in working and my mother dyeing in bed!!” he turned around and sits in the bed to face me, he was a mess and who wouldn’t in his position, he was all red…

I sit just like him a wipe some of his tears and smile for him… “Jae don’t worry we´ll think in something but you can’t quite school, Ok? Cheer up a little”

“How can you be so positive Hyung?” he said in middle of some sobbing.

“Because I have you like my best friend” I said kissing his forehead, “So cheer up for now I will help you I promised”

“Thanks Hyung…” He said pouting a weakly smile; we couldn’t speak more because we hear some knocking at the door. My mother was calling us some of our gets had already arrive and by saying “our” I’m referring to mom, sis and I.

I was the first one coming down and there were almost everybody in the living room chatting, telling jokes, well the women I could tell for the noise that they were in the kitchen, my uncle was sitting in the big brown couch and he was giving a death sight, maybe was for the way I was dressing, skinny black leather jeans, a red V neck top, black combo boots, my earrings and a simple necklet. I approached to him, slowly and greeting another relatives.

“What is it uncle?” I asked him standing right next to him.

“Why you were locked in your room with that girly boy?” I look back to see YoungJae walking down to the living room still with his red face.

“We were talking, you know YoungJae he is my neighbor, and don’t you remember him?”

“Oh right the chubby one, I almost forget about him!”

“Yeah he hasn’t change that much… and why you were freaking out he isn’t my type anyway” I said pouting a big smile, I may be crazy telling to my homophobic uncle that girly chubby guys like YoungJae weren’t my type, but I wanted to see his face.

“Hahahaha!! Good joke son!”

“No uncle I’m saying the truth I like manly guys not like YoungJae!”

The hole living room freeze, I saw how everybody was watching me even my mother and other female relatives came out from the kitchen, YoungJae wide his eyes as big as he could he was too surprised, by the other hand my uncle was all red of rage his eyes looked like there were to explode and I took a mental picture of that. I had never liked my uncle so making him turn like this was the best thing ever!

“What the hell are you saying boy!” he stand up facing me, I forget that uncle was a little too big for me.

“Well uncle what do you think I’m saying? You need help, well take it. I, your nephew, is gay”

“What the hell are you talking about? How can you do this to the memory of your death father?”

“Dad already know about my uality and he didn’t care, he accepted me, so I want that all of you can do the same”

I couldn’t hear the response of my family all I could feel was the hand of my uncle slapping my face, I fell to the floor and look at him, something that neither me father do he did and with such a brute force that I spit some blood in the floor.

“So what are you saying HimChan? In this family we don’t tolerate homouality, that is a ing disease”

“Are you saying that I’m sick? What the hell are you thinking old ?” Ok I think that was too much, because he grabs me for the neck top and punched my face again and I hit the floor again, he was going to kick but mom came just in time and stops him, I was bleeding.

“What the hell are you think you are doing!! That’s my son you idiot” Mom have some courage.

“I knew I couldn’t leave him under your care! Look at him now he is turning gay!!”

“He is not turning gay…” Mom looked desperate, I realize if I haven’t tell him that I’m gay in that moment maybe this wouldn’t happen like this , sorry mom.

“If I went with you when dad die it would turn the same way, I have been gay since the beginning” I said making my way up… “Or you didn’t hear me? I already told dad about me and he accepted me, he didn’t punch or slap me like you did! You didn’t have the right to do that, you are only my uncle nothing more you peace of…”

“STOP HIMCHAN!!” I hear my mother shouting at me and I see she was crying? Wae? Wae eomma? Why are you crying? “Himchan could you please go out for a second…”

“But mom, sorry but…”

“Please Channie…”

“I get it…” I took my coat and run out, I run as fast as I can I knew to where my feet where taking me, to my only way out the park. I could taste the blood in my mouth and my tears falling down through my face, I trip over by some magic hole.

I was a coward; I leave my mom there alone even I leave YoungJae alone in there, the only two people who were there to help me, why did I speak in that moment, why I couldn’t shut out my ing mouth? What I was thinking in that moment? That I was begging strong, fierce? I was dumb, and idiot… And now I was crying in the park with a hurt and bleeding face… just perfect.

“Hey babe what are you doing here alone?”

Wait… it… it was him? He was there? Mr.Gummy was behind me in that moment, I can’t let him see me in this state, I just can’t… I look to pathetic and this is not the best time to chat with him… I need to get home again and face my uncle.

“I am not in a good mood right now… can you leave me please…”

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Chapter 12: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome story author-shi ;)
Chapter 12: I will kill you in your sleep!!!
Chapter 11: ooh This Chapter just sound like you and I last week!!! Gay feels all over the boat XD!!!
Chapter 11: *rolling on the ground* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 10: uwaaaaaa can't wait for next update~~
Chapter 10: oooooooh my feelings!!! I miss Gukkie too :3,finally you give some action, I so going to kill you on thuesday is you dont give me more banghim, dont forget them I know where do you live...Ppyeong <3!!
Chapter 10: awwww~~~~ so cute ^^
Himchan stop it, your being too stubborn, just take it like a man 'you are in love with Yongguk' that all !!! haha >w<
Chapter 10: For god's sake update more often!!! I just can't hold my feelings to this story
I can't wait for update ! XD I'm in love with this story x.x I can't ajhdlgkas XD
Chapter 9: uuuuh himchan you so nasty :3