You love him, he loves you, accept it!

This is love

I´m so sorry!! Don´t hate me!! >



“Did I have a wet dream with him?” I asked myself, “Do I really want him or…?” I couldn’t believe but it happen, it really happens. This could be the proof that I’m… NO, it can´t be! It can´t be! It can´t be! It can´t be! It can´t be! It can´t be! It can´t be... How many times do I have to repeat that to actually believe it?  I’m an idiot…

“HIMCHAN PLEASE!!!” my mother shouts finally arrived to me.

“IM COMING!!” I say running… to the bathroom, I change my close as fast as I could hear my mother yelling at me.

I make my way to the door making sure to not leave my cellphone… I didn’t know that open that damn door was a mistake… or maybe it wasn’t?

My mother enters to the house looking at me in a weird way, of course she would! My mouth was open, my eyes were as huge as plates. Behind her I saw the cause of my.. My disgrace, the one who cause that nightmare called “wet dream”.

“Honey just ignore that thing at the door and come in please~”

“Yes ma´am~” he said happily and came in with some bags in his arms. I closed the door and my mouth and follow them to the kitchen.

“You can leave those bags there!” he did what he was told by my mom. She looked at him and winked. “Thank you so much! Go at wait me in the living room, I´ll invite you something for the help! ~”

He smiled and bowed at her, passed me without looked at me and went to the living room. Is he trying to ignore me I swear by all the God´s in all the religions that I´ll kill him… but let´s go to another appointment now, and...? Did I get jealous? Noooo, I don´t think so.

“Mother can I ask you were did you find that guy?” I said turning to face her.

“You mean that cute gagster guy, right?” She just smiled at me ignoring my question. “Isn´t he cute? He looks so tough but he was just a sweet-heart!! ~”

Those YongGuk have some kind of power over my gens?!


“I found him at the super market Channie! He was with a guy just like him… but the other looked more ¿serious?” she said looking confused.

WAIT. So the guy in the living room was Yongnam? It wasn´t YongGuk?. I peered to the living room and saw him watching the floor, he was moving his hands and mouth like some random rapper… so I wasn’t wrong, it is Gukkie… I mean YongGuk… where the did I went with that name!!

“Himchan I know that guy is cute stop doing that!” she said graving me and pushing me to the wall.

“Mother what´re  you doing?” I asked since she looked at me with a strange face.

“Channie baby, are you sick or something, why are you so red?” so looked trouble about my face, but I was scared about what she told me now, I turned red just from watching him? What is happening to me?

My sight went through the kitchen and stopped in the juice my mother were doing, and that were my way to get out of her… but what was worst YongGuk or my mother?... Before I notice, I pushed my mother aside and take the drinks that she was preparing; I walked to the living room without look at her, and placed the tray and the living room table just in front of him.

“Drink and then leave…” I said then turned around but his hands were faster and graved my arm before I could go away.

“Sit, I want to talk to you” he said looking at me right through my eyes with I serious face. My body moved by himself and before I realized I was sitting next to him.

“W-What?” I asked trying to sound defiant.

“I..” he stopped and breath it… “I think.. no sorry,… I´m in love with you Himchan” I opened my mouth to protest but he was faster with words, of cause. “I know you will said that I don´t know you and it´s right, but the thing is that I have never felled something like this for anyone, and you… you are driving me crazy!!”

I looked at him, speechless, how can this guy could be so sincere and have such a courage..

“Why are you saying that, you barely know my name!! And tell me how do you know that you love me?” I said almost screaming!!

“I´ll learn about you! For that I just need to have time. I just need you to get me time!!”

“B-but, how do you want time! You disappear from my sight almost 3 days!! And now you want time to know me? Why didn’t you use the time when I was looking for you!!”

“I was fixing my trough about you! I wanted to me sure how do I feel about you before came back to you… wait, you said you were looking out for me?” he said doing such a bad aegyo.. But why does he look so cute doing it, wait Himchan remember you are mad!…

“I-I-I didn´t said that!!” I said trying to stand up but he graved me again.

“You said it! So... Can I have hope?”

“I said I didn´t!!”

“You said it!!” We both here my mother from the kitchen and them realized where we were, and that was so freaking uncomfortable knowing that my mother was listening to all the conversation. I sited and grave my face between my hands, this was so shameful.

Some minutes passed until one of us said something… and guess who it was?... Me.

“I will think about what you said” I said without living my position.

“Can I have your phone… so we can make an appointment to talk about that…”

I looked my phone in my pockets and give it to him; he putted his number and calls himself from my cellphone. He returned to me and them he stand up and offer me his hand.

“Come on…” I grabbed it and both of us walked to the front door.

“I´ll call you later… can i?” he said watching my hand that was still grabbing his.

“Mmm.. yes…” i said it such a shyly mode that make me feel dizzy.

Them he let go of my hand to take my chin to force me to look at him, I divert my look.

“Look at me please, Channie…” I could resist his voice, like always had happen since the day I know him.

“W-what..?” I said in a soft voice.

“Can I kiss you know?” he said without hesitate and the time he his lips, I couldn’t hold that typical red that were coming to my cheeks, and give him a shy nodded.

He approached me, and kissed my gently. It was almost a sweet touch, them he kissed my forehead making my eyes to close... “Damn I love you…” I hear him whisper before his hands went from my face to the door; I kept my eyes closed until I hear the sound of the door closing.

I open my eyes and saw the empty space where he was standing… I still could smell his perfume; I was getting nostalgic and sad... I found one strange trough in my mind... “I miss him” I said in a low voice… I wanted to run to him… but... but…

“Honey… are you Ok?” the concern in the voice of my mother waked me out.

“Mom… what is happening to me?” I said turning to look at her, she look at me and hugged me. “What´s wrong mom?”

“Channie, I think you are in love of him…”

“I´m not…”

“Then tell me why are you crying after he leaves? Aren´t you missing him already?...”

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Chapter 12: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome story author-shi ;)
Chapter 12: I will kill you in your sleep!!!
Chapter 11: ooh This Chapter just sound like you and I last week!!! Gay feels all over the boat XD!!!
Chapter 11: *rolling on the ground* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 10: uwaaaaaa can't wait for next update~~
Chapter 10: oooooooh my feelings!!! I miss Gukkie too :3,finally you give some action, I so going to kill you on thuesday is you dont give me more banghim, dont forget them I know where do you live...Ppyeong <3!!
Chapter 10: awwww~~~~ so cute ^^
Himchan stop it, your being too stubborn, just take it like a man 'you are in love with Yongguk' that all !!! haha >w<
Chapter 10: For god's sake update more often!!! I just can't hold my feelings to this story
I can't wait for update ! XD I'm in love with this story x.x I can't ajhdlgkas XD
Chapter 9: uuuuh himchan you so nasty :3