
This is love

I heard someone knock on my door and soon after a voice started talking....

“Himchan? Can I come in?” I knew this voice, the angelic tone that only YoungJae has. I went under my sheets, I didn’t feel like answering.

I felt his presence in the room and his weigh in the bed when he sat. He petted my head, which was the only thing that wasn’t under the sheets. He didn´t speak.… maybe he was waiting me to say something...

“Jae… mom called you right?” I said under the sheets.

“I found her at the door when I came in.. and she told me what happened..”

“So you came for another reason? What was it?”

“That’s not the point now… Tell me Himchan, be honest with me..”

“I´m always honest with you!” I said coming out from the safety of my sheets to face YoungJae… “Jae what´s happening to me?! I don’t want to feel this way!!”

“There’s not turning back… you know it right?”

“I know…” I said hugging my legs. “But I can’t be in love right now! It’s a great inconvinence, plus It’ll distract me!


“I have to focus on my presentations!! You know that recital is everything to me!”

“I don’t think that’s your primary concern right now…”

“You’re right. But I´ll be thinking of him and waiting for him to be there for me,I’ll be asking too much  I don’t  think I can’t do that”

“He wants you to! plus he’s already all you think about , look at you!”

“….” Jae.. “Wait…”

“What? You finally notice that I’m right… again?”

“NO! For the first time I don’t think you’re  right!!”


“Shut up let me finish” I said glaring at him.. he nodded and listened “ Why did you just said,“He already wants you to”?

“… because is obvious?”

“I thought you’ve never meet him before.  mmhhm...... got ya Jae! I said smirking at him.

“… Ok… I saw him coming out of your house! I recognized him from the time he went to the university, he was so freaking happy it scared me!! I thought you’ve done  something stupip!!”

“Like what?”

“… ... I know how impulsive you are so..” he said looking away.

“YOU THINK I HAD WITH HIM!! What do you think I am? a ?”  ( A dream doesn’t count,right?)

“I didn’t say that!!”

“Yes you did!”

“No I did not!”

“You did!”

“I didn’t and stop this already!!”

“It was funny” I said smiling at him.

“I know you are trying not to worry me, but what happen? Your mom just told me that you talked to a guy and started crying afterwards...” he said touching my shoulder.. “What did he say?”

“Nothing… he just left and I felt like crying…”

“Are you a high school girl doing through the first crush phase?” He said giggling.

“Go yourself!!” I said going under my covers.

“I was joking, don’t be so dramatic!” he said laying down next to me. “Himchan.. I know you like him it’s obvious,so  why don’t you give him a chance?”

“Why are you so for this?”

“I don’t think it’s good to you keep yourself like this. You’re just letting your mind go in circles, trying to decide whether he likes you or not, I don’t like seeing you like this”

“That doesn’t really solves my problem”

“I know, but it’s your decision to make, are you gonna give him a chance?”


“Channie i´ll call you later… so we can talk or you want us to meet later ?” I hear Jae in cheesy and awkward voice.

“What was that?!” I said getting up to looking at him.

“It was suppose to be an impression of your little crush” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

“At least I’m close to my close are you to the guy from the store?” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

“Shut up...”

“Two can play the teasing game” I said this time wiggling my eyebrows at him.

After a comfortable minute of silence, I looked at him “You know we’re almost like those girls on chick flicks”

“Why is that?” he said looking at me confused.

“Because we’re the two innocent idiots who have their first crush and freak out about it”

“It might be”

“One thing is for sure Now I know  I was right...” I said going to the door.

“Know what?”

“That you like the guy from the store... it was so obvious” I smiled at him. He tried to say something back but he gave up soon after and just nodded.

Inner thoughts:  So many things going on right now, and the epicenter of all, Yongguk. To much thinking, I need to relax, get some fresh air.

“Mom I’m going to the park! Jae is in my room!”

“Ok honey!! Come back soon!!”

Going out is nice… oops almost forgot !! I have to tell him…


To: creepy-cheesy

Message: Let´s meet… I´ll be at the park, be there soon.


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Chapter 12: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome story author-shi ;)
Chapter 12: I will kill you in your sleep!!!
Chapter 11: ooh This Chapter just sound like you and I last week!!! Gay feels all over the boat XD!!!
Chapter 11: *rolling on the ground* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 10: uwaaaaaa can't wait for next update~~
Chapter 10: oooooooh my feelings!!! I miss Gukkie too :3,finally you give some action, I so going to kill you on thuesday is you dont give me more banghim, dont forget them I know where do you live...Ppyeong <3!!
Chapter 10: awwww~~~~ so cute ^^
Himchan stop it, your being too stubborn, just take it like a man 'you are in love with Yongguk' that all !!! haha >w<
Chapter 10: For god's sake update more often!!! I just can't hold my feelings to this story
I can't wait for update ! XD I'm in love with this story x.x I can't ajhdlgkas XD
Chapter 9: uuuuh himchan you so nasty :3