The First Day...

This is love


“Don’t stress yourself, don’t stress yourself HimChan”, I was repeating to myself after hear one nice commentary, I’m being sarcastic.


“Hey Fagot! You have a nice ! Do you use it a lot?” a tall guy screams at me.

“Be careful with our sweet “Drama Queen”!! Said another who looks too young to be around those kinds of guys.

*End Flashback*

It was already a routine, I walk by, they shout, we fight and them I walk away, they will stay in there, I have already lost the count of how many times THIS had to happen, but yesterday I promise myself I won’t respond to their comments.

“Look!! The Queen, she doesn´t have anything to say today” shouts the young one… again.

“Come on our little fagot, get us some fun!!” another one speaks.

Sorry for the promise I make… I´ll change tactics over here… “So what do you want from me?”  I respond in a soft tone. They look at me speechless, I think I won!!

“Do not think on them just continue walking and ignore them, they are just boring…” a deep voice came from one of them, he was sitting on the steel fence, he was dressed like the others but something in him looks different… I think I like… NO wait! Stop Kim HimChan!! You don’t know him and he looks to gangster for you! Well is just his voice…

“Hey! Bang you don’t have to say that! Remember we are your friends!” the young one spokes again.

“Come on JongUp leave him alone, aren’t you tired of always scream at him?” he said with his husky and deep voice and then he put a gummy smile and he look and me again. “Hey Babe, what? Do you like me? Don’t watch me like that I will get Horney”

“I’m sorry, I have better taste” I walk away or may I say I almost run away. Did he say I was watching him? No, he must be wrong… right? Ohh God WAEEE?!! He has that cute smile with all his teeth and gums out, just too cute… I need to stop what is happening to me!

I arrive at the university before I could know it, I was too lost in my thoughts, and I was stand up at the door with my eyes glancing the poor door.

“Himchan Hyung..? What happen to you now?”

I turn around to see… “Who are you?” Who the hell is this guy!!

“Hyung I’m not in a good mood, so let’s not star please…”

“Wait… YoungJae… is you? You look like ! What happen to you?”

“I woke up late, I couldn’t dress well and I came running!! And know you are standing watching the door like a maniac, so shut up and move I want to take a good seat at least!!”

I went behind him, YoungJae was a sweet, nice looking guy see him getting mad was rare, he wasn’t tall but not too little, he has those cute chubby cheeks that I adore! He was a good friend, intelligent, away too much sometimes, it was nice to talk and a very good listener.

“Why you woke up late Jae?”

“I have to finish an assignment yesterday, I finished but I only could sleep 2 hours… I’m too tired men…”

He said before fall asleep at the stall, he looked really tired so I let him sleep, I will wake him when the teacher arrives and it will let me time to think in why the hell I was “watching” the gummy guy, Ok HimChan let´s see why you said earlier that you like him… Take note good points: Husky and deep voice… I steal can remember it, he look like a tall guy… nice I like that, gummy smile that was perfect in him, he looked like he has a nice body but I can’t tell because of that kind of clothes. Now bad points: clothes, friend, attitude, he smoke… he was graving a cigarette in his hand.

“Hyung in what are you thinking?” Ooh sleeping beauty wake up.

“Nothing, just a guy that I saw in the park”… I said it! He didn’t hear he didn’t!!

“What guy?” Yes ladies and gentleman’s he hear.

“Well… you know…”

“Wait Hyung don´t tell me is one of the guys who are always calling you names?!”

“Well… he is with them but…!”

“No buts!! He may be like them and if you go to move your in front of him he will us it and them throw you away”

“I’m not saying I will go after him! I was just thinking!”

“You can say that now but when you go after him and get hurt don’t came after me saying ! Get it Hyung”

He turns around just before the teacher enters to the salon, perfect synchronization!! He spoke the truth in my face and I couldn’t fight back, he was right if I when after the husky guy it will turn bad, but I wouldn’t go after him, I won’t go… I think… I can admitted some guys with I go out where bad for me and YoungJae was always there for me trying to give me advice, I have to listen to him more… Ok HimChan don’t go after the gummy guy!... “What will be his name…?”

“Mr. Kim you can answer my question?”

“Eh?...”  I screw up this.

“So Mr. Kim answer the question or you were out in the space and wasn’t paying attention to my class?”

“Well Sir, I was lost in my thoughts but I think if you repeat your question I can answer” pretty please, God make this guy have a good heart today.

“Mr.Kim if you think I will repeat a question just for you, for a person who wasn’t paying any attention in my class you can grab your things and get out of here now”

this man.  Satan can come a you!! ...” But Sir, can you repeat the question again… please?”

“I… said… NOW Mr. Kim!” I grab my things like a good kid and went out of the room leaving YoungJae alone, sorry friend… I went out of the building, any way I only have that class in there so I make my way to the other class room that was pretty far… “It’s better to star to walk…”

“Walk to where babe?”

I freeze, I knew that voice, I only hear it twice but it was buried too deep in my main. I turn around and face him, I was right he was tall, well he was taller than me and he was showing me his gummy smile.

“What?” Thanks mom for raising me with courage, I was looking him at the eyes and he was walking towards me, ohhh YoungJae I’m ed up… I think I like this .

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Chapter 12: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome story author-shi ;)
Chapter 12: I will kill you in your sleep!!!
Chapter 11: ooh This Chapter just sound like you and I last week!!! Gay feels all over the boat XD!!!
Chapter 11: *rolling on the ground* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 10: uwaaaaaa can't wait for next update~~
Chapter 10: oooooooh my feelings!!! I miss Gukkie too :3,finally you give some action, I so going to kill you on thuesday is you dont give me more banghim, dont forget them I know where do you live...Ppyeong <3!!
Chapter 10: awwww~~~~ so cute ^^
Himchan stop it, your being too stubborn, just take it like a man 'you are in love with Yongguk' that all !!! haha >w<
Chapter 10: For god's sake update more often!!! I just can't hold my feelings to this story
I can't wait for update ! XD I'm in love with this story x.x I can't ajhdlgkas XD
Chapter 9: uuuuh himchan you so nasty :3