Chapter 5

Ready for a hot summer? (*⌒.⌒*)



Now was morning and they were still sleeping when suddenly Suho’s phone rang. He took it half asleep and looked what message had arrived.

“ You have been free all this time so it’s time for action, we hadn’t have concerts or fan meetings lately so be sure to tell to the others to be ready. Your fans will be happy so try hard to make them even more happy. Come to the company today.

Bye Bye.

The manager.


Suho couldn’t believe, they would finally see again their fans who gave them love and support them in every concert. He got up immediately and went to wake up the others.

- Wake up! Wake up! – said he going to wake up Lay first since he was in the same room as Suho.

- What happened? – asked Lay still asleep with his eyes closed.

- We’re going to go in concerts and fan meetings again.

- Seriously? – said Lay rubbing his eyes. – Omg, Finally.

Saying those words he hugged Suho tight but when he thought about what he just did he let him go and blushed a little.

Suho tried to act normal so happily went to Kris’s and Tao’s room. He went near and shaking them said “ Wake up! ”

- Why? – said Kris.

- We’re going to have our concerts and fan meetings.

Continuing like this he said the happy news to all the members. Tao’s head hurt a little because he had drank too much the day before. After hearing the news he went in his bedroom to see his presents. He opened it and remained without words.

“ They sure know me well “ – thought Tao with himself smiling.

- What? Do you like it? – said Kris who was watching Tao from the door.

- Yeap, it’s adorable. – replied Tao putting the ring on his hand and watching how did it looked like.

- It looks nice on you, - said Kris smiling and leaving.

“ Yeah, I think that too, “ – said Tao with half a voice leaving the other present on the table and going to take his baggage. When he took it he went again in the room so he could put his clothes on the cupboard. Kris had make the place ready for him so he hadn’t too much work to do.

After putting all the clothes in the cupboard he took from the baggage the photo of him with all the other members. He took this photo everywhere to remember how lucky he was that he had friends like that.

After some minutes he finished and went to eat something. He saw the cake in the kitchen and took a piece of it. The day before he didn’t watched the cake well, so he didn’t notice that it was a panda. When he saw it better he smiled and went with the others so they could be together again.






Baekhyun was In front of the mirror putting the eyeliner because they would go in their company’s building. Their company was called SM Entertainment and it was big and well known.

When they were about to enter they noticed the fans out of the building shouting “ Baekyeol! “. Baekhyun noticed them and shyly lowered his head. Chanyeol heard them too but he didn’t had problems with it. To say the truth all of them knew about the pairings and the fics that the fans wrote about them. They had read a few of them but they didn’t found it bothersome.

Baekhyun was silent so Chanyeol asked him curious.

- Are you like this because of the things that the fans were saying?

- Yeah.. – said Baekhyun thinking a little before replying.

- Why? There’s no problem for that.

- Yeah.. it’s normal that there’s no problem for you, you’re not the kitten, - said Baekhyun blushing.

- What do you mean? – said Chanyeol thinking a little. – Ahh, you mean..

Before Chanyeol could finish, Baekhyun replied:

- Yes, that, don’t say it. – said he blushing even more like a cherry tomato.

- Haha, my cute Baekhyun, - said Chanyeol laughing and hugging him.

- Go away, - said Baekhyun pushing him.

- No, I don’t want, - replied Chanyeol smiling.






Luhan and Sehun weren’t with the others because they were a little late. Luhan woke up later than the others so Sehun stayed with him to help him get ready.

- Are you ready? – said Sehun waiting Luhan in the door, turning his head from the other part because Luhan was dressing up.

- Ne.. – said Luhan going out of the room and smiling. – Now you can watch.

Luhan had to wear the trainers but when he was about to sit down to wear them he heard Sehun’s voice.

- Let me do this for you.

- Hm.. Okay, Gumawo.. – said Luhan blushing and smiling.

Sehun smiled back and helped Luhan to wear them.

“He’s like an angel, he always help me, I don’t know what would I do without him. “ – thought Luhan with himself staring at him.

Sehun noticed Luhan looking at him so he smiled back.

Luhan turned the head immediately away and clearing the throat said:

- Let’s go.

“ He’s so cute “ – thought Sehun grabbing his little & soft hand and leaving the house.

- Do you want to do something special? – asked Sehun.

- What? – asked Luhan surprised.

- Just come, - said Sehun grabbing him and going in the middle of the street.

- But.. the fans will see us and will not let us go in time.

- That’s the good part.

When the fans saw them they recognized them and went immediately running.

- Ready? – said Sehun smiling.

- Ready, - said Luhan smiling back.

Grabbing him tight by the hand he start running together with Luhan. Smiling they continued running. When the fans loosed them they hide in a building and laughing saw each-other in the eyes.
They were barely breathing.

Fortunately the SM building wasn’t that far so after resting a little they start walking again. All the way they were holding hands so the fans who were too much behind doing photos kept saying “Hunhan, Hunhan” but it wasn’t strange, they were used to it now.



Hii! So i'm here again with the 5th chapter. Hope you all like it and if you want check my one shot with Chanyeol & You. Bye! See u next time :)


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Chapter 6: Chanyeol understood Baekhyun's feelings xD *happyy*

Update soon please! ^^ Keep writing because i love your story :)
Chapter 6: Kaisoo so cutee ^__^

& my baekyeol feels xD omg.
Gamdja #3
Chapter 6: It's so cute and sweet and everything! :D I really love how Baekhyun got scared of the bat and hide behind Chanyeol :P I really love HunHan and Baekyeol ^^
Keep up the good work^^ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 5: OMG the crazy HunHan XD
Chapter 6: Ohhh~~~~ Baekhyun is in love~~ :D and aww poor Kyunggie :( plz update more <6
Chapter 6: Aw, this is sweet <3 I love your fic, so don't feel like no one likes it ^^ hwaiting!!
Chapter 5: Sehun is the cuttest thing ever xD
Chapter 5: My Hunhan feelings :'D
& the part with Baekyeol so funny haha xD
Chapter 4: Baekyeol so lovelyy <33

Update soon pleasee ~ ^^