Chapter 2

One To Remember

It was summer before 6th grade. We were just hanging out at Soomi's house, Soomi was in the bathroom. "Soomi.. how are we supposed to tell her?" Chaewa asked me. "Tell her what?" I asked. "That we're like you know.." She said.

"we can just tell her right she ain't gonna be mad.. I know her....she won't be mad." I told her. "okay then.." Chaewa said.

Soomi came back from the bathroom... "soomi..." Chaewa said. "what's up?" Soomi replied. "we gotta tell you something..." I told her.
"and whats that kiki?" she said as she plopped next to me." and Kikwang are together." Chaewa said.

"oh." Soomi said "that's great!" she continued with a smile.


After we left. I was walking Chaewa home.. we were holding hands. "I hope she's not mad.." Chaewa said. "She wasn't...she smiled she said it was fine." I told her.

"You didn't see her face." Chaewa said. "I saw that she smiled." I told her. "You're really slow." Chaewa said and smiled at me.

During summer we were still all close. Soomi and Chaewa used to camp out in her backyard. "Do you think your mom guys would be mad if Kikwang guys come down?" she asked. "What my parents don't know won't hurt them." Soomi said.

So when i got down there we were just talking story in the tent. "Do something.." Soomi said. "huh?" I replied. "You don't have to be weird just because im here." She said. "you sure?" Chaewa asked. "yeah sure do whatever." Soomi said.

So me and Chaewa listened we she came closer to me and i wrapped my arms around her. "aww cute." Soomi said.

After just talking about life and everything that was going on Soomi got tired. "I'm tired.." Soomi said. "Are you gonna stay over?" she asked..."Uhh maybe i asked. "Well im gonna turn off the light." she said and me and Chaewa nodded. Then she turned off the lamp thingy that was in the tent.

Me and and Chaewa were whispering stuff so Soomi doesn't hear. "You know when we were were always prettier to me than Soomi.." i whispered to Chaewa. "Shh what if she can hear you." Chaewa said.. "She's sleeping. I told her.

"Soomi?" Chaewa said out loud. no answer... "see." I told Chaewa and i snuggled my face in her neck.

"grandpa you didn't feel sad or bad towards Soomi?" one of my grandkids asked..."not at that time.... later on i did." I told them.

"wow grandpa you was really the ladies man." another told me. "Oh yes...because i was very good looking." I told them and they started laughing.

"okay continue the story." one of them ordered.

Over the summer Soomi was very supportive of our relationship we were kind of on and off.. but then We broke up.. Chaewa got a new bf..

"Why did you guys break up?" my granddaughter asked. "oh you know i guess it was just puppy faded..she broke up with me." i told them

"oh oh okay okay continue." she said.

Me and Soomi were sitting together after school. "hey. you okay?" she asked me.. "Yeah i'm okay." I told her, i was actually...i was young so i didn't really understand the whole dating thing..

"how is she?" i asked her. "eh she's know same old Chaewa she's like really into him." Soomi said and smiled. "What about you?" i asked her. "anyone special for you?" i continued. "haha actually there is this one dude but he's completely clueless." She said.

"haha just talk to him." I told her.. she just shrugged. Since me and Chaewa broke up..I barely hung out with them now.
Oneday Soomi came up to me and my group of friends. "hey kiki." she said as she hugged me. "whats up?" I asked her. "where's Chaewa are you guys fighting?" i asked. "No silly...i just don't want to be a third wheel." she said.

"Well alright you can hang with us." i told her and she smiled.

During all of 6th grade Chaewa and Soomi were still friends but i mostly just talked to Soomi...Chaewa was still dating that guy.
"You still like Chaewa huh?" Soomi asked me oneday when we walked to get Icecream.. "ehh it is what it is." I told her and she stopped walking. I looked back at her as she was giving me this look like don't lie.

"What?" i asked her. "Stop lying." she said. "okay fine i like her a little bit." I told her and she starts walking past me. "I knew it you weirdo trying to lie." she said. "shut up." i said and i kicked her foot when she walked by and she fell down.

"ouch." she said as she sat up. blowing at her knee. "I'm sorry..." i said. "you should be look im bleeding now you jerk." she said..i did feel bad so i got down in front of her. "Get on." i told her.

"you don't have to do that." she said. "just get on weirdo." i said and pulled her arms over my shoulder. I was piggy backing her home.

"Am i heavy?" she asked. "holy yeah your so huge." i said and pretended to breathe hard. She slapped my head. "ouch what was that for?" i asked her as we made it to her yard.

"You called me huge." she said. "oh i'm sorry..i mean to say yeah your a little heavy." i started laughing and she gasped. And started tickling me. I fell to the ground and now we were have a tickle fight in her yard.

I had her hands locked above her head and she couldn't tickle me anymore. "stop. stop. i give up." she yelled. Then i stopped and i was staring at her. when we were in this awkward position. I notcied how pretty she was and i was slowly going in then she turned her head to the side.

"get off of me i gotta go in the house." she said. I let go. then she slapped my face. "i'll see you tomorrow kiki." she said and went in the house.

*what was i thinking?* i thought to myself.


I know you guys are probably wondering what Soomi was thinking right or later chapters thatyou guys will know okay? thanks for reading! i love you all hehehe.

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kikwanglvr #1
Chapter 14: you got my username in that story lol kikwanglvr?
Chapter 3: HAHA LOL How did my username get there?Anyways,DAEBAK STORY!!!!!:)
HAHA, How the hell did my name get in here? O_O Preee doopppee I'd say brrooo! -Chapter 3- Btw, AWESOME Storrryyy <33
oh my.. they're always together, life or after life.. T.T
so lovely <3
read it again n again...falling in love with this story..Xb
this is so deep and realistic ! i love ittt
mandyden #8
really nice story ^^ i was surprised when i saw my name in chapter 3
bereniss #9
wowwwwwww !!!! nice story.. i love it---
Ashazeki #10
How cute story i love it