Chapter 1: When it all started.

One To Remember

I was sitting in the living reading my newspaper then i was interrupted by my grandkids. "Grandpa...How did you meet grandma?" My oldest granddaughter asked me with her little cousins surrounding her. "you really want to know?" I asked them. They all nodded.

"well come sitdown its gonna be a long story." I said to them as they sat on the floor surrounding my chair.

"It all started when i was in elementary school. We were both kindergarteners. imma use different names for you guys so you guys can guess which one is grandma."


"Hi.. my name is Soomi whats your name?" this short little girl with small brown eyes and long black hair said to me. "My name is Kikwang." I said to her. "kwikang..kikang...kwi...can i just call you kiki?" she said to me. "Sure." i told her.

"okay! yay kiki lets be friends okay?" she said and i nodded. Then she went and grabbed someone else and brought her back to me. "This is my other friend Chaewa." she said as the other girl waved at me. "my name is kikwang." i told her.

"Hi kikwang" she said. *at least this one can say my name.* i thought to myself.

During kindergarten I was closer with Soomi rather than Chaewa. I did have my own group of friends that were boys, but i always and time for  and chaewa.

"I pick chaewa as grandma.." one of my grandkids said. "Shhhhh" the cousins hushed them.

Oneday Chaewa was absent from school. I was sitting under the playground with my friends and i saw Soomi playing alone. "Hey Soomi" I said as i went up to her. "oh hi kiki." she said.

"where's chaewa?" i asked her. "she's not feeling well today." she told me. "well come you can hang out with me and my friends." I told her and so she did.

"Grandma is totally Soomi" my eldest grandson said. "Just be quiet." the others told him.

From that day on Soomi hung out with me and my friends Chaewa would come too but she would stay quiet or talk to only me or Soomi.

I would always go to Soomi's house to hang out and play or ask her for help with homework. Those were the days. she had a trampoline we would jump on.

We were in about 3rd grade me and Soomi were jumping on her trampoline. Chaewa wasn't hanging with us today. "I like you kiki."

Soomi said to me she was the only one who called me that. "I like you too Soomi" I told her. I don't know if you guys knew but grandpa was very clueless back then and when she said like i thought she just meant as a friend.

From that day on Soomi made it known to everyone that she liked me we would hold hands and stuff but me being the slow person that i am never got it. Apparently all of them liked me Soomi, Chaewa and a few of their other friends.

But i was young still i didn't know what was going on. Even our families knew except me.

During fourth grade me and Soomi were really close Chaewa too but Soomi was more popular with my guy friends. Both of them were really fun its just that Chaewa was a little stuck up and Soomi was carefree.

We were in fifth grade now. Soomi and Chaewa were having some drama's about something i didn't know what it was. Soomi was more popular with the boys rather than the girls and Chaewa was the opposite.

One day during class their was this huge argument between the boys and the girls. "Soomi just come sit by us already." the boys said to her because it looks like she was arguing with Chaewa and the other gilrs in out class. Soomi listened to the boys and sat down by them.

"whats wrong?" i asked Soomi "They were teasing me because i hang out with boys." Soomi told me. at recess i went to talk to Chaewa. "hey what's up with you and Soomi why are you guys fighting?" i asked her.

"it wasn't me it was the other girls..i wasn't even saying anything to her." Chaewa said. It was about that time where i was attracted to girls and i must say Chaewa was more attractive to me than ____.

"Well why didn't you back her up you guys are bestfriends.." i told her. "i'll talk to her after okay." she said and walked away from me.

Soomi was walking in the hallway after school and Chaewa saw her and walked up to her. I was watching them from the classroom.

"Hey look i'm sorry for not sticking up for you...i admit i was jealous because you always hang out with boys." Chaewa said to Soomi.

"Its know i was Jealous of you because you hang out with the girls." Soomi told Chaewa. "Well whatever it is lets not let it get between us." Chaewa said Then Soomi and her hugged.

"So you guys friends again?" I said as i walked up to them. "YES!" Chaewa said. "Are you coming with us KiKi?" Soomi asked me and i nodded as i walked between then and wrapped my arms around them.

One day we were all hanging out at Soomi's house in her backyard. "You guys want a popsicle?" Soomi asked. "Yeah sure" we said and she went to go get one.

When Soomi was gone me and Chaewa were just sitting there. "Kikwang.." she said. So I looked at her. Then she grabbed my hand. "I-" right before she was about to say something. Soomi came back out with the popsicles.


How you liking it? got any guesses on which one is 'You'? Lol should be pretty easy to tell.

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kikwanglvr #1
Chapter 14: you got my username in that story lol kikwanglvr?
Chapter 3: HAHA LOL How did my username get there?Anyways,DAEBAK STORY!!!!!:)
HAHA, How the hell did my name get in here? O_O Preee doopppee I'd say brrooo! -Chapter 3- Btw, AWESOME Storrryyy <33
oh my.. they're always together, life or after life.. T.T
so lovely <3
read it again n again...falling in love with this story..Xb
this is so deep and realistic ! i love ittt
mandyden #8
really nice story ^^ i was surprised when i saw my name in chapter 3
bereniss #9
wowwwwwww !!!! nice story.. i love it---
Ashazeki #10
How cute story i love it