The Black Mist

Bad Dreams

"Minzy," Seunghyun called as he walked towards her.

But she shook her head as she pushed herself up from the ground as she began to run down the street. She paused as she looked to the right where her mom had turned and found that it was empty. She panted as tears fell from her eyes not understanding how her mother could up and leave like that.

"Minzy," Seunghyun breathed as he stopped next to her and tried to reach out to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME," she shouted as she glared at him through her blurred vision. She cried as she wiped at her eyes and looked back to the empty dark street hoping that maybe her mom would turn back for her.

"She's not coming back."

"Why," she cried as she looked to him for an explaination.

"Did she leave," CL walked up to them out of nowhere.

"Where did you..." Minzy tried to make sense of her sudden appearance as CL looked to Seunghyun.

"Yeah she just left."

"Good," CL nodded before looking to Minzy.

Minzy coughed a laugh at her supposed best friend, "Good? My mother just took off to God knows where and that's GOOD?!"

CL looked to her watch and then to Seunghyun, "It's almost time."

"Time for what," Minzy looked to both of them.

Seunghyun caught hold of Minzy's wrist as he began to drag her back towards the house as CL fell into step with him, "Alright well we better get her preped."

"Ouch you're hurting me," Minzy nearly shouted as he continued to pull at her arm ignoring her comment.

Seunghyun dragged her up to her room with CL trailing rigth behind. He looked to his watch and frowned, " it's almost time."

"Time for what," Minzy shouted at the top of her lungs frustrated that they were ignoring her.

CL nodded to Seunghyun as she walked into Minzy's closest tossing various things around. "What are you doing," Minzy asked as CL walked out tossing her an outfit. "Put this on." She then turned to Seunghyun, "I'm going to go find some ropes or something to tie her down."

"Wait what," Minzy asked in disbelief at what she was hearing.

"Hurry we don't have too much time."

"Time for what," Minzy asked Seunghyun again.

He sighed as he looked to her, "Till your twenty-first birthday."

"My birthday?! Oh my goodness it's tomorrow," she looked at him shocked. She was too busy trying to figure out what the heck was going on that she had no time to really think what day of the year it was.

"Yes and we have to prepare you for it. Put on that dress and then get on your bed."

"Right now, with you in here," she asked.

He sighed as he turned the other way, "Fine, hurry up." She didn't understand why, but she quickly did what she was told before he changed his mind and had her change with him looking. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, hold on," she said as she tried to zip up the back. He turned to see she was struggling to get the zipper all the way up. He chuckled as he walked up to her and zipped it for her. "Thank you."

He smiled down at her and she couldn't help but smile back. His smile was comforting to see in this whole crazy mess and seemed to put her a little at easy. "Now you're going to have to lay flat on your back on the bed okay?"

"Why? I'm so confused," she asked as she pouted.

"Minzy I'm going to need you to trust me on this," he continued to smile down at her.

"Hey I found something even better," CL pipped up as she came walking in with chains.

"CHAINS?! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO DO TO ME," Minzy shrieked as she jumped back when CL walked closer to her.

"It's okay Minzy trust me," Seunghyun softly spoke as he gave a light squeeze on her shoulder.

But she backed away not wanting to believe him even though her instincts were telling her to do exactly what he was saying, "What are you guys doing to me?"

CL sighed as she looked to Seunghyun, "We don't have much time. If she doesn't cooperate we'll just have to force her."


He shook his head as he looked to Minzy with a small smile forming at his lips, "Minzy do you trust me?"

She bit her lower lip hating the fact that she whole heartedly did without a second thought, "Maybe."

He nodded in understanding as he walked to her bed and patted it, "Then I need you to lie flat on your back alright?"

She cursed herself as she found herself willingly walking towards the bed and lying flat on her back staring up at the ceiling. "Good," he smiled down at her. "Now I know you're scared but this is for your safety that we're going to chain you onto your bed."

"Why," she mumbled feeling an uneasy feeling creep up on her.

Minzy slightly flinched as she felt the cold chains being placed on her wrists to her her ankles and then over her stomach. "Don't worry, just trust me," Seunghyun softly said as he continued to smile down at her.

Seunghyun's smile was so warm and inviting that Minzy found herself fixed on his face letting him distract her as CL tightened up the ends of the chains, "Alright I think we're as ready as we'll ever be."

"So now what," Minzy mirrored his smile not understand how calm he was making her feel when she knew in her right set of mind she should've been freaking out at that moment.

He caressed the side of her face as he widened his smile, "Now we wait."

"For what," she asked before something moved at the corner of her eye. She looked to see there wasn't anything there, to see something move on the other side and she quickly shifted her eyes to see if she could catch whatever was moving but couldn't.

"It's starting," CL said as she firmly gripped onto Minzy's right wrist as Seunghyun did the same to the other.

"What is," Minzy asked frantically as an uneasy feeling began to grow stronger and stronger until she saw a streak of black mist pass across her face. "What the..." she watched as yet another streak of black midst rushed past her face making her heart start to pound as she became scared. She heard whispers all around her not understanding where they were coming from and who they belonged to until her eyes landed towards a corner. "," she screamed as she tried to pull at her wrists. The same dark figure from her dream earlier was there in her room once again. She couldn't understand the hissing and whispers that were coming from the figure, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. The figure was slowly floating towards her way making her scared beyond words. "LET ME GO," Minzy shouted as the figure continued to glide her way. Fear didn't begin to describe what she was feeling at the moment as she continued to scream at the top of her lungs for dear life. But her screaming made CL and Seunghyun grip her in place harder. Tears began to blur her vision as she shook violently in hopes to escape the dark figure that was now face to to face with her. "NO! NO! NO!" But her cries did nothing as the mist began to consume her and the next thing she knew everything went dark.


Minzy's eyes slowly began to flutter open as she heard someone faintly calling her name. Though she felt light headed and too tired to open her eyes, she slightly began to move her head from side to side to regain consciousness. Through her blurred vision she saw two figures above her and squinted her eyes to help her focus.

As her vision was cleared she realized that she was lying on the floor with Seunghyun gripping tightly at her feet and CL holding onto her arms. Wasn't she chained to the bed? Why was she on the floor? Her head and pound was also aching with so much pain that she couldn't help but cringe a little.

"Minzy?! Minzy can you hear me," Seunghyun shouted at the top of his lungs down at her.

She slightly nodded as she mumbled, "What happened?"


The next thing Minzy knew was that she was blacking out once again, but not fast enough for her to feel her body roughly being thrown by some force against a wall.   


Author's Notes:

LOL I have weird dreams huh? don't judge me, haha! thanks for reading, commenting and subscribing! <3

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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 7: Please update I find this so interesting !!!!
Chapter 7: You sure have weird dreams O.o But they make an awesome story plot... so carry on :)
CaughtNevada #3
Chapter 7: I LOVE this! cant wait to see the next update ^-^
faanda #4
Chapter 7: you have the weirdest dreams *-*
Chapter 5: Love this fic! So mind-boggling. XD
Chapter 4: Ugh sorry i cringe at the fact that minkki is with tabi instead of dae or seungri. And that tabi is not with bommie unnie =(

Other than that im enjoy your fanfic so far and cant hardly wait what happens next ^^

Please update soon thank you!!
animefreak858 #7
very nice. so for this one who will be her love intreses? sorry i know i didnt spell that right