
Bad Dreams

"Oh my goodness Bom," Minzy sighed in relief as she held her tighter. "It's been hectic!"

"Excuse me," the woman said as she pulled away.

"Wha...I don't understand. Bom it's me Minzy," she said pointing to herself as she tried to look into her eyes for recognition.

"How do you know my name?"

Minzy coughed a laugh at her friend acting all weird, "Bom seriously? Don't be dumb, the jig's up. Stop messing with me."

"What's going on," a woman stepped beside Bom.

"You," Minzy glared at the woman as she took a fist full of her collar in her hand. "Dara what the hell is going on?"

Dara coughed a laugh as she pulled herself out of her grasp, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Minzy stop this," Seughyun said as he pulled her back.

Minzy shook her head as she pulled out his grasp, "No! That's my best friend!"

"I think you need to control your girlfriend," Dara growled as her eyes began to change into a deep red color.

"Stop, she just probably confused me with someone else," Bom said as she caught a hold of Dara's wrist.

Minzy shook her head as she walked up to Bom, "Bom look at me, it's me Minzy your best friend."

"Minzy let's go before we make a scene," Seughyun said as he took a firm grip of her arm and pulled her back.

"No! No! No," Minzy kept shouting as she looked to Bom. "Bom please tell them!"

Bom's eyes began to water as she shook her head, "I'm sorry but I don't know you."

"Liar," Minzy shouted as she managed to free herself from Seughyun's grasp. She raced over to Bom to be stopped by Dara who stood in her way, "Move!"


Minzy glared at Dara and watched as Dara's eyes went to a deep red as she clenched her fists, "What the? What's..."

Seughyun stood in front of Minzy as he glared down at Dara who seemed to be unfazed as she glared right back at him, "Stop this Dara. Let's just go!"

"Not yet," Seughyun growled at Dara.

She hissed at him as she turned her piercing red eyes over at Minzy, "You're lucky you have this guy protecting you."

"Dara," he shouted in her face as he clenched his fists.

Bom looked to Minzy with worried filled eyes as if pleading to stop whatever was about to happen between the two who were having their little staring contest. "Seughyun let's go," Minzy forced herself to say as she tugged at his arm.

He turned to look at her and she gasped seeing his eyes glowing that same deep red shade Dara had. "Let's get out of here. You never should've brought me here," Bom whispered to Dara as she roughly tugged her in the opposite direction.

Minzy looked past Seughyun and connected her eyes with Bom's for a split second. Bom's eyes betrayed her telling Minzy that she did in fact know her. But her shaking head told Minzy this was not the time or place to talk.

"Let's go Minzy," Seughyun said as he turned her and slung his arm over her shoulder.

"But..." Minzy looked up at him to see that his eyes had faded back to their normal brown color. "I don't understand what's going on," Minzy's eyes began to water as he escorted her to his car before jumping in next to her.

He sighed as he started the car and began to drive, "Minzy this may sound crazy, but you need to trust me. Your life is going to get a little crazy."

"Crazy?! It's already crazy," Minzy said as the tears began to spill over.

He coughed a laugh as he shook his head, "It's only the beginning."

"What do you mean," Minzy asked as they pulled up to her house.

"We'll talk about it inside," he said as he jumped out and started to walk towards her house.

"No how about we talk about this right now," she demanded as she pulled at his arm.

But he was too strong as he caught a hold of her arm and dragged her into the house, "Let go of me! You're hurting me!"

"Go say goodbye to your mom," he said as he folded his arms.

"What?" Minzy looked to him for an explaination when she heard shuffling upstairs. She looked to him for an answer, but he stood leaning his back onto the front door. "Mom? Mom I'm home," Minzy called as she walked upstairs.

" out," her mom called as she walked past her and into the bathroom carrying a handful of random things.

"Mom what's going on," Minzy asked as she followed her mom down the stairs and into her room. She watched her mom toss the items into a bag as she rushed over to her dresser, "MOM!"

Her mom paused as she sighed, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing."


"I have to go."

"Are you going on a business trip?"

She shook her head as she went back to shuffling around in her dresser, "No I'm leaving far away from here."

"When are you coming back?"

"I'm not," she said as she tossed more items into the bag.

"Mom," Minzy cried as she pulled the bag towards her to get her attention. "What's going on?"

"If you want to come you have to go pack your bags right now," she instructed.

Minzy wiped at her tears as she nodded and dashed out of the room. She looked to see that Seughyun didn't move an inch, but didn't care. He was the least of her worries right now. Grabbing some clothing she raced to her closest and pulled out one of her gym bags and threw her clothing in. Running to the bathroom she threw more items in when she heard the front door open and close.

Feeling somewhat scared at the sound, Minzy dropped her items and raced down the stairs to see Seughyun had moved, but still stood in the front entrance way, "Where's my mom?" He didn't say anything as he looked to the door making Minzy bolt for it. Opening the door Minzy watched her mom starting the car and pulling out. "MOM!" Her mom looked at her with a panicked expression as she shook her head and stepped on the gas. "Mom," Minzy shouted as she ran for the car. Minzy ran and ran, but she couldn't catch the car. Collapsing on the ground she watched as the car disappeared into the night, "MOM!" She cried as she didn't understand why her mom would just leave her like that.

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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 7: Please update I find this so interesting !!!!
Chapter 7: You sure have weird dreams O.o But they make an awesome story plot... so carry on :)
CaughtNevada #3
Chapter 7: I LOVE this! cant wait to see the next update ^-^
faanda #4
Chapter 7: you have the weirdest dreams *-*
Chapter 5: Love this fic! So mind-boggling. XD
Chapter 4: Ugh sorry i cringe at the fact that minkki is with tabi instead of dae or seungri. And that tabi is not with bommie unnie =(

Other than that im enjoy your fanfic so far and cant hardly wait what happens next ^^

Please update soon thank you!!
animefreak858 #7
very nice. so for this one who will be her love intreses? sorry i know i didnt spell that right