The Dream

Bad Dreams

Minzy felt nervous as she rounded the corner into a dark alley with her best friend, “I don’t know about this.”

Bom nudged her as she threw her arm around Minzy’s shoulders, “Don’t worry it’ll be fine. Just follow my lead.”

The two stopped in front of two huge body guards that looked two times their size with what seemed like ten times their strength. As both of them stood with their arms folded looking down at them Minzy couldn’t help but feel uneasy. She began to slowly back away, but Bom caught a hold of her wrist and pulled her past the guards.

“C’mon,” Bom breathed as she continued to walk in.

Minzy looked back and was surprised to see that they didn’t budge one bit. Her attention was then shifted back to what was in front of her when she felt them both stop. She looked to see an older man who looked as if he was in his early forties. Though he didn’t look as frightening as the guards she felt even more uncomfortable.

The bad feeling increased when he looked her in the eyes. She shivered as she stood starring into the man’s eyes. They were cold and empty. “Umm…Bom I don’t wanna go in.”

“Stop being a baby. It will only hurt for a second,” Bom hissed as she stepped forward to the man. She glanced over to Minzy making sure she was watching before turning back to the man in front of her. Bom leaned her head to the left as she moved her hair out of the way, leaving the right side of her neck bare.

Minzy stood as still as a statue when she watched the man step forward as he took hold of Bom’s neck and bent down. Minzy watched as he inhaled her scent before blowing onto her neck. This made Bom shiver a bit and Minzy tried her best to hide that she was trembling with fear. The man then sunk his teeth into her neck making Bom whimper at his bite. Minzy shut her eyes trying to stop herself from vomiting. She didn’t know how Bom convinced her to come.

“Okay you’re good,” Minzy heard the man say. She peeked one eye open to see the man or whatever he was away the blood that stained his lips.

“C’mon Minzy it’s your turn,” Bom said as she pulled her forward.

Minzy shook her head as she backed away, “No that’s okay. I don’t want to.”

Bom pushed Minzy forward, “Just do it.”

Minzy turned to glare at her so called best friend, “Didn’t I say that I didn’t want to be here in the first place?!”

“Are you going to do this or what? If not then leave,” the man said pointing to the exit.

Minzy nodded in understanding as she began to walk away before Bom blocked her way, “Minzy wait! Please don’t go. I don’t want to go in by myself.” She looked away not wanting to see Bom’s pleading face, “Please! Please Minzy.”

“Will this be the first and last time you make me come,” Minzy asked.

Bom quickly nodded, “Yes, you know that I wouldn’t have asked you unless I really needed to. Dara is too sick.”

Minzy cringed when she heard the other girl’s name. She didn’t like that Dara girl. It was her fault that Bom was so into going into that place. It even bothered her more because ever since the two had started coming to that place they had hung out more often, leaving Minzy somewhat jealous that her best friend began to replace her.

“Fine,” Minzy sighed as she walked back to the man. Even though she was nervous she copied Bom’s actions. She leaned her head to the left giving him access to the right side of her neck as she closed her eyes shut. She felt his cool breath against her neck and it made her shiver. It was strange that it was so cold, but that was the least of her worries. She continued to keep her eyes shut hoping he’d get it over as she suddenly felt his teeth slowly digging its way through her skin. 

The man suddenly backed away as he pushed Minzy, this made Minzy stumble back not understanding what was going on, “What in the world?”

She looked to him for an explanation to see his eyes go pure white. Minzy turned to look at Bom for an explanation, but she had fear in her eyes. Showing that she too didn’t understand what was happening.

“You need to leave,” he breathed with clenched fists.

Minzy felt her neck and noticed that he hadn’t bitten deep enough, “Why?”

His eyes went back to its normal shade of black as he gasped as if he had been holding his breath. He walked over and took Minzy’s hands in his, “Look you need to leave. Go far away from here. Do you hear me?” He bent over and whispered into her ear, “Don’t let him catch you.” Minzy was confused but had no time to think as he pushed her to leave. “Go!” Bom tried to leave with Minzy, but he caught a hold of her wrist to stay her, “You can’t go. She has to go alone.”

“What,” the friends asked in unison.

“Save yourself hurry before he comes,” the man spoke raising his voice at Minzy. Minzy looked to Bom who began to cry and she was torn. How could she leave her best friend? “If you don’t leave he’ll kill both of you.”

It was too much for Minzy, she shook her head as she tried to pry Bom’s hand out of the man’s grasp. But he was far too strong, “Let…her…go!”

“Minzy just go,” Bom cried as she pushed her away.

“What are you saying? You want me to leave you,” Minzy asked in disbelief.

Bom looked at her with sad guilt ridden eyes, “I’m sorry I brought you here. Now run!” Loud footsteps began to shake the ground making both Bom and the man look at Minzy with worry in their eyes. “Hurry before he catches you!”

Minzy had no choice but to turn and leave, she walked as fast as she could and pushed past the guards trying to seem as natural as possible. When she was sure that she was far enough, she began to run.

She heard loud shouting echoing from behind, “FIND HER AND BRING HER TO ME!”

The sound of the booming voice sent Minzy running harder. Whoever wanted her, she couldn’t let that person catch her. She had to keep running.


Author's Notes:

Yup so that was my dream it cut into something else when I ran away. Super weird right? meh I'm laughing as I'm reading this, it almost sounds vampireish hehe. Maybe I'll write a couple more bad dreams that I've had and post them under here. but then again you'll see how weird my dreams are haha! Thanks for reading! <3

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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 7: Please update I find this so interesting !!!!
Chapter 7: You sure have weird dreams O.o But they make an awesome story plot... so carry on :)
CaughtNevada #3
Chapter 7: I LOVE this! cant wait to see the next update ^-^
faanda #4
Chapter 7: you have the weirdest dreams *-*
Chapter 5: Love this fic! So mind-boggling. XD
Chapter 4: Ugh sorry i cringe at the fact that minkki is with tabi instead of dae or seungri. And that tabi is not with bommie unnie =(

Other than that im enjoy your fanfic so far and cant hardly wait what happens next ^^

Please update soon thank you!!
animefreak858 #7
very nice. so for this one who will be her love intreses? sorry i know i didnt spell that right