
Bad Dreams

Minzy began to cry into her mother's chest, "Mom please stop playing with me. Where is she?"

Her mother embraced her tigher, "Honey I have no idea who this Bom girl is."

Minzy pulled out of her mother's embrace and saw the sincerity in her eyes. She truly didn't know who she was talking about. "Never mind. I must be tired or something," she lied

Minzy's mom smiled down at her daughter as she wiped a stray tear away, "Okay sweetie, get some rest. Do you need anything?"

"Yeah, umm...can you tell..."

"CL," her mom offered a guess.

"Yes CL, can you uh let her know that I'm sorry and that I just need some rest," Minzy forced a smile.

Her mom placed a kiss on top of her forehead, "Of course." Minzy smiled at her mom as she closed the door behind her.

Feeling panicked she raced around the room once more and found nothing but memories of this CL girl. Tears were falling as she flipped all the photos or assumed items to be from CL down. She wasn't understanding what was going on and all of the stressing really was making her tired.

Minzy flipped the light switch off as she stumbled over to her bed and fell flat on her back. Wipping the tears away Minzy starred up at the ceiling. She sat still wishing she was like the ceiling above her white, blank, and bare. She was so confused and her head was pounding as a result of it. Taking deep breaths she forced herself to continue to stare up at the ceiling above her. Trying her best, Minzy lie trying to clear her mind.

Minutes later of focused concentration she felt her body taking slow deep breaths. Was she sleeping? It was impossible, she was still starring up at the ceiling wasn't she? She tried to push herself up to see that her body still lay in place.

"What the hell," Minzy said sitting up as she looked down to see her body still in place. "What the hell is going on?" She looked around and everything was in place. It couldn't possibly be a dream, because usually things weren't placed exactly how they were. There was always something out of place helping her realize that it was only a dream. "But then..." her voice trailed off as she looked down to her body. Her eyes were in fact closed and her breathing proved that she was in fact sleeping. "What's going on," she asked herself out loud before she felt an eerie feeling began to creep up on her.

She looked to the corner of her room to see some dark mist. It slowly began to shift closer to her forming into some kind of dark figure. She didn't know what it was, but her feelings told her it wasn't good. She tried to make herself wake up, but her body stayed limp and unmoving. "Wake up! Wake up," she screamed at herself. Seeing the dark figure getting closer she panicked and gazed over to her light switch. She didn't know why, but she found herself pushing her spirit like body up and trying to reach for her light switch. Doing so, she felt the dark figure grabbing ahold of her pulling her back. Minzy screamed trying to reach for the stupid fixture on the wall as she tried to shake off the dark mist that was now starting to wrap around her body. "NOOO!" This was all she could shout as she felt the dark figure winning as she saw herself being pulled backwards. But she continued to fight. Pushing back all the fear, she focused all her strength and will power towards the switch. Her finger tips were about to touch the light, until her mom came walking in.

Minzy struggled as she tried to call for her mom, but she obviously couldn't hear her. Her mom reached for the light and in that split second the darkness vanished and her spirit flung back into her body. Minzy shot up with a gasp escaping her lips as she looked around. She felt her face and body shaking as her mom came and sat next to her.

"Hey sweetie," her mom smiled as she held a hand to her daughter's forehead. "Oh my goodness, you're burning up."

Minzy took her mother's hands into her trembling hands, "Mom I don't..."

Her sentence was cut off when the house phone started to ring. "Hold that thought baby girl I'm going to get that okay?"

Minzy reluctantly nodded and watched her mother walk away. Her heart was still racing as she looked around the room. Though that dark figure had disappeared it still left her with an eerie feeling.

"Hey Minzy it's for you," her mom said handing her the phone.

"For me," Minzy asked as put the phone to her ear. "He...hello?"

"Minzy is everything okay? I tried to call your phone but it went straight to the voice mail," a deep voice spoke through the phone. Minzy was confused as she couldn't recognize the voice through the phone. Who was this? "Minzy? Minzy are you there?"

She shook her head realizing that she hadn't said anything back, "Umm yeah."

"CL said you were acting strange earlier. What's going on?"

Minzy felt like crying as she didn't have the answer to that question. This person talked as if they knew her, but yet she couldn't recognize this caring voice at all. "Umm..." she held back the tears not knowing what to say.

She heard the person sigh deeply into the phone, "I'll be over in a little okay?"


"Love you, bye," the person said before hanging up.

"Huh," she breathed not sure if she heard right.

She was in shock at what the person had just said. Who was this so called person who was coming over and why did this person love her when she couldn't even recognize this person's voice?



Author's Notes:

These are just various dreams that I've had over my life time that I'm mixing up in a different order because I can't necessarily remember if I've had one dream before another haha. In this one is a dream and a half...will continue in the next one hehe. This dream of the dark figure was very haunting and I couldn't forget it. I feel like how I wrote it wasn't as scary as I experienced it. But anywho, thanks for reading! <3 


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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 7: Please update I find this so interesting !!!!
Chapter 7: You sure have weird dreams O.o But they make an awesome story plot... so carry on :)
CaughtNevada #3
Chapter 7: I LOVE this! cant wait to see the next update ^-^
faanda #4
Chapter 7: you have the weirdest dreams *-*
Chapter 5: Love this fic! So mind-boggling. XD
Chapter 4: Ugh sorry i cringe at the fact that minkki is with tabi instead of dae or seungri. And that tabi is not with bommie unnie =(

Other than that im enjoy your fanfic so far and cant hardly wait what happens next ^^

Please update soon thank you!!
animefreak858 #7
very nice. so for this one who will be her love intreses? sorry i know i didnt spell that right