
Bad Dreams

Minzy gasped as she shot up. Beads of sweat were dripping down her face as she was panting. Looking around in her dark and empty room she tried her best to calm her pounding heart. She looked to see that it was three in the morning. She let out a loud hiss, knowing she needed all the sleep she could get for her exams that day. She cursed Bom for making her go out the night before and planned giving her an ear full later on that day for making her lose sleep.


"Morning mom," Minzy said rushing through the kitchen as she picked up a piece of toast before running out of the house. She was running late as always and she was determined to make it to her first exam on time.


Minzy rushed in right in the nick of time to see the professor addressing the class. Seeing the first open seat, she slipped in and waited for a test sheet to be passed to her. After what seemed like an eternity of questions, she finally finished and handed her test in.

As she was walking out someone called her name. She turned to see a smiling unfamiliar face walking towards her, "Hey girl how was your test?"

Minzy cocked an eyebrow at the girl who had then linked arms with her as she began to walk, "Excuse me?"

The girl laughed, "I said how was your exam silly? Were you on time?"

"Umm, yeah," Minzy grinned as she played along. She didn't understand what was going on, but she decided that if she played along maybe something would click.

"So I was thinking that maybe after school we can hit up our favorite place."

"Our favorite place?"

She nodded as she continued, "Yeah that little ice cream parlor we've been going to since we were like ten."

Minzy thought long and hard at what she could possibly be talking about. She paused and thought as one ice cream parlor came to mind, "Sweet Treats?"

"Yeah Sweet Treats, where else," she laughed as she bumped shoulders with Minzy as they continued to walk.

Minzy paused as she starred at the strange girl who still had her arm linked onto hers. Who was she? Why was she acting like she knew her? So many questions popped into her mind as she tried to figure out what was going on.

"Minzy? Are you okay," the girl asked.

"Umm...this might sound weird to you, but who are you?"

"Who am I? You've got to be kidding me," she laughed as she teasingly hit Minzy on the arm. But the laughs soon faded when she realized that Minzy wasn't laughing along with her. She only stood there looking at her with a blank face. "You're kidding me...right?"

"No really, who are you," Minzy asked again.

"Minzy it's me CL," CL said but saw that she still continued to have a blank look on her face. She sighed as she took her by the shoulders, "I'm CL your best friend of basically our whole lives."

"Best friend, you've got to be joking" Minzy asked in disbelief.

CL coughed a laugh as she placed the back of her hand onto Minzy's forehead, "Girl are you alright? Did something happen to you last night?"

Minzy shook her head as she thought back to what had happened. Flashes of her going to some place and then needing to escape...her eyes widened as she looked to her so called best friend. "Where's Bom?"


"Bom! She's my best friend and Sweet Treats was our place to go," Minzy said as flashes of Bom and her began to rush through her mind.

"Minzy calm down, I don't know what you're talking about or who that girl Bom is. But I'm your best friend," CL said somewhat offended and hurt that her friend was spouting off some crazy nonsense.

Minzy scratched her head in frustration, "No, no there's something wrong here. I remember that last night I was being dragged by Bom to some kind of club."

"Hey Minzy I think you studied way too much for your exam last night," CL said shaking her head. "What did I tell you about procrastinating your studies?"

Minzy paused as Bom's face and voice appeared in her mind, "She said that one day it will all catch up to me and there would be no time for me to procrastinate."

CL's jaw dropped open seeing her friend literaly going nuts, "You mean I said that? Minzy that's what I've always told you."

Minzy clasped her hands over her ears feeling like this CL girl was going a little too far with this prank. She shook her head not wanting to hear any more lies as she headed to her car to leave for home.

Minzy drove like a mad woman weaving in and out of the lanes to rush home. She had to figure out what was going on. How could this CL girl possibly be her best friend. It was Bom. Bom was her best friend that she had sworn to be best friends with since they were young.


Minzy burst through making her mom jump a little, "Minzy? What are you doing home so early?"

She didn't say a word as she ran up to her room. She rushed over to her desk and saw photos of her with that CL girl. She then ran to her closet and began to pull out old albums and sure enough that CL girl was in almost every single one of them. Not believing how cruel of a prank someone would pull on her, she reached for her phone and opened it to see CL with her smiling as her screen saver.

"Minzy? Minzy sweetie are you alright," her mom asked as she approached her room.

"Mom who is this girl," Minzy asked as she showed her mom the phone.

Her mom grinned, "Minzy what's this about?"

"Mom please! Tell me who this girl is," Minzy asked feeling her eyes beginning to water.

"Minzy sweetie that's your best friend."

She threw the phone to the ground letting it break in pieces as she moved backwards, "I don't know her!"

"Minzy what's going on? Why are you acting like this," her mom asked.

"No, no, NO! Where's Bom?!"


"BOM?! WHERE IS SHE," Minzy shouted at the top of her lungs.

Minzy's mom wrapped her arms around her as she pulled her into an embrace, "Baby what's going on? Who's Bom?" 


Author's Notes:

I've had so many dreams like this. I'm the only person that seems to be going crazy over someone missing and everyone acts like they don't know who I'm referring to. Talk about annoying! haha, maybe I can make my dreams into like a connecting fic with a couple of made up parts to make my dreams transition well. anywho, thanks for reading!

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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 7: Please update I find this so interesting !!!!
Chapter 7: You sure have weird dreams O.o But they make an awesome story plot... so carry on :)
CaughtNevada #3
Chapter 7: I LOVE this! cant wait to see the next update ^-^
faanda #4
Chapter 7: you have the weirdest dreams *-*
Chapter 5: Love this fic! So mind-boggling. XD
Chapter 4: Ugh sorry i cringe at the fact that minkki is with tabi instead of dae or seungri. And that tabi is not with bommie unnie =(

Other than that im enjoy your fanfic so far and cant hardly wait what happens next ^^

Please update soon thank you!!
animefreak858 #7
very nice. so for this one who will be her love intreses? sorry i know i didnt spell that right