V. Level 1: The Trainee Life Of The Fantastic Four ( Part 1)


Joo Ri was sitting at the corner of the room, busy with her lyric making and composing stuffs. It was too early for any trainees to have their training schedule. she was staring on the blank music sheet, struggling to grasp any of 1 special ideas to come up when she heard a footstep coming really closer to the room. "Who would be using this room this early? even Hakyeon oppa wouldn't dare to wake up this early just to practice," she said deep in her thought. she was too absorbed in her composed when the footstep owner came inside the room. without looking at the foot step owner, she knew that the young man entering the room was no other than the always curious Lee Jae Hwan. Jae Hwan used to have his practice early in the morning right when everyone was still in their dream worlds. And he knows that if he came during those time, he would be able to meet Joo Ri, the ambitious trainee, who appeared to be N's younger sister.

The boy walked slowly inside the room without willing to distract the girl's consentration. But, it failed, Joo Ri held her head up to see who was there. And she was surprised to see one of her brother's member waking up that early.


"Jae Hwan ah, why are you up this early?" she asked.

"I wanted to warm my vocal chords up before the pre-recording starts at 11," He made up an excuse.

"Ah," She nodded.

"Why are you here? Isn't the schedule suppose to start at 11?" He asked.

"I was just working on my song, but no idea coming up this morning," She shrugged.

"Will you help me with my practice session?" He took a seat beside her.

"Sure, what can i do?" she asked.

"Play the music accompanyment for me," He said as he looked at her with his pleading eyes.

"Sure thing, what would you like to practice?" She smiled.

"let's try my parts in "I don't want to be an idol"" He suggested.

"Okay then," She started to play the guitar."


Because of the endless schedule, it’s not easy to see your face
Me inside the TV, you watching me on TV – that’s how we date

Should I quit? When I think about you, I keep getting weak"  He began singing his part.

She kept playing the music while staring at the figure of Jae Hwan getting his feelings absorbed into the song he was singing. "God, why you created such a human being like him? Why? He is even too perfect for me," she thought to herself. Jae Hwan was busy singing to be able to read her mind that time. while the girl was playing her guitar while admiring a figure in front of her. "She is pretty in my eyes. Although she is not like another doll type girl, i just loved how she's comfortable around me.. i wonder if she had any crushes or a lover," He sang while his mind keep travelling into his own trains of thoughts.

11:00 AM--

Everyone was already inside the studio, with their training attire on. Joo Ri and Hyunwoo were in the midst of their dancing practice while the two younger ones were looking at them, trying to memorize the tight moves given by the trainer. 

"Hey,  how did you do that?" The younger female with wavy brown hair spoke. She was leaning forward on her lap as she tried her best to study the older two's syncronized dancing.

"Shouldn't you already know this, Hyeri?" The boy sitting next to her spoke. He looked at her and rose his eyebrow, making Hyeri roll her eyes as she picked up her backpack and threw it at him.

"You aren't doing anything either, Hong Jun." Hyeri stuck out her tongue playfully before she jumped up and started stretching. "I bet I can learn this dance faster than you!" She teased, winking playfully at him, making him get up and stretch right next to her.

"Please, we all know who has the real talent here." He replied, smiling brightly at her.

'Should we really let their compitition escalate?" Hyunwoo sighed, spinning around on his heel and seeing the two youngest streching and making silly faces to one another. Joo Ri stopped and followed her gaze to where Hyunwoo was looking.

"Ah, let them be, they liven up the place." Joo Ri shrugged and chuckled before returning to practice. Hyunwoo looked at the back of Joo Ri's head and back to the two 'children' sitting on the floor. He let out an exasperated sigh before crossing his arms and walking over to them.

"Do you need any help before you two have this little 'faceoff'?" He questioned, leaning over them and smiling. Hyeri looked up at him and shook her head.

"Not unless you're willing to lend me your dancing skills, oppa." Hyeri replied, but then giggled. "No wait, I should be asking Joo Ri unnie." She acknowledged as Hyunwoo felt a cold breeze fill his body.

"I think you're a great dancer, hyung." Hong Jun piped up, beaming at his hyung after praising him. Hyunwoo simply smiled as he reached down and ruffled the younger's hair. "You're really goodlooking too~" Hyunwoo couldn't contain his smile.

"Hong Jun, you're the visual, I don't think you should be praising others' looks." Hyunwoo stated, standing up straight and glancing at the pouting Hyeri. "Something wrong, Hyeri?" He rose his eyebrow and she just shook her head, stood up and watched Joo Ri's moves. She walked over to who she was eyeing, leaving the two boys together as Hyeri started tatlking to Joo Ri and asking her questions.

"Unnie, could you give me some pointers on the dance?" Hyeri whispered, leaning closer to Joo Ri. The older gave Hyeri a weird look before nodding once. "Okay, so for the part when we move our arms like this," Hyeri pushed out her hand, twirled it around, and threw it down by her side, "are we supposed to move our left or right?"

"Always your left when we go into the chorus dance." Joo Ri instructed. "Make sure your right foot is tightly planted, but remember to shift your weight to your left so you can swing your right foot right after. Like a jumping move." Hyeri nodded, picturing the dance in her head.

"Hey! You can't ask the dancing machine Joo Ri!" Hong Jun yelled, catching on to what Hyeri was doing. "That's cheating!"

"Your face is cheating!" Hyeri fired back, sticking her tongue out at Hong Jun, smiling her thanks at Joo Ri, then heading towards the middle of the dance room. "Let's go, Hong Jun." She challenged. Hong Jun rolled his eyes and jumped up, walking to the middle and standing right besides Hyeri.

"Joo Ri, noona, can you please play the music." Hong Jun asked, making his eyes appear bigger as he made a puppy dog face. Joo Ri only smiled before restarting the song that echoed the room. The music blasted the tempo, which the youngers easily picked up on. As the music started, their bodies automatically did the moves they were supposed to.

"Not bad." Joo Ri nodded, studying their every move. "It would appear that your syncronization is in sync."

"Hyeri, you seem to be lacking on the chorus steps." Hyunwoo intructed, putting his hand up to his chin. At that, Hong Jun glanced at peak at Hyeri and smirked.

"Look at who's winning!" He declared. Joo Ri put her hand up to her head and Hyunwoo immediately looked down. Hyeri tried to stay focused, but Hong Jun's words broke through her concentration as she shot him a glare and purposely kicking his leg during the dance. "Hey!" He peeped. He tackled her to the ground as the two started picking on one another playfully as the elders sighed. Just a normal day of practice for these four.

Earth to the moon: this is Jiji speaking,I am making this chapter finally visible to all our lovely subbers and applicants..on the other hand,  We're going to go for a new girl on the next chapter, so... be ready for it^^-Jiji




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The deadline of the application is on March 14th and We only need 2 guys to squeeze in~ -Jiji


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Chapter 12: woah...Yunho's chocolate abs hahaha excited for everyone else! ^^
Chapter 11: Omg yunho's chocolate abs revealed! Lol xD I can't wait for the other chapters :3
Chapter 2: im glad you liked him personally....id love to date a guy like that too xD haha
Chapter 2: Wa-Cha! my male application ^.^

Chapter 1: im gonna apply as a boy character :3
Chapter 2: Uwaaahh thanks for accepting my male character!! ^^
Chapter 2: Congratulations to starlight101 and chyahwang for getting selected!
All we need is 2 other boys to complete!