II The Applicants



Red: Accepted

Violet: Confirmed

Fire Brick: Errors Found

AFF Uname | Character Name | Position | Persona | Ulzzang Face

(Author & Co-Author Note)

1/11 woojyo | Julianne Cha/ Cha Joo Ri | Main Rapper, Leader, Main Dancer, Composer | Burning Charisma Rapper | Kite

This is Author's Character. 

2/11 woojyo | Lee Hong Jun/Jaycen Lee | Main Vocal, Visual, Dancer, Mood-maker | Cute Emotional Vocalist | Park Hyung Seok

the cute visual of male unit, please welcome Jaycen xD


3/11 moonlightviolet | Nam Hyeri/Hayden Nam | Lead Dancer, Rapper | Vivacious Prankster | Do Hwe Ji

Co-Author Character ^^


4/11 moonlightviolet   | Koo Hyunwoo / Harry Koo | Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer , Leader | Benign Gentleman | Lee Chihoon

Co-Author's Character xD Cute, no? ^^


5/11 Kang_Sara | Song Eun Hye/Sayuri Song |Main Vocal , Visual | Dimple Baby | Jung Yeon

Hi sara! thanks for applying^^ i'm sorry i kinda replying your PMs late.. screw to my schedules xD. few things to point out about the interesting parts you put on the form. firstly, if she got chosen, she'll be the brainiac couple along with Koo Hyunwoo (MG's male character) they will be the brainiac of the group xD~! secondly i like your love story with Cha Hakyeon, who ended up to be my character's older brother, the way they shyly interact is really cute already. I can imagine how Joori teases her brother and Sayuri.. Oh my gosh, that will be epic!!~ anyways, thirdly I love her ideal type, someone with dark hair, take care of the children well, looks good in wifebeater and flannel xD me likey /bricked/xD! finally, the song choice xD i like all the songs you suggested.. i will re-consider them then^^

Brainiac couple FTW! /slapped/ anyways, thank you for applying, Sara! :D I like that she won't hesitate to ask ert questions on screen xD haha what the~ xD Her ideal type *^* I agree with Jiji, that's just unf xD haha OTL the way you act with N, like omg, that's so cute and their meeting xD omgomg, that's adorable haha spy N! :D I really like your scene suggestions, you're just full of great ideas *^* anyways, thanks for much for applying~










6/11 Ranniekimura | Aleina Yang/Rahee Yang | Lead Rapper, Mood Maker, Dancer | Aiiry Alien | Lee Jung Ha

well overall, i like your neat application, Christine^^ Whoa! she likes photography (just like me xD). Her love interest is Hongbin! the red bean xD. The unique encounter of their first meeting is kinda cool. when she was busy taking pictures and Hongbin came over to see who it was. and the fact that's she's crazier when she's with the camera than when she was with her friends. In my Addition, her love of fashion is in the similar class as Bigbang's GD and 2NE1's CL xD it's cool to have a fashionista here ^^. She is also the material of a mood maker in the group ^^. It will be fun to have her around in the dorm, practice room and on the stage. thank you for your application~~^^

Christine~ thank you very much for applying! haha I think it's cute that she's so hyper all the time xD Omg she likes batman, i find that really cool :D because he's my favorite too~ My bias is your best friend *^* OMG I think the way you met Hongbinnie was really cute~ I've never heard of that before and I can just imagine that happening! Anywho, thank you so much for applying, it was fun reading your application~


7/11 starlight101 | Lee Chung Cha | Ace | Tacky Princess | Ryu Hye Ju 

Jerry jerry Jerry.. sorry college screwed me.. i was just reading your application and WOW!! finally the maknae i had been waiting for applying XDD.. Well, I love how Chung Cha and Chung Ho is different although they are twinnies. And the thing surprising me while reading the application is the twincest fanfic that ravi believed is true. I was just like laughing in the class reading it. How come he goes so blunt like that, like he believed all written in fan's imaginations. And how she dresses, is a total diversity to the group. Well, to me, she's fitting into the group really much^^

Jerry, I love ChungCha xD I love their differences and Chung Cha is a hipster xD How interesting! :D I like how she is shy, that's sooo different than what I was expecting, but I really enjoy her :D I love her and Chang Ho's relationship for their twinness and twincest xD LMAO Well, thank you for applying ^^


8/11 starlight101 | Lee Chang Ho | Ace | Mr. Talent | Park Ji Ho

Well, All i have to say, i would like to fall for Chang Ho if he were real. if the group was real, i'd like Chang Ho to be my bias. And how both of the twins are different, again i would like to have the twins as my bias!! I can imagine how he looked really good in combat boots. and His bluntness.. oh my god, i would like to see how he and Hyeri share a little bit similar trait. well, can't wait to see him joining the members xD

He and Hyeri are going to have the best time together ;D No, but I really liked him ^^ He was unique and such a player! But of course, that is something that I like xD I love how he's protective, how interesting would that be for our group? ;D Anyways, thanks for applying!


9/11 chyahwang | Hwang Jin Wook/ Gin Hwang | Composer, Lead Vocal | The Calm Guardian Angel | Hwang Jin Wook

Min, Thanks for filling another form~ Firstly, I really am impressed on how he shares traits with Joo Ri, They are both the composer of the group, and I can't wait to make him working together with Joo Ri to produce a song for the group^^. And I like how you make him the closest person to Leo who seemed untouchable to anyone. and how he picked Ken to be his rival in the company it's just cool ^^~! another fun facts of this guy is... his selca madness level is the same as the senior idols xD he's a selca maniac.. I can't wait the other member to complain over his selca awareness. lols.. i shall lengthen this tmr~

Min~ Thank you for applying as a male ^^ And omg, haha throughout the whole app I was like "he looks like SHINee's Minho" and I read you put that and I laughed xD Yay! Your best friend is Leo how interesting and Ken is your... rival.. *pouts* haha but I understand that xD I like your love interest too ;D Unf, xD Thank you for applying!

10/11 sacjiyeon | Park Yunho/ Yunho | Lead Rapper, Dancer | Charismatic Rapper | Kwak Min Jun

First male applicant! well firstly, thanks for applying a male member, Jiyeon. i like your clean and neat applications. first of all, i like how the nickname goes (sounding like "you win"), it adds the plus point of confidence^^. secondly, i like how he ignored her mother's nag to study in order to pursue his dream. and how he acts cute to Eunji (the 180 degree bow) it's kinda really cute for a rapper. last but not the least, I love how he acts different just to look cool in front of everyone. it's cute though. and more than that, this is the part that all girls will probably like, chocolate abs!! i can't help but to imagine of a 19 year old boy with a perfect chocolate abs. xD

Your ulzzang... /dies/  xD But anyways! thank you for applying as a male, Jiyeon! Urgh, I love guys who wear skinny jeans.. /slapped for getting distracted/ I think his personality is cute! he teases girls yet still cares about them, like aww, i understand why girls like him, xD haha I think it's fitting that he's best friends with Ravi :D  OMG I seriously love this boy xD Like if he were real, he'd be my bias /slapped/ haha anyways, thank you for applying ^^


Kang_Sara | Kwon Sung Jae | Main Rapper, Vocalist, Visual | Lovely Rapper | Ho Jun Yeon

Sara, Sara Sara, thanks for applying as a male member. Another VISUAL!!! yay, we'll have a lot of visuals in the group xDD~! I love how Sungjae acts as a guardian to LEAP members, especially Eunhye. And and and he shares the same fanclub color as Hong Jun. I really like Sung Jae very very much. I wanted to make one of the scene you suggested come true~! Him and Song Ji Eun!! orz, it's cool to have a long term backstreet relationship~! i love your ideas on describing him. can he be my bias and boyfriend? /bricked/. Let's pray for the best.  I am thinking of selecting him. kekekeke~ he's the faux maknae of Elevate if so~kekeke

MiyaChan | Alisson Song/Alice | Ace, Main Vocal, Dancer | 4D-Pokerface Princess | Baek Su Min

Hi Miya, thanks for joining I hope the form didn't give you a hard time to fill^^. well, first of all, I love how you describe Alice. She is in contrary to my character but yes, I would like to see the fans shipping for both of them, it will be fun to see Alice paired up with Julianne. Her personality is just like the girl version of Leo. I love how you describe that she's also forgetful behind those pokerface. overall, it is a fun time reading your applications.

[P.S.: Thanks for picking my ultimate bias for your love interest, Since I picked Ken, I wanted someone to pick him as her love interest ^^. plus i love the unique meeting she encountered with L.Joe and Chunji. as for now, good luck^^]

Hello, Miya! First off, your love interest *^* one of my ultimate biases! yay! xD haha but as Jiji said, she is like a female Leo :o Alice is definiatly a different character and can I just say, I love the name Alice! xD Whoop whoop, she's close to Teen Top and Sistar, two of my bias groups :D I'm super excited to see that Alice is half Chinese and omg, her darkest secret is so sad :o anyways, thank you so much for applying! ^^

Fallin4YouSHINee | Alexandra Kwak/Alex | Ace, Main Vocal, Main Dancer| Kanghan Ace (Powerful Ace) | Jungroo

Yonyi, thanks for applying^^ first of all, Jungroo is really pretty she's my 2nd bias in ulzzang after Kite. i really like the fact that Alex is ambidextrous, it will surprise fans when it comes to fansigning (hahahaha). I like how you describe her, vivid, short, but fun to read. what i love from her is she is a type who goes for Aegyo and skinships, oh the fact that she's a ert (that makes me smile all day). i think overall your application is really neat, and i give two thumbs up for that. thanks for applying^^ i do hope you're going to be one of the girls^^

YonYi! Ayo waddup, gull? omg, Alex is so tall :O I like how she is very caring for her friends ^^ Also how she'll step down and let someone else take the compliments as she watches on, I think that's really sweet. But seriously.. Aron is your brother? xD And she's the  girl in the beginning of the Nu'est video /jealous/ Dx you know how much I love them OTL  *clears throat* anyways.. thank you very much for applying :D



chyahwang | Hwang Hye Min/ Lyon Hwang | Lead Dancer, Rapper | Dancing Machine | Yeon Ji Hee

Hey, Min. thanks for applying though. it's a nice and neat application form. i love reading through it. firstly I love how you state that she is a happy virus that couldn't do much aegyo. the fact that she has sharp gazes that forbids her from looking cute for aegyos are really cool. I love that~~!! secondly, i think the members would have to be really careful to her when she wakes up in the morning (if we choose her to be one of the girls). last but not the least, i like how you pick my bias Kim Rokhyun as your best friend. finally someone pick him as a part of her story xD. her interaction with Ravi.. oh gosh, my feels i can't just imagine now it will be. you know, Ravi is kinda scary when i picture him scolding a girl. and he gave her a surprise hug.. it was just asdfghjklaksdfiosafdjlaf.. i cant.. hahaha..

Min~ Omg the first thing I noticed was the fact her favorite colors were purple and black, because those are mine xD haha anyways.. that was off topic, but OMG YES! someone picked my dearest Ravi <3 /slapped/ but i think their interactions were cute, like Jiji said, like ahh omg xD Thank you so much for applying!

AvyA7X | Park Reiko/Rachelle | Choreographer, Main Dancer, Main Vocal | Sadistic Angel | Kim Shin Yeong

Hey, Avy, thank you for applying for the story~ /hugs/ I like how you picked Simon as your brother. he looks really brotherly though and he's my bias xDD~~. LOL!! Leo is everyone's bias list wrecker xD it's kinda lovely to see him looking for a girl, he's too sweet~~. Leo is kinda secretly admiring the girl, how lucky she is. /d'awww/ You and Jaehwan are rival when he's my love interest! I just noticed that, kekekeke /bricked/. our characters are a bit similar in terms of phobia /points at claustrophobia/ /high5/. and our character is like in the same age if we decided to pick you, we'll be close to each other then xD since we have some similarities and we are in the same age /slapped/.

Avy, Avy, Avy! I love Reiko's name, Reeeeikoooo xD I love how she's a perfectionist, but also a bookworm and a older sister type. That is such a good combination xD haha OTL my ultimate bias is your rival /slapped by Jiji/ haha but that's cool xD Ah, she matches with Leo in my opinion, like, I could picture them as a couple~ haha but anyways, your password /dies/ I just absolutely adore red haired Leo <3  Thank you for applying!!

musicgirl12348 | Kim Kae In/Rose Kim | Main Dancer, Lead Vocal, Maknae | Secret Weapon | Choi Jung Mi

Hi Kim, thanks for applying. nice and fun to read one, i like it^^ /smiles/. the baby version of Hyolyn is finally here. y, strong, powerful dances just like Kim Hyolyn, i like that. She's the aegyo machine, right? trying to get attention through her aegyo, typical maknae, whom everyone will love. she will be a perfect match to Lee Hongjun xD /bricked/. and to my surprise, She's crushing on JUNG IL HOON! i like the coincidence when they met, it's just perfect, but is it just an ordinary sunbae-hoobae relationship? or a special one?? /smirk/ we'll see later, if she gets choosen^^

Kim~ It's unique to have a girl that's hispanic ^^ I like that's she the quiet, yet blunt time xD haha Ah,ahhh her sister~ YES! /slapped/ haha but I really like her sister :D haha her crush, wow~ hahah she rejected him the first time they met xD anyways, I like Kaerin, and her name *^* Thank you so much for applying~

sacjiyeon | Chae Song Ah/Michelle Chae | Visual, Main Vocal, Sub Dancer | Mi-In Vocal (Visual Vocal) | Kim Seuk Hye

Hi jiyeon, finally i posted your female character!! thanks for applying such a nice and fun to read application ^^. well overall i love how she and Jongup meet, befriend and promises each other to meet again when they became idols. And that ais about to happen when Song Ah become a star later on. well, i really love how she is both a sports man and a musical person ^^. i do really hope we can pick her as one of the members ^^

Jiyeonnie, she's shy :o I like that xD Unique for an idol. no? She's really pretty too, I like your ulzzang :D Yay! she's playful >:D I can see she and my Hyeri would get along for that ;D bwahaha, and yay! she's sporty :D I love those type~ anyways, thank you so much for applying~


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The deadline of the application is on March 14th and We only need 2 guys to squeeze in~ -Jiji


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Chapter 12: woah...Yunho's chocolate abs hahaha excited for everyone else! ^^
Chapter 11: Omg yunho's chocolate abs revealed! Lol xD I can't wait for the other chapters :3
Chapter 2: im glad you liked him personally....id love to date a guy like that too xD haha
Chapter 2: Wa-Cha! my male application ^.^

Chapter 1: im gonna apply as a boy character :3
Chapter 2: Uwaaahh thanks for accepting my male character!! ^^
Chapter 2: Congratulations to starlight101 and chyahwang for getting selected!
All we need is 2 other boys to complete!