XI. VIXX TV: Featuring Elevate's Individual Member Teasers (1)


Everyone was busy preparing for Jellyfish's concert in Japan that day. Elevate was not an exception, though there are 2 members left without everyone knowing, the remaining nine members would be featured on the spring concert in Osaka that coming sunday. Everyone came with their own new look, N colored his hair to jet black, Ravi came back to his dark brown hair, Leo trimmed her hair a little shorter so does Hongbin. And this time, They brought VIXX TV back to Japan for the nth time. Ken checked the camera whether it was on or not. while all the boys getting ready with his microphones.


"BEEEPPPP~" Ravi made the sound, signaling that the broadcast would begin soon.

"Reaaal V!! VIXX TV!!" N popped out behind Ravi.

"We are now in Japan, guys," N said as the camera roamed around the airport.

"Today, we are in Narita Airport!" Ravi said.

"Guess what we are going to do?! o o o otokaajiii~" Ken sang.

"We are having a concert here in Japan with all Jellyfish Entertainment members~" Hyuk beamed.

"Look, Sung Shi Kyung sunbae nim and Park Hyoshin sunbaenim are here~" Ken beamed as he moved the camera to the two soloist walking behind him.

"Not to mention, ELEVATE!" Ravi said as the camera moved away to film each of Elevate members in their first airport attirer.

Leo and Jin was walking together talking about the stages and so when Ken jumped in between them, "Everyone, this is Jin hyung, Leo hyung's closest friend after N hyungie~" he beamed.

"Meet Eunhye and Sungjae!" N sang as he flung his arms around Eunhye's shoulder, earning a blush from the girl and a playful slap from Sungjae.

Hongbin and Hongjun stopped and posed together, leaning themselves on the walls like a statue. "Here you go, the two artwork brothers, Hongbin and Hongjunnie," Ravi smiled.

Leo grabbed his mic and walked toward Joo Ri, "She is Joo Ri and that guy with the book over there, is Hyunwoo," He said with a soft and soothing voice.

"This is My Hyeri~" Hyuk sang as he flung his arm on Hyeri's shoulder. "Don't Touch my hyeri," A boy argued. "Shut Up, Yunho ya," Hyeri lightly blushed when Yunho flung his arm on her shoulder.

"The Kids running around overthere is the twins, Chung Cha and Chung Ho," Ravi introduced as the camera shot two young teenagers chasing after each other while pushing their small trolleys.

Last but not least, Aleina she is, the happy girl," Ken said, moving himself to Aleiina who was sleepy at the moment. "Sadly, everyone, the battery had gone low," He continued.

"Keenn~~ you forgot our surprise at the very end of the shoow~" Joo Ri butted in between of them and tugged on Ken's arm, showing a cute interaction in front of the camera.

"Wasn't today the first individual member teaser supposed to be released from VIXX TV?" N came and joined the two.

"Whose teaser is supposed to be out today?" Ken asked.

"Uhm..." Joo Ri pulled out a round Harry Potter like glasses out and a wand.

"It's still a secret, everyone," Ravi shusshed everyone from leaking the teaser. "Tell us through SNS, if you have found out who the teaser was," He continued.

"Wait! What was that?" N asked as the camera moved to shoot Ken and Joo Ri interwining their hands together as they pulled the trolley together.

"It's another surprise, starlights,"  He whispered.

"This has been, Real V! VIXX TV," Ravi said as the camera disolved into the teaser.

After all of them got to the hotel and checked on the Live stream of VIXX TV, Joo Ri went out with Ken, Eunhye, and Her brother. she was getting used to holding hands with Ken. N was not that surprised seeing his sister getting that close to one of s. Ken was also enjoying her moment with Joo Ri. They were walking by the street and stopped by in a coffee shop, discussing Joo Ri's and Eunhye's stage name. since their teasers might be coming in the mean while. 


"Jjyul, what stage name would you like to have?" Ken asked.

"Erm, Barbie?" She tried to joke.

"Ish, I'm serious," Ken Whined as he sipped his hot chocolate.

"I picked Julliane though," She smiled as she messed the latte art from her cup.

"It rhymes with your name, Jjyul," N said as he messed his sister's hair.

"What about you, Hye?" Joo Ri asked the younger who is busy with her SNS.

"Huh?" She lifted her head up, stopping her activities for a while.

"Aigoo, this kiddo," N peeked on her ipad finding her posting pictures through her instagram account.

"I asked you, have you decided your stage name?" Joo Ri sighed.

"Jjyul, loosen up a bit," Ken rubbed Joo Ri's back as the girl loosen herself a bit.

"Ah that, I would go with Sayuri, unni~" She snapped her finger and beamed.

"Good choice," N messed her hair.

"Oppa, not my hair?" She puffed her cheeks and playfully pounded N's chest.


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The deadline of the application is on March 14th and We only need 2 guys to squeeze in~ -Jiji


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Chapter 12: woah...Yunho's chocolate abs hahaha excited for everyone else! ^^
Chapter 11: Omg yunho's chocolate abs revealed! Lol xD I can't wait for the other chapters :3
Chapter 2: im glad you liked him personally....id love to date a guy like that too xD haha
Chapter 2: Wa-Cha! my male application ^.^

Chapter 1: im gonna apply as a boy character :3
Chapter 2: Uwaaahh thanks for accepting my male character!! ^^
Chapter 2: Congratulations to starlight101 and chyahwang for getting selected!
All we need is 2 other boys to complete!