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Days and weeks pass by like whirlwind and I’m still bugged by my mind and my heart. This is so odd. I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore. I’ve tried doing crazy things like clubbing for three consecutive nights but it’s still the same. My mind and heart is still ganging up on me and they are missing one person that I even barely know. Well, I know him, but whatever I know about him is not enough for me to miss him. I don’t know what he has that made me this crazy, but all I want now is for my life and the old me to come back.

As usual, I’m in my lazy mode coz it’s a Monday which means that I’m going to work once again even if our studio is now holding on to its dear life for we can’t pay its rent anymore coz it’s been weeks since we last had a customer. I swear, the moment our photo studio closes, I’ll jump off the Halla Mountain.

“Is this day gonna be crap again?” I asked my lovely magic eight ball.



“What? Gosh!” I exclaimed after it answered me.

OK. I know that I cannot rely on a freakin Magic eight ball at all, but it’s better for me to at least have a warning coz you know, I don’t want to get shocked at the end of the day of how crappy this lovely Monday would be.

“Another question” I sat up and hold it tightly “Am I going to bump into him today?” I asked then shook the ball for I don’t know how long.



“Concentrate and ask again? Seriously” I said then sighed “OK freakin ball...I’ll do what you say” I took a deep breath, closed my eyes then asked again “Am I going to bump into him today?”



“AAAHHHHHH!” I shouted after seeing the ball’s answer.

“You’re seriously losing your mind….I swear” I can’t believe that I’m talking to a ball. Well, I’m used to talking to myself but to a ball, this is only one of the few.

With the ball’s answer still in mind, I went out of my room and saw Mummy doing Yoga. According to her, she’s getting fat already and is in need of a good diet and exercise program. She even brought me and MG to the gym to do Zumba but it isn’t for us and most especially for her coz our family is not gifted with a dancing talent. The four of us have bamboo like bodies that will not even bend at all. No. A bamboo is much better than us for it sways in sync with the wind, while we can’t even follow a beat.

“Wow! You’re really serious about this” I said while settling on the couch.

“I told you darling…I am” she’s in a weird Yoga position and from the looks of it, I can tell that a muscle or a nerve will snap.

“What do we have this morning?” I asked while watching her do her thing.

She changed into another position “I cooked egg rolls and sausages for you guys”

“Why do I even ask when I already know the answer” I said and head to the kitchen.

Believe it or not, my siblings and I eat the same food every single day. Egg rolls and sausages in the morning, sweet and sour pork or beef brisket during lunch and samgyupsal or chicken cordon bleu for dinner. If only I know how to cook, I will definitely change my mother’s lame menu in a snap. Thing is, I don’t know how to cook. As a matter of fact, none of us knows. Mummy keeps on trying but the said dishes above are the only ones that she can nail.

“Ugly….can I talk to you?” MG asked upon entering the dining room.

I just stared at her till she reaches her seat “What’s it about?” I asked with food in my mouth.

She sighed “I really need your help”

I don’t know, but she’s acting a bit strange and I have a strong feeling that she did something stupid once again and she wants me to cover up for her. This happens all the time though. My younger siblings always use me to cover their stupidity and foolishness to Mummy.

“Have you been ing around in school again?” I asked.

She looked at me in disbelief “Ugly!” she exclaimed “I’m doing well in school…hmmm….I’m a bit well now…but…I really need your help”

“Then tell me what it is…QUICK!” talking to my sister is really the most boring thing ever.

“Well….we have this school trip and it’s really gonna be fun….thing is…I asked Mummy to permit me to come and she said No….because according to her….our budget for this month is not that big and she still has a lot of things to pay…so…I was thinking….” I guess we are dealing with some money problems again.

“What? You’re thinking to ask me for to pay for your school trip….am I right or am I correct?” I asked and she gave me a forced sweet smile.

“You are right and definitely correct…please Bill….please pay for it” I like this, she’s begging in front of me.

“And now you’re calling me Bill…nice!” I teased, making her more desperate.

I love this! My sister is begging and this is a very rare moment. Ok. I know that I’m being an evil sister for making her suffer and desperate but I’m telling you, I’m not evil at all coz as far as I’m concerned, I’m one of the sweetest sister of all time.

“Please please please….Bill…please….pay for that trip so that I can come”

I looked at her blankly then laughed “Oh gosh! If you can only see yourself….you’re gonna hide in a cave coz you look so desperate begging in front of me” I told her, making her hiss.

“Fine Bill…if you don’t want to pay for it…it’s all good….I’m just going to sulk in my room and let envy eat me…raw” she is so good in this.

“Whatever! How much do you need anyway?” I asked and a wave of hope came into her.

She smiled “60,000 won” she answered and I almost spit the food in my mouth at her.

“What? Where are you going anyway? To Mars?  Why is it so damn expensive?” I asked in shock.

She sighed heavily “We’re heading to Jeju….we’ll be touring the whole of it for four days”

What the hell is wrong with these schools? I mean, why are they even conducting trips that are so expensive? I can even tour Jeju for two days, while they are going to do it for four days.

“This is really unreasonable…I swear Monster….60,000 won isn’t a joke at all…it’s not easy to earn that much amount in a couple of days only….this is really too much” I really want to send my sister off but I don’t have enough money to pay for her trip.

“Oh well…I guess I really can’t come….it’s all good” the look on her face will really make you pity her coz it looks like the world has ganged up on her.

I sighed heavily then stared at her “When do you need the money?” I asked.

“Two days from now….it’s the last date for payment” she answered lamely.

“Alright…..I’ll see what I can do…BUT….don’t expect yet…coz….the business isn’t doing well and I don’t know if I can earn that much money even if I take part time job  for a while...I didn’t know that Mummy is going through some budget problems” I said and she sighed heavily.

“You know her…she splurges as much as she earns….anyway…thank you Ugly…you’re really an angel today” she’s back to being a cold sister once again.

“Whatever” I said then sighed.

So I’m in need of extra income and I d

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now