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[Big Bang ruled the Music Charts again]

[The BANG-ing comeback!]

[Billie London’s all-out support for G-dragon and Big Bang]

Yesterday, global superstars, Big Bang had their first comeback stage after not being active for a long time. The much anticipated group album is also rocking every music charts online and is also gaining popularity in different countries. According to the group, they really worked hard to give their fans a good finish product and is going to continue working hard to have a lively stage. Made out of love for the fans, the five members shared that their new release is a fruit of their hard labor. Day and night recordings, meetings after another and countless revisions were made just to come up with not just a good finish product, but an awesome one.

G-dragon, the leader of Big Bang shared their hardships while doing the album saying,

“All the members injected their own style in this album….we produced it together….this isn’t just a one or two man show….all of us have worked so hard to be able to get this wonderful piece out in public”

And when asked if he’s having a hard time juggling his career and his personal life, the leader gave out a smile then said,

“I know where this’ll lead….you’re going to ask me about Billie” he took a deep breath then cleared his throat “I’m doing my best to make my career and love life gel together …I must admit….being in this line of job and having a girlfriend doesn’t usually work….but….Billie and I are working and figuring things out together….right now she’s very busy with being a photographer and her family….we meet whenever we’re both free which only means that we rarely meet nowadays….but….our communication is so open....and it’ll never go away coz once we don’t communicate anymore…it’ll lead to many problems and we don’t want that to happen”

Is Billie London a supportive girlfriend? How is she dealing with your busy schedule?

“As I’ve said….we’re both busy….but yes…she’s a very supportive girlfriend….she may not be there in every performance but she never fails to give me encouraging words…she’s not only supportive to me…but with the whole group as well...she understands every bit of my work and I’m so grateful for that…Billie is the kind of woman who will go with what she thinks is best for you and she will not hold you back to things that you want to do”

After our interview with G-dragon and the rest of Big Bang, prepared for the second set of their comeback stage already. The fans went gaga over the boys, but what caught everyone’s attention is Billie London’s sudden appearance.

Wearing a simple shirt matched with shorts and flats, G-dragon’s girlfriend chose to stay on the far end of the audience area where people can’t notice her easily. Even though she’s sitting alone, it’s obvious that she’s enjoying Big Bang’s performances. It was also said that she has a crown lightstick with her and even waved it when the group performed their song, Blue. However, there are no interactions between her and her superstar boyfriend, G-dragon.

This is how every relationship should be. Support to one another is really important. We wish Big Bang, Good Luck to their promotions and the wonderful couple, Billie and G-dragon to a good and long lasting relationship!


Busy. Busy. Busy. G-dragon and I are so busy to the point that we’re not seeing each other that much anymore. Well, it’s been a month since my crazy pregnancy false alarm happened and with my brother at home and my man doing what he does best, performing and being a superstar, I’m quite stressed for I don’t know where to place myself anymore.

Exactly a month ago, we were able to bring Drake home already after almost three months in the hospital. My lovely brother is still in a vegetative state though according to his doctors, he’s improving each and every day now. Aside from taking care of myself (I still got Anemia and it’s really dragging me to hell because I still feel sick from time to time even with continuous medications), I’m the one who volunteered to watch over Drake because Mummy found a job at a local firm in Insadong, and MG is also working her off. No. This doesn’t mean that I stopped working already. I’m still an active photographer under Jang Hyun Sajangnim and is now leading major shoots and projects as well. Actually, I don’t know how I do it, but I’m thankful to God for I can still juggle all these without getting fed up.

What’s up with G-dragon and I? Well, we are going strong. As a matter of fact, we feel freer now than before because the people seem like they’ve accepted us already. I go with G-dragon in some events that he’s invited to and is a regular visitor of him and the boys in the YG studios as well. If before my nerves always shoot up whenever I’m in one room with the people in his world, now I can say that I’m cool with them already. As a matter of fact, I always hang out with the boys especially when my lovely man is so busy and absorbed with work.

“Morning Monster!” I greeted Drake cheerfully.

My daily routine has changed since he came back. Before, once I open my eyes, I take a bath, dress up, have breakfast and go straight to work. Now, the moment I open my eyes, I go to my brother’s room to check on him, clean him up (yes, that includes changing his diaper), and then feed him. I’m one tough cookie for I can handle the dirty job. After all, I’m doing this for my brother and I have vowed to do everything, even dedicate my whole life to him.

After cleaning him up, I wheeled him out of his room to at least take a breather. He’s not allowed to go out of the apartment yet because he still got a few apparatus connected to him.

“They’ve gone to work already” I placed him beside the couch then took a seat “I woke up quite late” I told him then touched his hand.

Although he can’t speak, I can see in his eyes that he is thankful to all of us for being there and taking care of him.

“What do you want? Potatoes or carrots?” I asked after wheeling him in the kitchen.

OK. This is a silly move for he will not even answer me, but I’m telling you, Drake and I have a unique way of talking to each other.

I raised a potato and a carrot then made him choose, but instead of choosing, he looked down.

“Why? Don’t you want these? Do you want fruits?” I asked and he sighed heavily.

I crouched down in front of him then held his hand “I know that you’re sick of eating mashed foods already….but Monster….this is the only food that is allowed for you to eat….don’t worry…once you’re completely fine….I’ll buy you all the foods that you want….but for now….let’s stick with potatoes and carrots and fruits and whatnots” I told him and he gave out a small smile.

This is really a drag. My brother is dying to move and talk already. Not to mention, he’s sick and tired of the food that he’s eating as well. It’s heartbreaking but it’s better for him to be like this than not have him with us anymore.

After mashing some carrots, I started feeding him while eating breakfast as well. I decided to just eat some crackers and drink coffee coz I can’t bring myself to cook at all no matter how I wanted to.

“O….K….let’s check my schedule out” I said with Drake beside me while I’m scanning through my schedules on my laptop.

“GOSH!” I gasped upon seeing an article about Big Bang.

How can I forget about their comeback? It’s today and it’ll start in a few hours from now. This is crazy! How can I go there when I have a jam-packed schedule this afternoon? Can someone split me in half so that I can attend to all my commitments?

“Big Bang’s music video is also out now” I clicked on it then watched it with Drake.

He seems to love their song because he keeps on making loud noises.

“What do you think should I do?” I asked while scanning my brother’s face.

Drake just stared at me as if saying “Go with wherever you feel like going”

“I promised Jiyong that I’ll watch their first live performance….and….this is also a good time for us to see each other….coz….it’s been a whole week since we saw each other….but then…if I’m going there…I have to cancel two shoots which is totally off because it’s been scheduled for a long time already” I am literally torn right now.

And because I can’t decide alone, I called Bunny for help. This girl is not a big help sometimes but her presence will give me some peace of mind.

“Look Kenken…there are only two options….drop the shoots or drop Big Bang’s performance”

I shook my head “Bubu…I just can’t drop the shoots….those are wedding shoots and cancelling it is not an option….in terms of not going to Big Bang’s first live performance….well…it’s just fine….but….I’ve promised Jiyong that I will come....he’s expecting me there...that man will totally get disappointed once I don’t show up”

This is really hard. I can’t even think right anymore. I don’t want to drop any because I’m sure that I’ll disappoint some people and I really hate that.

“But….you don’t have a choice….your work needs you as much as your boyfriend do…your last resort is to choose one and just say sorry to the other” Bunny said, making my mind twisted.

Afternoon came and I’m doing my first shoot for the day. I’m not in my element and I feel like it’s radiating even in the frames that I’m taking because t

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now