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Maybe the saying is true, that when happiness hits you, nothing matters anymore, that even if you know you’re risking too much, you just brush your worries off and go with the flow. I don’t know, but this day is totally spotless. All the things that happened are just so wonderful and the day hasn’t ended yet. I still got a few hours to enjoy my birthday.

G-dragon’s birthday surprise is just so freakin good. My man really knows how to make me flip and jump in joy. I swear, I didn’t expect this at all. Yes, I already have an idea that he’s up for something, but what I didn’t expect is that he’s going to bring things to another level, making it more memorable and totally moving. Showing the video to tons of people surely needs a lot of guts and I must say, he got it. Of course, I’m worried because we’re so out in the open already. I mean, just imagine a busy street being paralyzed because of this video that a popular person prepared for his “secret lover”. Who wouldn’t be interested, right? It really brought a lot of attention and whether they’re a fan of his or not, they stopped and spare some of their time to hear his sweet words to the person he loves. It’s totally amazing but at the same time, nerve-wracking coz I don’t know what will happen to us next.

“That was the greatest surprise that I ever seen!” MG exclaimed.

I’m floating on air. I can’t even express in words how happy I am coz no words can really explain what I’m feeling right now. Not only that, I’m still in shock.

“We have to go inside now….it’s getting a little stuffy out here” Mummy said after realizing that the people haven’t left yet.

I don’t know how he made this possible, but the whole street is literally filled with people. We caused traffic and even disturbed the quietness and peacefulness of the hospital.

“I think Mummy’s right….we have to go in now” I told G-dragon whose smile reaches from ear to ear.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind then kissed my cheek “Alright….let’s get out of here” he said then grabbed my hand.

If it weren’t for his manager and the hospital’s security team, we won’t be able to get out from the crowd. I can hear people greeting me a happy birthday, while some are saying “No Oppa! Don’t do this to us!”

Just by thinking about how G-dragon and Big Bang’s fans will react to this is already driving me nuts coz I know that some of them are not good with me at all and it’s going to take them a long time to accept me. Oh well, I will not mind them for the meantime because it’ll just ruin my good mood.

The moment we entered Drake’s room, all of us are in our festive moods already. Mummy hugged G-dragon while telling him how wonderful his surprise is. Seriously, this is the biggest and grandest thing that a man has ever done to me and not even in my wildest dreams have I thought that someone will do this just for me.

“I’m speechless” I told G-dragon when he joined me on the long couch “Totally speechless that all I can do now is smile”

He chuckled “You’re speechless but you’re talking….that’s quite ironic…isn’t it?”

“Whatever!” I said then hugged him.

He pulled me closer to him then hugged me tightly “Are you happy?” he asked, making me look up at him.

“Are you serious? I am extremely happy! I’m on cloud nine!” I answered cheerfully, receiving a pinch on the cheeks from him.

“Aigoo…you’re so cute” he said with his face only inches away from mine “I love you”

He pointed his lips out and I did the same with mine then gave him a smack “Love you too…so much” I replied and wrapped my arms around his neck.

All these years I made myself believe that love is not that important, that it’s not cool at all for it’ll just bring you to a pool of pain and total devastation, but what I didn’t know is that love can truly make you realize how good and beautiful life is. I’ve locked myself inside a box and didn’t even dare to go out coz I’m afraid of being hurt, but now that I’m out, I can definitely say that I’ll not go back in anymore for I’m happy in where I am now.

And because Drake wasn’t able to witness everything, G-dragon made him watch the video through DVD and just by looking at my brother, I can say that he’s touched by what his hyung did especially just for his sister. His face lightened upon seeing Big Bang perform the song that G-dragon wrote for me.

“You like that?” I asked Drake while his hand gently.

He made a sound and moved his eye up “Me too….I love it” I told him.

Talking to him is a challenge, but I’m sure that once he starts therapy, things are going to be a bit easier. It is hard seeing my brother, who is so energetic before, in this state now but all I can do is accept reality that he’s not going to live normally anymore.

“Drake…tell me who’s cool?” G-dragon asked him playfully.

My brother made a loud sound “Yeah! Me!” G-dragon answered his own question, making me roll my eyes at him.

“Gosh! Why do you have to bring yourself up?” I asked, earning laughs from MG and Mummy.

“Yaaaa…..don’t tell me you don’t find me cool after what I did” he said and I shook my head.

“Na-uh….it’s not that cool” I lied.

He looked at me with narrow eyes, making me laugh “Oh my Jiyong! You’re totally driving me crazy!” I said then pinched his nose.

He shrieked in pain “AAAHHH!” then removed my hand away.

An hour passed by with us talking and telling stories to Drake. According to his doctors, it’s going to be much easier for him to accept his situation if we’re going to treat him like we normally do. And this is w

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now