Not Enough Plans

A Break from Dreams

Sorry, I have not been updating. Life kind of got in the way and inspriation was kind of gone, but it is back now and I promise to finish what I have started! Hwaiting!! 

Your P-O-V

Kai was so sweet. I found myself laughing at his little quirks, like losing focus quickly, stuttering when talking too fast, and his ability to make those dark chocolate brown eyes shine brighter than any- wait, no. I can't be falling for Kai. No way. Na-uh. I just started as a trainee at SM and I know for a fact dating beautiful celebrities adored by the public is forbidden, so dating some nobody-not-pretty-barely-holding-on-to-her-dreams-because-her-previous-company-when-bankrput is definitely out of the question. Sigh. Maybe I'll find someone even better. Maybe I'll find love. Hey, maybe that's soon. 

Kai's P-O-V

"A kiss scene?!" I said, almost shouting, at the director for our comeback M/V. "What? K-kiss scene? Ani! No! I mean, why me when Chanyeol or Baekhyun hyung could be so willing to plus they probably have experience so they'll know what to do." The short and stocky director like out a hollow laugh in his low voice.

"Kai, you'll do fine! Plus, you're the visual! What girl wouldn't want to kiss you?" I can think of one, I thought. Her sweet voice and calm tone all held back with her delicate lips that probably will never met mine. I let out a big sigh.

"Are you sure this is something I absolutely have to do?" I asked, trying on a pair of my best puppy eyes in hopes of persuading the director.  

"Hey, you're not always going to like what you're going to do." He said as he exited the door, "but you're probably the only teenage boy who doesn't want to kiss a pretty girl."


The day of the music video shooting soon came and of course, kissing scene first. Although my heart aches for my dream girl, maybe it's good to move on? It's been years since I laid eyes on that photo, and now that she's finally in my life...nothing has happened. Maybe that was a sign? To move on with my life? Whether it was or wasn't I still ha a job to do. The model was stunning, admittedly.  Her milk skin had the perfect glow and her had naturally long black hair that reached her hips, which were noticeably wider than her waist, giving her nice curves. The scene was dull with only artificial moonlight bouncing off our faces has the distance closed off. 

Your P-O-V

Today, since all teachers were helping at the Exo music video shooting, we were to come also. To learn what it actually takes to film one of those things and yikes- did it take a lot. Wires were landed everywhere and I should've won a MAMA award right then and there for my fancy footwork as I dodged tripping over one. A red light suddenly went on and everyone around me, that was once moving at a top speeds despite the wires, suddenly stopped and gathered around a dark set. "What's up with-" I began to whisper, but our leader, Jiyeon quickly slapped my mouth shut with her arm while pointing to the same set everyone was huddled around. 

After about 2 minutes the set lit back up and clapping came from all directions. Kai's big-eyed face emerged and a tall and pretty girl followed. "K-kiss?" I asked Jiyeon and she nodded her head. "Kiss scene? Kai? Girl? Huh?" To be honest, I didn't know how to think or what I was supposed to think. I don't like Kai, or I do like Kai? Was I happy? Was I jealous? What was I feeling? Something, strong I'll tell you that. It was like a traffic light in my head switching from green to red to green to yellow back to green then red. I couldn't make out what this all means. Frozen I stood, pretending to pay attention to the rest of the music video shooting. 

Kai's P-O-V

Wow, that wasn't bad. Not bad at all. It was actually...good? Clapping made it awkward. Why were they clapping for me? Chanyeol came up to me and high-fived me, "Way to go, dude! Our little dongsaeng making a name for himself as a heart breaker!" I pretended to laugh at his joke, not knowing what else to say back. I sat down next to Kyungsoo. 

"Did kiss" He whispered.

"Um..yeah, actually." I whispered back, I could feel my cheeks starting to blush.

Kyungsoo little punched my arm, "What about your dream girl, huh? Would you like to kiss her?"

I thought about it, thought about lying about my position on that topic, but in the end Kyungsoo would always be able to read through my lies. I told him my honest thoughts, "I'm thinking about moving on from her..." I kept my head down.

"Huh!?" Kyungsoo said a little too loud, attracting attention. Once, all eyes were off us he continued, "Yah! You've liked her for too long! You enjoyed yourself when she's in your company-"

"That was a month ago, Kyungsoo. She never talks to me, probably doesn't make an effort. I probably don't even cross her mind." I took a moment to calm down before I continued. "Kyungsoo, it hurts to think about that, you know? To know that I can make up all these stupid fantasies about us falling in love and I can think about her all I want but nothing will ever change. That her thought about me will never change. That I can care this much for a person that will never care for me." It took me a moment to realize that tears had already reached my mouth. I let my palms hit my eye sockets and buried my face into my heads. 

"Annyeong, Exo" I heard our stylist's voice, but didn't look up. "You know these trainees, I believe. They're here to learn, please treat them kindly!"

"Please treat us kindly!" High pitched voices said in unison. I felt Kyungsoo's body come closer.

"Jongin, she's here." He whispered. Insert every curse word here. 


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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.