A Time Before

A Break from Dreams

"Alright guys, that's enough for today." The dance teacher of pre-debut Exo said before taking a sip of his water bottle.

The members gathered thier stuff together and packed it up in their old and dirty gym bags. Kai lifted his face toward the clock. 1:35am. He showed no expression of surprise because he honestly wasn't.  He let his head fall down and continued to pack up his extra t-shirts and rags that he filled with sweat thoughout the course of the day. Next to him, a small and young Luhan stood up.

"Good job today guys." He said cheerifully, trying to not let his triedness shake his voice. A seris of nods and grunts of agreement came from the pac of 12 boys. Kai remained quiet and stood up and followed Luhan and Sehun out the door but, they were stopped outside the doorway. "Was this here before?" Luhan turned to ask Sehun who just gave a shrug. Directly placed outside the dancing room was a bulletin board leaning against the pale blue walls. 

"It probably has been placed there because of all the reorganizing they've been doing to the SM building." Kris's husked voice said from behind the line of members waiting to get out. "Now keep it going. We all need our sleep for tomorrow." Luhan and Sehun did as told and continued on their journey out the building, down the street, and to the dorms. Kai took a quick glance at the bulletin board. There was nothing but the english word "future" posted on it and a photo of a girl. She had her long brown hair tied in a ponytail. She wore yoga pants and a sweatshirt and gave the camera a thumbs up with a small smile to brighten up her face. Kai was taken back a bit. He liked the photo. Because of her pose? Because of her unique smile? Something about the photo drew him in. His train of thought was shattered when Chanyeol gently pushed his back.

"Hurry up." he said with his eyes half closed.






The bulletin remained there, everyday after dance class. Everyday after dance class, Kai would stare. Every time Kai would stare, he would wonder why he is drawn in so much. Everytime Kai would wonder why he was drawn, in Luhan would notice. "That bulletin and photo have been there ages! I don't think anyone would miss that photo if you took it." Luhan said wrapping his arms around Kai's shoulder. "You stare at it everyday. Do you find her pretty? I guess she is pretty? You like her, huh? Kai?" Luhan said starting at Kai waiting for a responce.

"I...I don't...." Kai began. Luhan steped forward and separated the picture from the bulletin. He turned to face Kai and handed him the photo.

"She's all yours" He said. He waited for Kai's responce, which never came, before catching up with the rest of members on their way back to the dorms.

"She's all...mine?" Kai said to himself staring at the photo. A smile slowly appeared. "I guess she is pretty, huh?"


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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.