Not Enough Answers

A Break from Dreams

Kai's P-O-V

Ugh. Sun go away. Get out of my eyes. "Kai, get up" I heard Suho call. Ugh. Gramps go away. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 7 o'clock. Vocal class starts at 7:30. I look up to the picture I found almost 2 years ago. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I've grown to love that photo- to love her- more and more everyday. I get up and continue with my normal routine. I still wasn't fully awake as I sat down next to Kyungsoo and Kris in vocal class. With the absence of the teacher, noise started to increase and increase between the members. I sighed, and rested my head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. I felt his hand pat my cheek. I just want to sleep. My eyelids shut closed but were reopened when the door flew opened and stood our teacher with 4 other girls.

"Settle down. Settle down." She said clearly anger over our lack of self control. "These are new trainees. Well ,not new- but new here- so please treat them kindly. Remember how scared you were when you were trainees. Don't let your new lifestyle as a debuted group get to your head" She said coldly. Each of the girls bowed and introduced themselves but I zoned out of it. One of them looked so familiar. I knew her. I knew from somewhere. Where did I know her from? I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see a teasing smile painted on Luhan's face, "Your girl" he whispered. My girl? The girl? I looked at the familiar girl again but, this time I squinted my eyes a little to get a better view of her face. My girl. I felt my blod rush to my cheeks. My heart rate went up to unhealthy level. My grip around my the arm rest of my chair grew sweaty. Can she see me? Do I want her to see me? When did I last shower? What if she looks over here? Do I ignore her? Do I try to make a move? Do I look decent? More and more unanswered questions filled my head thoughout the class. I don't even know her name and she makes me feel this way.

After the class, I figured I mustarded enough courage to look back at her. I turned my head and saw her face light up with a smile as she talked to Kris. Ow. Something hurt my side. I looked down to where the pain was but nothing was there. Kris and her bowed to each other and waved goodbye. Ow. There it is again. What is this? It feels like an internal pain. It hurt even more when I tried to analyze what just happened. Kris talking to my girl. How long did was this going on? Why couldn't I talk to her like that? Does Kris like her? Is this pain jealousy?Stop asking yourself questions. You have enough of those. I stopped Kris on his way of exiting. " talked to the new student?" I asked.

"Yeah. She's nice and speaks more languages than me!" Kris said. My face fell and I felt my expression drop. Kris put his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear, "I can see why you like her. You're drrreeeeaaammm giiirrrll" He said the last part in a really high pitched voice that made me chuckle, lightening up my mood. "Don't worry, she's all yours."


Relief came over my body and loosened up my muscles. But does she know, she's all mine?

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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.