Not Enough Effort

A Break from Dreams

Narrator's P-O-V

Kai was too wrapped up in his own thoughts, about meeting his girl earlier that day, to focus on the conversation going on at the dinner table. One by one each member realized Kai's absence in the conversation but thought nothing of it. After dinner, Kai went straight to his room and a concerned Kyungsoo followed. Kyungsoo found Kai laying face down on his bed. "Kai, is everything okay?" He said sitting down at the edge of the bed. Kai turned over and stared at the ceiling. "Kai, talk to me" Kyungsoo said leaning closer to Kai. Kai covered his eyes with his hands then slammed them on the bed angrily.

"I...I thought...I planned out our whole meeting" Kai said finally. "I was going to introduce myself to her and have a thing of flowers, whatever its called, and wear nice clothes and she would just ran to me and-"

"Whoa. Have you been watching too many dramas?" Kyungsoo said, pleased with his joke. Kai gave him a that's not funny look. "Okay, okay. Sit up Kai" Kyungsoo motioned for Kai to come closer and Kai obeyed. "Do you think she's off in her room thinking to herself I met Kai and it was awful! He was sweaty and wore ugly clothes and didn't have flowers! Blah!" Kyungsoo stuck out his tongue causing Kai to grin. "No way! She's probably going Oh my God! I met Kai-oppa! Kai-oppa is so handsome! And his dancing is amazing omg!" Kyungsoo clamped his hands together and patted his eyes like a princess.

"Yah! Hyung. It's not just that. She was crying today. I didn't do anything to help."

"What were you supposed to do? Hold her? Comfort her? Kiss her?" Kyungsoo said while puckering his lips at Kai. "There's nothing you really could've done. You two are strangers. Dont lose sleep over this. We got a comeback soon." Kyungsoo said as he got up from the bed and shut off the lights. "Kai and dream girl hwaiting!" He said before leaving.

Your P-O-V


I realized that I haven't made as great of an impression on SM Entertainment as Jaehyun would like. She keeps scolding me for not trying enough. It's hard to make friends! You don't know what they're thinking! They could be judging me! How do I know if I'm bothering them? Plus, people tend to and around here, they're also very busy. But maybe the main problem is that I'm not trying hard enough. I held my head a little bit higher than I normally would to make myself look confident. Confident people attract others right? After a few seconds, I instantly felt stupid and the glares of everyone set on me, even though they probably didn't even notice me. My next class still hadn't started so, I waited in the hallway for the current class to end and mine to begin. I heard footsteps coming closer and my head shot up. He was pale and had black hair that was messily tossed. Is that D.O. from Exo? Should I talk to him? Maybe I should just stick to talking to the non-debuted people of SM. What would Jaehyun want me to do? Haha do, D.O. Haha. I found myself laughing while my eyes were still fixed on D.O.

"Um, are you okay...?" He asked me.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I um...Just remembered something funny. That's all" I said to cover up my lameness of laughing at my own jokes.

"Oh..." He said. He peered into the classroom and noticed it was busy. He turned back around and leaned against the wall on the other side of hallway. "So you're new here, huh?" You're kidding right? He's talking to me. OH SHOOT HE'S TALKING TO ME.

"Yeah...ummm..." I started to say. I wanted to continue saying something but nothing came to mind to talk about.

"How are you liking SM" He asked. Oh God, does he realize I'm struggling? Why must I be so anti-social?

"Yes, um. People really like music here." Well, duh. Nice one. "Passion. They're really um, passionate." Nice save.

"That's good to hear. We all really try our best. I know you'll fit in just fine."

The door nod started to jingle and Kyungsoo turned to face the exiting class.

"Hey Kyungsoo, where were you?" A deep voice in the crowd of students said. Oh crap (or show I say crack) cake. That's Chanyeol from Exo. No, no that whole class is Exo! Do I look up and stare at them as they leave? Am I supposed to bow? Can I just look at the ground and pretend like they're not here? Let's go with that.

"Hey Jongin, have you met her yet?" Kyungsoo said with his arm slinged around Kai's shoulders. "She says SM has a lot of passion."

"Annyeong" I said bowing a 90 degree bow, trying to be as respectful as possible. I could feel my social anxiety working up. " Thank you again for signing that card for my friend. I sent it to her yesterday in the mail."

"No problem." Kai said. A long pause came between the three of us.

"Hey! You don't have a class next right?" Kyungsoo said.

"I do actually. It's this one." I said pointing to the door. Chanyeol came behind Kyungsoo and pressed his finger to his puckered lips.

"Shhh... No you don't" Chanyeol said. I could take a hint.

"If I don't have class, what do I have then?" I asked. Maybe they're asking me to hang out. Wait. Exo? Asking me? To hang out? I tried to keep my hopes low and my cheeks from turning red.

"Join is for lunch." Kyungsoo said nodding his head for me to follow him and the rest of the members.

Kai's P-O-V




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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.