Not Enough Words

A Break from Dreams

Your P-O-V

I'm having lunch with Exo. What. How did this happen? Why did I agree again? I sat down at one of the table's ends because I'd probably end up being the one awkward person not talking and I didn't want to get in the way of Exo's conversations. D.O pulled up a chair next to me but, instead of him sitting down, Kai sat down with his gaze fixed on the floor. D.O sat next to him and after a moment of silence, he also broke the ice.

"So...see any guys here in SM that you..ah....that caught um, your eye?" D.O's face started turning a bright pink and he tugged slightly on his collar as he avoided my eyes by turning his head. Kai's head jolted up and he looked at his hyung. What an odd thing to bring up but I guess maybe that's something normal for Exo to talk about. They are young boys afterall.

"Um, well, I haven't really met a lot of people yet." I replied, my face probably the same shade as D.O's. 


"Oh, yeah that makes sense." D.O responded. "Kai hasn't really found any girl of interest either." D.O's expression quickly change to one of pain as a slight wince crawled from his mouth. I heard under him whisper under his breath, "Okay, fine. Just don't kick me again, Kai. You shouldn't be doing such things."



Kai's P-O-V

Is Kyungsoo really trying to play match-maker? I don't need him messing this up, as if they weren't already. Kyungsoo shuffled away from the table claiming he needed to go to the bathroom but, I see right past his little plan. I took a big sigh and slouched back into my chair. Maybe I should talk to her before this silence becomes awkward. Is it awkward? Am I already to late for that? Kyungsoo just left, just say something! What's a good topic? What are her interest? Hurry, time's running out!

"S-sorry" I said before knowing it. "For Kyungsoo, for him being up in your business. He didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said.

"Oh, it's fine!" She said before lightening her express to a soft smile, "D.O seems like a nice guy." I tried to hide my shock. Kyungsoo a nice guy? Does she like nice guys? Is she falling for Kyungsoo instead of me!? "You seem nice, too" She said as if she read my mind. Relief came over me until she started to lean in closer and the volume of her voice became lower, "But with all those SNSD girls and f(x) unnis running around, are you sure no one as caught your eye?" She said and chuckled to herself while sliding back into her seat. I chuckled along with her, trying to seem natural.

"I just like a nice girl, and they are nice and all, but they don't get my heart racing." I reassured her, shocking myself this time by how easy that statement came to me. Usually I'm not quite open with things like that. Eventually, Kyungsoo came back and he helped bring the conversation between me and my dream girl back to life if it seemed like it was dying. Lunch went smoothly and I guess I owe it all to Kyungsoo hyung. He was such a good friend. Maybe I can get this relationship off the ground sooner than I thought.

A relationship with my dream girl

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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.