Not Enough Happiness

A Break from Dreams

Kai's P-O-V

Luhan and Baekhyun didn't find any information at all. Did they just slack off the whole day? What's wrong with them! Can't they tell that this is important to me? Frustrated with my situation, I went to bed early but still got no sleep.

Your P-O-V

Training. Training. Training. Training. That's all I'm ever doing and sometimes it feels like that's all I'll ever do. I've been training for 9 years exactly. But, this is my first year training with SM, because the past entertainment label I was working with went bankrupt. After 9 years of endless working towards perfection, I am now a newbie again. It stings whenever I think about my debut. Will it ever come? Will I ever be good enough? Will my hardwork even be recgonized? Times like this, when I doubt myself and my future, bring me to tears and this time is no exception. Tears being to fall and I've excepted it as the way things naturally happen. I'm not good enough. I get sad. I cry.


The next morning, I desided to treat myself by sleeping in late. Jaehyun wasn't too happy about it because she still wants us to make a good impression but, when she saw my puffy red eyes she understood and let me be. I don't want to be seen as weak but, it is something that I cannot help. It is who I am. My eyes stayed puffy the whole morning. I tried to hide it as best as I could while looking in the mirror, "Go away redness! I am happy! See?" I said to my reflection as I smiled, "Happy" I wasn't sure if I was a fake or real smile. To be honest, I wasn't sure if any of my smiles were real or not. I am not sure what true happiness feels like. At least I don't think I do.

I made it to the SM buliding, hiding my face with huge sunglasses, 1 1/2 hours late. I desided since my dancing hasn't been its best lately, that I should go to dance room and participate with the current class, even though I have already missed my dance class. I walked into the class just as the bell rang.

"Who are you?" the dance teacher asked me.

"Oh, Sorry. I missed my dance class. Could I partake in this one?" I asked bowing my head down.

" I guess." the teacher said, clearly surprised someone would go out of their way to make up a class they missed. I made my way toward the rest of his students who were leaning against the wall facing the mirrors. "Say, aren't one of those transfer trainees?" He asked. I nodded my head and he nodded back and started the class.

Kai's P-O-V

Oh God. She's here. She's in my dance class. Maybe she did this on purpose. To be with me. Blood rushed to my cheeks at that thought. Stop it, Kai. She did not go into this class just for you. Focus. Focus. I can't focus. Okay. One look. Only one look at her then you'll focus! I turned my head to look at her and what I saw broke my heart. Her small face was red and puffy under her eyes and her eyes looked glossy from tears. My sweet angel, why do you cry? She looked up at me and instantly I turned my head back. Could she tell I was staring? Oh God, she finds me creepy. Maybe she's still looking at me. My face started feeling hot again. No, Kai stop. Don't make a scene.


During the remainder of he dance class, I managed to sneak in time to shortly stare at he beauty. Even if she wore a mask of tears, her beauty still overwhelmed my heart. I wanted to ask her so badly what's wrong. How are you? Why are you crying? Come in my arms and live there forever, okay? But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. At least, not here. Not in a dance class filled with my sweaty members. By the end of class, I realized today was not the day I swept my girl off her feet. I collected my things and prepared to go to my next class. "Um, hi.." a small voice behind called. I turned around to see the puffy eyed angel standing with her head looking down at her hands, which she fiddled it. I was shocked that she talked to me first. I was so prepared to make the first move I totally forgot that she could come up to me any time she pleases.

"Umm, I-I.." No, no wrong words! "Um, ....h-hi." Oh no. Could she tell I was nervous? What if that's a turn off?

"Hi...again..." She said very awkwardly. "My friend looks up to you and dreams of being like you or Lay one day. She's really into dance could I maybe get your autograph for her?"

"Yeah, yeah sure." Did that sound snotty? That sounded snotty. Oh no, now she thinks I'm a snotty, creepy freak. She handed me a card and a pen and I quickly signed it. I really wanted to start up a conversation and it looked like she was about to but, we ending up standing in silence.

"Okay, bye. Thank you" She bowed and left.

That could not be our first meeting. My first meeting with my girl

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Byul-Ah #1
Chapter 7: OMG who the girl ? the high pitched one ? .__.
I feel bads ging happen ;_;
aww update soon !!! :D
faster #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.
faster #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! I want to know moooooore...Kekeke. Anyway, I like your fanfic and I hope you update soon. I'm your new subbie, btw.