Extremely Cheesed-Up Cheesy Cheese Abs

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For the next 6 days nothing happened apart from constant practise. Most of the time the practise was done in the day however I had always caught Minho and Luna practising. The reason I was up that late was because I couldn't fall asleep, it was pretty much impossible for me. At the start I was falling asleep at midnight then it slowly got later and later. The night before the performance was the worst. I was just lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about all the ways the next day could go. I'd already tried counting sheep and I had been lying there, motionless, for hours. I finally decide that maybe it would help if I got a drink of water. I slowly pulled back the covers, hissing as the cold air suddenly hit my warm skin. My feet pad across the carpet and into the kitchen. Suddenly I hear a clatter and hide at the side of the door like a spy. By this time all of my tiredness, if any, had disappeared. I peaked around the door; there was a dark figure leaning over the counter, obviously stealing all of our riches. I grab the pan hanging by the cooker and ready it in my hand. 'Hold on', I think to myself, 'this isn't a dream and I can't fight to save myself. This will be the part in the movie where everybody is screaming at the TV to run away. Well I'm not going to be the stupid person who dies.' I slowly and quietly spin on my heels and begin my way to the door until my feet slip out from underneath me and my bottom hits the floor with a painful force. 'Well, maybe I am the stupid one,' I think. My mouth instinctively opens both from the pain and the fear of being killed by the burglar but before anything could come out a hand was forcefully pushed against my lips so that only mumbles could be let out. 'This is it, this is how I die,' I think to myself.


“Well well, what have we got here?” a croaky unknown voice said from behind me. I try my best to squirm out of their grip so that I could run away, or at least be able to scream for help.


“Don't scream okay?” they asked and I felt the hand move away from my mouth. When it was far enough away for my voice to carry in the air I started screaming “help” however the hand returned instantly.


“Didn't you hear me?” they say frustrated and the other hand comes up to my cheek, then I feel something cold against my skin, “Be quiet.” I feel an arm wrap around my leg and another around my back. By this time my mouth is free but I was too scared to scream. I tried to, I really did, but it was like the dream where you try your best but nothing comes out. 'He might be taking me to his lair to torture me,' I think which begins to boil up all the fear in my bones. He began walking down the corridor and stopped at my door.


“Open the door,” they demanded. I done as said. They walked into my room, put me on my bed and the lights. As soon as the lights were my instincts clicked. With the adrenaline fuelling my body I jumped at the figure, throwing all of my weight at them causing us both to tumble to the floor.


“Ha! And you thought you could kill me,” I say with a quiet and shaky voice.


“What?” the voice said.


“No one can kill me,” I say with the adrenaline leaking out of my eyes.


“Why are you crying?” they said and a thumb caresses my cheek slowly. I pull back immediately, “What the f-Onew?!” My eyes, once again, begin to leak but this time of relief. My body slumps back down upon, the now discovered, Onew and I close my eyes. I feel arms wrap around my back and I feel strangely safe.


The next morning I awoke in my bed. My eyes felt extremely heavy and I felt sleep, once again, try to take me. But before I became unconscious I realised a foreign heat source, Onew was lying in front of me. 'How didn't I realise this earlier,' I think to myself. I poke the silent unmoving Onew, “Uhh... Onew,” I say.


“I'm getting up mum,” he clumsily whined and returned to his stone-like state.


“I'm not old enough to be your mum, I'm younger than you!” I say and laugh. With this his eyes flew open and his eyes rested on mine.


“Uhm...” he said, unsure of what to say.


“Do you miss home?” I blurt out, not even using one brain cell, well I assumed I had at least one. He nodded, “Yeah, but it's nice to be with the group and I know I'll get to see them after tours...” This time I nodded my head and silence crept around us.


“Are you nervous about the concert?” he asks me.


“Yeah, I'm worried that I'm going to forget the lyrics or do the wrong dance, I don't wanna mess it up, especially since it's our debut” I say while nodding, “Are you nervous?”


“Of course, I'm always nervous,” he says and laughs, “But this time I'm more nervous about you.”


“What do you mean? Do you think I'll mess up?” I question.


“No, I know you'll do fine but do you remember when Taemin danced with BoA? BoA got a lot of hate mail and threats from sasaeng fans because of it. I don't want people realising it's you and giving you that treatment,” he said honestly. I nodded.


“But you don't need to worry about that,” he continues, “because I won't let you get hurt!”


“And how are you going to do that?” I say and laugh at his enthusiasm.


“By staying by your side of course,” he said grinning. I laugh at him once again, “You better keep your word,” I playfully joke. Again there was more silence.


“Why are you in my bed?” I ask, remembering the situation.


“Oh, you fell asleep on top of me,” he replied, a blush taking residence on his cheeks, “I took you to your bed but you wouldn't let go of me so I had to sleep here.”


“Oh,” a blush similarly making my cheeks it's home, “sorry.” He simply smiled at me and we just lay there. I turn my back to him and begin to fall asleep. An arm creeps its way around my stomach, it feels more comfortable that I thought it would. Sleep triumphs and I fall into a slumber.


When I next wake up my bed was nearly empty, only myself occupied the space. I slip out from underneath the covers and make my way to the noise filled room.


“Hey guys,” I say to all the members that were crammed into the living room. Some were jeering over Jonghyun losing the game, some were practising and some were going through the dance moves; everybody's busy. I notice Onew sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, away from where the others resided. As I neared him I could hear his soft voice quietly singing. I kneel down next to him, “Onew,” I say while nu

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SanderpBANA #1
Chapter 8: Never play with scissors! Haha ^-^ I like the update. Update soon again.
Chapter 7: Plz update
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 3: I liked this chapter :D is onew jealous of Minho???