Anything But My SHINee

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I suddenly hear mumbling all around me, then a voice boomed, “Ahh, you're awake now! I was expecting you... To be awake soon.”


“Ehh... What on Earth is happening?” I say, opening my eyes and finding my vision overexposed to the bright lights. I give my eyes half a minute to adjust and saw several goons staring at me whilst standing all around the room. There was one particular goon standing right in front of me whilst holding a white cat.


“Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh-” I scream. “Thats right, you better scream! We're going to carv-”, the goon standing in front of me said while I was still screaming although he got stopped by what I said next, “-What a cutie wittle kitty!”


“Hey!” The front goon exploded, “You're meant to be scared of us! As I was saying... We are going to carve out your eyes, cut off all your fingers and-”, he looked away to the left wall to say the last one and only turned his head suddenly towards me for the last two words, “-burn all of your SHINee merchandise!”


I had no words, only panic for a minute or two then I stated, “You wouldn't even dare. That would be the meanest thing ever!”


“Well we cut fingers all the time... and eat them fer hour tea!” the front goon said menacingly.


“Hold up!” I state confused, “Firstly, take all the fingers you want! Just leave my SHINee alone! Secondly, when did you turn Scottish?!”


“I wiz oways Scottish, ye jus didnae notice!” The front goon said with, what seemed, a stronger Scottish accent.


“Uhm... Okay then,” I said and heard a booming voice saying 'UP'.


“Who was that?” I ask and the front goon simply says, “It's jus interfearence, jus ignare the damned thing.”


I was going to say something back but I heard the squeaking of a trolley and I instinctively looked towards the loud noise, “Oh my god...” In rolled all my SHINee merchandise which overflowed the trolley. 'Okay, so they weren't bluffing. I need to do something and quickly!' I think to myself.


I survey the room to find some way to escape. The room was extremely plain and was painted fully in white paint. 'Well these guys know how to be cliché,

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SanderpBANA #1
Chapter 8: Never play with scissors! Haha ^-^ I like the update. Update soon again.
Chapter 7: Plz update
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 3: I liked this chapter :D is onew jealous of Minho???