Coffee Kisses

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I woke up to the sound of singing. Almost all of the members were trying to sing over each other. I looked to my right hand side at the clock which read 14:00.


A squeal released from my mouth as I rushed to the bathroom with a bundle of clothes that I had grabbed from my wardrobe. I burst in, dropped the bundle of clothes onto the floor and was about to take of my shirt when a cough interrupted me. My eyes wandered to the right of me where Minho was standing, smirking at me, with only a towel on.


“A little bit eager today,” he said with a short chuckle, “Why are you in such a rush?”


“Ohh, it's only you,” I say and laugh, “I have a stage presence lesson at 3pm and I woke up late.”


“You keep telling yourself that, you know it's really because you can't resist my y body,” he said whilst winking at me.


“Of course it is, how could I ever resist Mr. y,” I say pointing towards him and rolling my eyes.


Minho smirked and walked out of the door, “Hey Onew,” he said. Hearing that Onew was in hearing range I shouted to him, “I woke up late, but I'll try and be as quick as I can, sorry!”


I pulled off my clothes as quick as I could and jumped into the shower. I turned the knob and water started flowing. It was cold but I had to be quick so I tried to brave the shivers that came to the surface. Once I was finished in the shower I hopped out and got dressed for the day. I then made my way out of the bathroom and to my room. Onew was sitting on my bed, waiting for me. His eyes looked into mine, “Why were you in the bathroom with Minho?” his voice was quiet.


“I walked in on him by mistake,” I say and laugh, “I really didn't want to be late for you so I rushed into the bathroom without checking.”


He nodded and commanded me with a serious tone, “Starting from right now always check, even if you are in a rush.” I nod obediently.


“Hurry up and get your outside wear on, I'll be getting my shoes on,” he said and left for the front door.


I threw my scarf and jacket on which I found scattered around my room and rushed to the front door to put my boots on. Onew was waiting for me at the door; his jacket, scarf and gloves already on.


“Hurry up,” he said, obviously irritated, “I'll be driving us.”


I finally got my boots on and once we got to his car I jumped into the passenger seat. There was silence throughout the drive which was extremely unusual.


“Do you think they will make me into a guy today?” I ask.


“I don't know, probably not, they'll do that on the day of the performance,” he replied.


I nodded and the journey was, once again, filled with silence.


“Are you annoyed with me because I made us late?” I ask hesitantly.


“Hmph,” was the only reply I got.


Soon enough we got to the studio where a performance teacher, called Raina, was waiting for us. We introduced ourselves, even though she already knew who we were, and apologized for being late .


“Okay, so can I see the dance?” she half asked and half demanded. She walked over to the CD player and started the song. It was an elegant dance full of passion and love. Once we had finished demonstrating the dance she complimented both of us on the dance, “That was great, well done, although the moves need to be more fluid. You have to practise the dance every day from now on, however we will work on the dance in the next session” she smiled at us both, “More importantly, I need to teach you the fan service we're wanting.”


“Fan service?” I say out of surprise, I look at Onew, “We weren't told about that!”


Onew looked at me and sighed, “If they ask you to dress up as a guy wouldn't it be obvious that fan service would be included? I thought it was strange that you didn't mind.”


“I'm only new,” I say pouting, 'how w

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SanderpBANA #1
Chapter 8: Never play with scissors! Haha ^-^ I like the update. Update soon again.
Chapter 7: Plz update
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 3: I liked this chapter :D is onew jealous of Minho???