Truth, Lies and Puppies

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 The group had now assembled in a circle.


“I think we should ask a question and go around each person, that would be better than asking a different question to each and every person,” Minho demanded, “I'll start. Go and hug the person you love the most.”


“But who goes first?” I ask and immediately regret it as everybody looked at me.


I place my fist under my chin, pretending to ponder over who to choose, “I love my Lunnie,” I state while turning to my left and hugging Luna close. She laughed and snuggled me closer, “I choose you as well.”


Jonghyun cuddled Key, and vice versa. Taemin hugged Luna which earned an 'aww' from everybody. Next was Minho who practically threw himself at me. Onew looked at me and opened his arms slightly.


I laugh, “You're too smelly to hug Onew.”


“I wasn't going for you, I was going for my imaginary chicken,” he said defensively.


We all laugh.


“My turn!” Key shouts, “Who did you give your last kiss to?” This question earned an 'Oooh' from Taemin who grinned, looking like he already knew his answer.


“Lets start with the over-eager Taemin!” Jonghyun provokes.


“My last kiss...” he starts and grins, “Riki!” Everybody in the circle froze.


“Riki?” Minho said slowly.


“Isn't that a boys name?” I state matter-of-factly.


“Not that it would matter, we'd always accept you,” Key said. This earned a nod from everybody.


“But I don't know a Riki, and I'm sure we know everybody you know...” Onew says.


“You can't just kiss strangers,” Jonghyun says carefully.


This was apparantly too much for Taemin who had started laughing hysterically.


“This is a serious matter Taemin,” Luna stearnly said.


“Ri... Rik... Riki,” he said through laughter, “Is the cute... cute... pu...puppy that lives next door!” He splurts out. His body now on the floor rolling about while clutching his side, “You guys are too funny.”



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SanderpBANA #1
Chapter 8: Never play with scissors! Haha ^-^ I like the update. Update soon again.
Chapter 7: Plz update
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 3: I liked this chapter :D is onew jealous of Minho???