Chapter 6

Fate that Goes in a Rectangle

Woohyun proposed an amusement park playdate as part of the Young Mi and Dongwoo plan. He invited everybody, although Hoya and his own girlfriend, Jin Hee could not attend due to work.



“How are you going to get them alone together?” Eun Mi asked Woohyun in secret.



“Ditch the two together while they are not looking! Dongwoo is a gentleman so he won’t just ditch Young Mi behind. Hopefully,” Woohyun kept his fingers crossed, “it’s a big area anyways to get lost in.”



"Sunggyu-hyung! Look! They have these nice devil ears! Try and wear them!" Sungyeol waved a red headband that he found at a gift shop. Sunggyu stood there and gave Sungyeol a nice stare-down that made his eyes almost nonexistent.



"Never mind." Sungyeol quickly put the devil ears down.



Myungsoo immediately saw a food court and dragged Sungjong with him.



"You better give me some nice food, Myungsoo hyung! I'm starving!" Sungjong willfully followed behind Myungsoo.



Eun Mi stared at the men who already started the plan.



"I told you so. Now we have to get away from them." Woohyun stealthy grabbed Eun Mi's wrist and pulled her into a line for a crowded ride.



"The plan accomplished! Tell Young Mi-sshi to thank me later once they start dating," Woohyun gave a bright smile and started laughing moving his shoulders up and down at his own thoughts.



"But putting them together won't guarantee that they will date," Eun Mi commented, crossing her arms. She knew her best friend would not instantly hook up with somebody.



"But it takes their relationship to another new level. Oh how I love playing matchmaker!"






The noise came from a big roller coaster above them. Eun Mi instantly looked up.



Eun Mi began to lose color in her face. "Woohyun-sshi, are we going on that big roller coaster above us?" she stammered over her words.



"Of course! It's the best one in the park!" Woohyun exclaimed. He jumped up and down to observe the front of the line.



"Woohyun, I don't think I can go on this ride," Eun Mi squatted down in order to calm the panic feelings that were rising inside of her.



Woohyun saw Eun Mi in her sitting position and immediately got down, matching her eye level.



"You okay? You don't look so good," Woohyun's voice was full of concern. Eun Mi suddenly grabbed onto Woohyun's arm.



"Please don't make me go on this ride." Eun Mi pleaded with a soft voice. Her eyes got watery as she tried her best to mask the panic feelings that begun to take over her whole body.



Woohyun looked at the changed Eun Mi and knew something was up.



"Can you walk? The nearest exit out of the line is just a couple feet away."



Woohyun slung Eun Mi's hand over his shoulder and stood her up on her feet. He walked her out of the line and sat her down on a nearby bench while Eun Mi took her time to regain normality.



"Some water?" Woohyun handed her a ice cold bottle.



"Thank you so much." Eun Mi took the bottle and started drinking while Woohyun sat next to her.



When Eun Mi was done, she saw Woohyun staring at the ground. Pity hit her really hard.



"I'm so sorry Woohyun-sshi about the whole roller coaster thing. I don't understand why I start these panic attacks when I see those big roller coasters," Eun Mi frowned.



"It’s fine. You are okay now right?" Woohyun gave a pat on Eun Mi's back. He then suddenly stood up.



"Then let's go do some other things here! There is a great arcade over there!" He smiled and pulled Eun Mi back on her feet.



The guilt still lingered inside of Eun Mi as she knew that behind that smile, he really wanted to go on that big ride.



"Woohyun-sshi is so caring and amazing ..." she thought. She had to pay back Woohyun somehow because she ruined a day where he was suppose to have fun.




At the end of the day, they all miraculously met up at the food court for some dinner. Young Mi quickly ran over to Eun Mi when she saw her.



"Yah, you planned this didn't you? Leaving me alone with Dongwoo-sshi?" Young Mi whispered angrily.



"It was all Woohyun-sshi," Eun Mi pointed. Woohyun gave a bright smile to Young Mi and showed a v-sign.



Dongwoo came and sat at the same table as Eun Mi and Young Mi.



"Hey Young Mi-sshi! What did you want to order?" Dongwoo pointed at the menu.



"Hm, let me see," Young Mi scooted over next to Dongwoo, "this burger combo would be good."



"Kekekeke okay!" Dongwoo gave his infamous laugh and went off to wait in line. Eun Mi wiggled her eyebrows at Young Mi while Young Mi stuck out her tongue.



“SOOOO, what did you guys do?” Woohyun sat next to Young Mi, eager for details.



“We just went on a couple of rides after we realized that everybody ditched us. Gosh, you had no idea how frustrated we were. Dongwoo-sshi kept calling you guys, but nobody picked up,” Young Mi explained nonchalantly.



“Oh poor, Dongwoo hyung. He doesn’t even know we played a trick on him,” Sungjong jumped in, “he is too gullible.”



“I know right? He is so oblivious sometimes. But that makes him cute,” Young Mi gushed as her face turned red. She smiled thinking about Dongwoo’s funny personality.



In the distance, one could see Dongwoo coming back to the table in a dancing mood. He moved his arms like a cool hipster dancer while holding two water bottles.



“For you Young Mi-sshi! You must be tired from all that screaming you did on the Ferris Wheel,” Dongwoo handed a water bottle in a cool style.



“What, the Ferris Wheel? You were screaming on that?” Sungyeol was surprised, “that ride is like a kiddy ride!”




“Not when the ride kept stopping when we were at the top!” Young Mi gave a frown.




“Yeah Sungyeol-ah. You know how scary it is at the top!” Dongwoo added with attitude.




“Sure, I know I know,” Sungyeol sarcastically responded. He wriggled his eyebrows at Woohyun who gave a wink in response. Woohyun’s plan of getting the two together was really working.




“Thank you very much Dongwoo-sshi,” Young Mi smiled grabbing the water bottle, “come sit here next to me and Eun Mi-ah.”




As soon as Dongwoo sat down, Eun Mi got up.




“Sorry guys. I think I have to go. Woohyun-sshi, could you give me a ride home?” Eun Mi motioned towards the exit. She gave a wink to Young Mi who looked astonished.



“Yupps I sure can!” Woohyun cheerfully said.



“Woohyunie! Give me a ride too!” Sunggyu chimed in. He got up with his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat really loudly as a signal to Myungsoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol.



“Hey Myungsoo-ah and Sungjongie! Wanna go on that night water ride? It is really epic and we will get really wet!” Sungyeol tugged on the collars of the two.



The three of them left really quickly leaving Young Mi and Dongwoo alone once again.

Hi guys~ 

Sorry, idk why I don't have good creativity so this chapter is boring as well. Hopefully the next few will be a bit more interesting. <3

Despite my lacking ability...Thank you for reading!!


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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 8: who are you Jinhee? im so curious
Tarantulax #2
Chapter 2: Oooh~ Looks like Woohyun is making his entrance ;DDD This is going to be awesome! DUDE I LOVE MYUNGJONG! They are so cute. ;D

Young mi, I super agree with you girl. BAP FOR LIFE! OMG! DAEHYUN AND HIS HIGH NOTES ARE GLORIOUS!

Ho ho! Sneaky Hoya. I bet you aren't even doing this for Woohyun. You just wanted to invite her over. This as sneakiness writen all over it ;DDDD So smart~ Muahaha!

Lovely update~ ;)